
A strong and well-employed university where students can "pick up leaks"!

author:Yuyue college entrance examination guidance

The 2024 college entrance examination scores and the 2024 provincial score lines have been released in some provinces and cities. The first and second line students must be cautious, careful, in-depth research, and strive not to waste every point. Today, Yuyue Education has sorted out a list of universities suitable for one or two students, so let's take a look~

A crimping student

Northeast Electric Power University

The school is located in Jilin City, Jilin Province, a provincial key university, and is the first electric power engineering school founded by the Communist Party of China. The university is a doctoral degree authorization unit, with 3 first-level disciplines of doctoral degree authorization, electrical engineering, power engineering and engineering thermophysics, and control science and engineering, and 2 postdoctoral mobile stations for doctoral degree authorization in energy and power. It has the right to push and exempt master's students, and there are 15 first-level disciplines authorized for master's degrees, and 10 professional degree authorization categories for master's degrees. Although it is a second-class college, the admission scores of many majors are on the first-class score line, which is not worse than some first-class colleges, which is very suitable for first-class students to apply for the examination. However, in general, there are more students in the north in the school, and students from the south feel that the climate is not suitable and the distance is relatively long, so there are fewer applicants. If you don't mind these things, this school is really a very good choice.

University of Jinan

The school is located in Jinan City, Shandong Province, a provincial key construction university and a high-level university in Shandong Province, with the right to confer bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees. There are 3 post-doctoral research stations, 5 first-level discipline doctoral degree authorization points, 25 first-level discipline master's degree authorization points, and 22 master's professional degree training categories. Not only in Shandong Province is famous, in the country is very famous, although it is only a second college, but the overall admission score of the major is still relatively high, unless it is a score close to a score of the candidates, the other two candidates are difficult to be admitted, but a line student to apply for this school, the odds of winning are very large. There are 5 full-time academicians, 8 double-employed academicians, and 31 national high-level talents, such as winners of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, members of the National Special Support Program for High-level Talents, members of the Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, winners of the National Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars, millions of talents project, and new century outstanding talents of the Ministry of Education.

Dalian University

The name looks like a comprehensive college, but in fact, the school's science major is very strong, the software engineering discipline has been selected as a first-class discipline in Liaoning Province, and the clinical medical scientist discipline has been selected as the top 1% of ESI in the world. Liberal arts majors are very general, so it is not recommended for liberal arts candidates. The school is located in Dalian City, Liaoning Province, the urban environment is very beautiful, and it has also attracted many candidates from other places to apply for the examination.

Central North University

North University of China is also an influential institution in the province, with the reputation of the first school of military industry and people's militia industry. The school is located in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, which is not particularly advantageous in terms of geographical location. If you don't consider the location, this school is really a very good choice. There are 6 postdoctoral mobile stations, 7 first-level disciplines authorized for doctoral degrees, 2 first-level disciplines authorized for doctoral degrees, 25 first-level disciplines authorized for master's degrees, 13 professional degrees authorized for master's degrees, and 86 undergraduate majors. The ESI rankings of engineering, materials science, and chemistry are among the top 1% in the world. There are 70 national-level talents such as academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, double-employed academicians, national senior experts, winners of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, winners of the National Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars, national famous teachers, and national model teachers.

Lanzhou Jiaotong University

Lanzhou Jiaotong University is a cost-effective institution suitable for "one line student" to apply for, and it is an engineering-based university. The faculty is strong, with 2 double-employed academicians, 1 "Changjiang Scholars" distinguished professor, 2 "Changjiang Scholars" distinguished professors, and 2 national outstanding young people. The school is located in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, relying on the railway industry, highlighting the characteristics of transportation, civil engineering, environmental science and engineering, mechanical engineering, information and communication engineering, surveying and mapping science and technology and other disciplines have obvious comparative advantages in China. Two disciplines, engineering and chemistry, are ranked in the top 1% of ESI global rankings. In the fourth round of discipline evaluation by the Ministry of Education, three disciplines, namely traffic and transportation engineering, civil engineering, and environmental science and engineering, were rated as B-class disciplines, and mechanical engineering were rated as B-class disciplines. Although the school is a two-book college, but there are one major and two majors, the comprehensive ranking can probably rank in the top two hundred in the country, the strength is still very good, but there are not so many people who apply for the examination every year, because many people have the inherent impression of Gansu is relatively poor, afraid that they will not have good living conditions after they go, in fact, it is not what everyone thinks, Gansu Province is now developing very well, or I hope that everyone will put aside the inherent impression, do not miss such a cost-effective school.

Jiangsu Normal University

It has the right to apply for a master's degree with the same academic ability and the right to promote and exempt master's students, 35 first-level discipline master's programs, 16 master's professional degree categories, 1 doctoral talent training program serving the special needs of the country, and 1 postdoctoral research station. Five disciplines, including Chemistry, Engineering, Materials Science, Mathematics, and General Social Sciences, are in the top 1% of the ESI rankings. The school's reputation and popularity among local candidates are very good, and it is also one of the nine colleges and universities that implement the national training plan.

Wenzhou Medical University

The university is also a key construction institution in the province, and is the first batch of master's degree-granting units in the country, with the right to confer doctoral degrees. There are 12 first-level discipline master's programs in clinical medicine, basic medicine, pharmacy, and biomedical engineering, and doctoral programs in clinical medicine and medical technology, 12 master's programs in clinical medicine, nursing, traditional Chinese medicine, biology, biomedical engineering, basic medicine, integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine, pharmacy, medical technology, stomatology, public health and preventive medicine, and public administration, and 7 professional master's degree programs in clinical medicine, biomedical engineering, stomatology, nursing, pharmacy, public health, and applied psychology. There is a postdoctoral research station for the first-level disciplines of clinical medicine and pharmacy. Nine disciplines, including Clinical Medicine, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Biology and Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Materials Science, Chemistry, Neuroscience and Behavior, Immunology, and Engineering, are ranked in the top 1% of ESI in the world, of which clinical medicine is ranked in the top 0.989‰ and Pharmacology and Toxicology are in the top 1.106‰. All medical majors are enrolled in one book, especially the school's optometry, which is well-known throughout the country, and with the increase in the popularity of medical majors, the score line has also increased.

