
Live competition! Xianyou, a folk skill, is on fire!

author:Xianyou Jinbao
Live competition! Xianyou, a folk skill, is on fire!
Live competition! Xianyou, a folk skill, is on fire!

On June 28, the special action of "Revitalization Special" of model workers and craftsmen of the County Federation of Trade Unions and the "Revitalization of Work and Assistance, Common Prosperity and Common Beauty" straw weaving skills competition were held in Meiyang Village, Zhongshan Town, a professional village of straw weaving crafts. Local folk craftsmen gathered together to compete in the same field, showing the charm of traditional crafts to guests from all over the world.

Live competition! Xianyou, a folk skill, is on fire!
Live competition! Xianyou, a folk skill, is on fire!

It is reported that straw weaving is not only a traditional skill of the people in our county, but also one of the local characteristic industries of Zhongshan Town. The local straw weaving has a long history, and in the spare time, farmers use the rattan, grass, bamboo, wood and other raw materials that can be seen everywhere in the mountains and fields, combined with exquisite weaving skills, to produce a variety of daily production products and handicrafts. At present, there are 11 large and small straw weaving craft factories in the town, including 4 enterprises above designated size, and the products are exported to domestic and foreign markets.

A total of 27 local straw weaving craftsmen were invited to participate in the competition. On the field, I saw that the contestants in the specified time of the competition, after careful conception and twisting, winding, weaving, cutting and other processes, one by one straw, straw, tree strips, pampas grass, bamboo leaves under the dexterous hands, "played" a variety of new tricks, woven into flower baskets, shoes and hats, bucket covers, bags, houses, bird cages and other exquisite handicrafts, so that the audience was amazed.

Live competition! Xianyou, a folk skill, is on fire!
Live competition! Xianyou, a folk skill, is on fire!

A number of arts and crafts masters in our county were invited to serve as judges, through fineness, difficulty, aesthetics, practicality and other aspects of the straw weaving works to judge and score, and finally awarded the first prize, two second prizes, and three third prizes.

Live competition! Xianyou, a folk skill, is on fire!
Live competition! Xianyou, a folk skill, is on fire!

Judges score

Live competition! Xianyou, a folk skill, is on fire!


Live competition! Xianyou, a folk skill, is on fire!

First prize

Live competition! Xianyou, a folk skill, is on fire!


Live competition! Xianyou, a folk skill, is on fire!


During the event, the participating leaders awarded the plaque to the "Model Worker Craftsman Training Institute" of straw weaving skills in Zhongshan Town, and presented awards to the winners.

Live competition! Xianyou, a folk skill, is on fire!

In the activities of the day, the county federation of trade unions also invited a number of city and county-level model workers to carry out the special action of "revitalization special" for model workers and craftsmen. For example, the medical team led by Chen Qihua, a model worker in the county and deputy secretary of the Party branch of the county maternal and child health hospital, went into Meiyang Village to provide free physical examination and medical care services for the left-behind elderly in the village; Zhu Qijing, a model worker of the city and a cadre of the County Agriculture and Rural Bureau, walked into Dongxi Village and went deep into the fields to "check the pulse" of the villagers' rice planting; Cai Huijuan, a model worker of the city and a cadre of the County Agriculture and Rural Bureau, walked into Minghe Village to "pass on the scriptures and send treasures" to large rice growers, and guided how to scientifically implement science and technology such as water and fertilizer management and pest control.

Live competition! Xianyou, a folk skill, is on fire!

Free clinics

Live competition! Xianyou, a folk skill, is on fire!

Field guidance for model workers

Author: Today's reporter Tang Wei Text/picture editor: Yu Lifan Editor: Li Tingting Review: Xue Yanhui

Live competition! Xianyou, a folk skill, is on fire!