
Putin: Can't leave it alone!

author:Minnan Net

Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed issues related to the production and deployment of short- and medium-range missile systems at a video conference of the Standing Committee of the Russian Federal Security Council on 28 July. Putin said that in light of the actions taken by the United States, Russia needs to start producing short- and medium-range missile systems.

Putin: Russia cannot ignore the US production and deployment of medium-range missiles

Putin said that the United States withdrew from the INF Treaty a few years ago under a fabricated pretext and announced that it would produce the relevant missile systems. Russia announced in 2019 that it would not produce and deploy short- and medium-range missiles unless the United States deploys short- and medium-range missile systems somewhere in the world. Today, the United States not only produces short- and medium-range missiles, but also has shipped them to Europe for participation in military exercises. In addition, the United States has also used the exercise as an excuse to deploy land-based intermediate-range missile systems in the Philippines, and has threatened to deploy them in the Asia-Pacific region on a regular basis within this year. Russia cannot ignore this.

Putin: Can't leave it alone!

Russian President Vladimir Putin

In any case, Russia needs to react to this and decide on the next steps. Russia needs to start producing short- and medium-range missile systems, and will act on a case-by-case basis, deciding on the location of these missile systems if it is necessary to ensure Russia's security.

Russian Foreign Minister: If the United States deploys a medium-range missile system, Russia will strengthen its nuclear deterrent forces

Putin: Can't leave it alone!

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also pointed out earlier that if the United States deploys short- and medium-range missiles in Europe or the Asia-Pacific region, it will pose a major challenge to Russia in the field of security, and Russia will strengthen its nuclear deterrent forces.

Putin: Can't leave it alone!

The "Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty" is an arms control treaty signed by the Soviet Union and the United States in 1987, which stipulates that the two countries will no longer possess, produce or test land-based cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and their launchers with a range of 500 km to 5,500 km. Previously, the United States and Russia had repeatedly accused each other of defaulting. On February 1, 2019, the United States unilaterally announced that it was suspending its treaty obligations and initiating a six-month withdrawal process, and Russia immediately responded in reciprocal terms. On August 2, 2019, the United States formally withdrew from the INF Treaty, and the United States and Russia declared the INF Treaty invalid.

Source: CCTV4 "China News"