Yunnan Agricultural University

The university is also recognized locally, and is a provincial key university in Yunnan Province, with 5 postdoctoral research stations of first-level disciplines, 6 doctoral degree authorization points of first-level disciplines, 21 doctoral degree authorization points of second-level disciplines, 14 master's degree authorization points of first-level disciplines, and 73 master's degree authorization points of second-level disciplines. Although it is two colleges, but the advantage of the major is to enroll in a book, is suitable for a line of students of the college, it is also possible to enter the advantage of the major, for the "one line student" does not play well, pick up is earn.

The second crimping line is born

Henan Institute of Technology

Henan Institute of Technology is a provincial full-time undergraduate college, located in Xinxiang City, a famous city in northern Henan, founded in 1975. The school is a national advanced employment unit, a national university with typical experience in graduate employment, an exemplary undergraduate university of applied technology in Henan Province, a model of civilized campus in Henan Province, and a safe campus in Henan Province.


The school adheres to the construction of disciplines and majors as the leader and optimizes the structure of disciplines and majors. At present, the school has 15 colleges (departments), 37 undergraduate majors, and 28 provincial-level key cultivation disciplines, provincial-level first-class undergraduate major construction sites and provincial-level and above characteristic (demonstration, brand) majors, forming characteristic disciplines such as intelligent manufacturing, new energy materials, cable engineering, etc., and initially building a discipline and professional system with engineering as the mainstay and the coordinated development of five disciplines of engineering, management, economics, literature and art.


The school vigorously implements the talent construction project and promotes the gathering of high-end talents. At present, there are more than 1,100 faculty members, including more than 970 full-time teachers, more than 300 teachers with senior professional titles, more than 20 academicians, Changjiang scholars, part-time professors, etc., more than 70 experts with special government allowances from the State Council, national famous teachers, national candidates for the Millions of Talents Project, provincial famous teachers, provincial outstanding experts, and 2 provincial excellent teaching teams.

Employment Analysis:

It is understood that the employment rate of the school has been maintained at more than 95% in recent years, and the comprehensive quality of graduates is well received by employers. Employment is mostly in enterprises, and the industries are mainly manufacturing, information transmission, software and information technology services.

Tianshui Normal University

Tianshui Normal University, located in Tianshui City, Gansu Province, is a provincial ordinary undergraduate college and one of the first batch of pilot colleges for transformation and development in Gansu Province. In October 2011, it was listed by the Ministry of Education as a pilot construction unit for cultivating graduate students with a master's degree in education. In 2015, it was listed as the first batch of pilot universities for transformation and development in Gansu Province. In May 2018, it was listed as a master's degree-granting institution by the Academic Degrees Office of the State Council.


At present, the university has two first-class characteristic disciplines in Gansu Province, Chinese history and ecology, and eight provincial key disciplines, including Chinese and Chinese Chinese literature, Chinese history, ecology, electronic science and technology, chemistry, Marxist theory, education and mathematics.

There are 3 master's degree authorized first-level disciplines (Chinese Chinese language and literature, Marxist theory, chemistry), and 6 professional master's degree authorization points (master of education, master of electronic information, master of mechanics, master of physical education, master of biology and medicine, master of cultural relics and museums). There are 61 undergraduate majors. Faculty: There are 1,409 faculty members (including 778 full-time teachers), 118 professors (researchers), 302 teachers with associate senior titles, 252 teachers with doctoral degrees (including those currently studying), and more than 690 teachers with master's degrees. There are more than 100 teachers in the teaching team, including 1 national university Huang Danian-style teaching team, 11 provincial teaching teams, national outstanding teachers, national advanced workers, and experts enjoying special allowances from the State Council.

Employment Analysis:

In 2021, a total of 3,693 students graduated, including 3,660 undergraduates, accounting for 99.11% of the total number of graduates, and 33 graduate students, accounting for 0.89% of the total number of graduates. There were 1,828 normal students, accounting for 49.50% of the total number of graduates.

A strong and well-employed university where students can "pick up leaks"!

Qiongtai Normal University

Qiongtai Normal University is located in Haikou, Hainan, its predecessor was founded in 1705 Qiongtai Academy, but also has a certain historical and cultural heritage. Although the admission score of the school is low, it also has good majors, such as its preschool education and fine arts (teacher training).


Provincial key disciplines: education, Chinese Chinese literature, design

National first-class undergraduate major construction site: science education

Provincial first-class undergraduate majors: preschool education, science education, primary education, Chinese language and literature, fine arts, musicology

Provincial characteristic majors: preschool education, Chinese education, art education, accounting computerization, mathematics education

Candidates from the above 6 universities can consider it, and they can be admitted with two low scores, which is very suitable for low-scoring candidates, but candidates in this segment must remember to check and obey the professional adjustment when filling in the volunteers, so that they can be admitted to undergraduate universities more steadily.

List of public universities

A strong and well-employed university where students can "pick up leaks"!
A strong and well-employed university where students can "pick up leaks"!
A strong and well-employed university where students can "pick up leaks"!
A strong and well-employed university where students can "pick up leaks"!
A strong and well-employed university where students can "pick up leaks"!
A strong and well-employed university where students can "pick up leaks"!