
Zhang Shengwei|On the Words of Books

author:Calligraphy set
Zhang Shengwei|On the Words of Books

Zhang Shengwei Profile

He is currently the director of the calligraphy department of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts and the vice chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers Association. In 2017, he served as a judge of the 4th National Youth Calligraphy Exhibition and the 2nd Xingshu Exhibition. He has won the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th Lanting Awards (5th Second Prize, 6th Bronze Award), participated in the 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th National Exhibitions (9th "Nomination Award", 11th "Outstanding Work Award"), "2011 Calligraphy Excellence Award", "Lin Sanzhi Award", "Outstanding Work Award" and "Weng Tonghe Award" of the 3rd Youth Exhibition, and "Special Award" of the Commemorative Long March Exhibition. He also studied Chinese painting, writing, and calligraphy. With calligraphy as the general leader, in order to get through, all get a small success. He is the author of "Calligraphy", "Yun Sheyun: Zhang Shengwei's Calligraphy Classroom Record" and "Zhang Shengwei's Calligraphy Collection".

○ Wuxu Spring, Yu Shou advocates the beauty of single words, and the cross is bracketed. Ho yes? One is the end of the word, the second is the situation, the third is the qiyuan, the fourth is straightened, and the fifth is the meaning.

○ The word end, the glyph is dignified and upright, and there is an upward force, only its bone strength is strong, and it is made of its physique. If its bones are weakened, its will falls, its body is prostrate, its waist is broken, and it is paralyzed, it is said to be misbeneficial.

○ Strange people, so that the word Gu Panchi drives the joy and has an attitude. The so-called cliff and falling stones, the flying beast is terrifying, moving like a rabbit, like a swimming dragon, all of them are strange. Kang Nanhaiyun: "Cover the book, metaphysics also, there is a tangible situation, the soldier is heavy, the boxing method is also heavy, the righteousness is the same, and the momentum is convenient, then the odds of winning have been exercised." "Today's people say: Momentum is the power of direction. Yu said: Potential, frame or dynamic. Yu also said: Those who are powerful get books. If the book is flush up and down, equal to the left and right, if the shape is calculated, and if the structure is not layered and scattered, there is no idea of retracting and indulging in the pen, and the layout is not clever in the back of the void and reality, then there is no reason to be born, and there is no reason to come out, and the book will be poor.

○ The air is round, so that the word breath is perfect and smooth, and the spirit is full of energy. Zhou Xinglian's "Linchi Guan See" cloud: "Words are not scattered, and you are not sick in knots." If it is scattered, it will be radiant and weak, and if it is knotted, the qi will not turn. The word is also human, the spirit must be strong, and the machine must live. Pretend to be a word, when the pen is centripetal, surrounded by many parties, each dot painting, try to receive, do not make more pointed, free from the place. In particular, the heart should be established first, so that the pen arches around. One word, although they all have eight sides, and do not make one side collapse. Meaning to the force, the force to the air, smooth operation, do not let the gas disperse, then the word has its own spirit.

○ Straighten out, said to be the word of the party. In the pen is in line with the nature of the pen, hand the mirror, do not make it violated. In the hands, do not make spasms, disobey the qi, must be physiological. The word is natural, yin and yang to the back, the main and secondary are distinct, the structure is orderly, and there are thousands of changes. All in all, if it is natural and natural, it is all as good as the will. The husband is reasonable, not the pen, the reason is the way, follow its path, sign its changes, and become its beauty. Zhou Xinglian's "Linchi Guan See" cloud: "The word has a certain step and a certain rope ruler, so I don't have to make it." "To the extreme of nature, self-change from the heart, covering all things." Youyun: "There is no master in the letter pen, and his painting is easy to do." I say that the letter is not to be written, and it is not possible to be too discreet. It means that the pen is Meng, then the meaning is Lan; If the pen is intended, the pen will die. To make me smooth the pen, although the pen is my potential, the two get together, then the two are integrated, and the wonder of the word comes out from here. "This gentleman is also very skilled.

○ Yifeng, so that the word is full of meaning, and those who never get tired of playing. In the past, "Cai Shangshu entered the Hongdu Guanjie, and did not return for ten years, and he was out of the group. ("Pen Array"). Ouyang inquired about the ancient monument of Suo Jing's book, which was "Buqiu sat and watched, because he stayed next to it, and went to it in three days (Ma Zonghu's "Shulin Zaojian"). Those who are not tired of it, only the word "Yifeng" is also. The husband's will is born from the potential, and in general, it is like a mountain and a sea; In a small way, if you are frustrated. Every time the potential rises and falls, the potential stops, the virtual and the real are illusory, and the shape is pleasing to the eye. The experience of my life is touched by it, and it is difficult to let go of it. Yifeng, its art is set into the realm, the taste is like gluttony, the smell is like "Shao", full of fun, the more you taste, the more pure the taste. Those who are widowed, exhausted their hands, miserable, no ingenuity, go to the road to benefit far, no interest, can not entertain people's minds, and get tired of a little look. However, the point of view is to draw the form, which is both stagnant and obstructive, not rigid or knotted, both uniform and flat, roughly so. Therefore, Yu said: Yifeng is the middle of the book.

Zhang Shengwei|On the Words of Books

○ The so-called calligraphy, the pen to write, its law is solid. When it goes with the trend, it is reasonable, it is the word, and it is beautiful. Biography of Cai Bojiao's "Nine Potentials" cloud: Where the pen is written, the upper part is covered and the lower is carried down, so that the situation is reflected in the same way, and there is no back. The husband is the general center of the book, and if there is no power, it is not enough to speak of the book. The beginning of the machine moves, the origin of the qi, the potential is out, and the form is born. The hand has a gesture, the book has a book gesture, the two are combined, and they do not go back to each other.

○ husband's book, the back is separated, and the shun is combined; If you leave, you will lose, and if you merge, you will succeed. Rationality, texture, physics, and reason. Everything should be done in a logical way, and the same is true for books. The fortune of the pen has its reason, the wave of the hand has its reason, the heart of the thought has its reason, the word has its reason, and the reason can be made into a chapter.

○ Fu Mao Ying, soft and rigid, so it is called a hair cone. Only when the pen is mentioned, can it conform to its nature, adapt to its aspirations, and show its ability. Therefore, it is the treasure of the calligrapher, and it should be cherished and tender, and it should not be enslaved or broken by brute force. Use it in moderation and don't force it. If you smear its roots, break its bones, and destroy its marrow, not only will the book not be successful, but people will not be benevolent!

○The so-called technique, the foundation of penmanship. The hundreds of human remains, only the hand is good at waving, controlling the pen and walking, and its axis is in the wrist. The generation, sending, guiding, controlling, and sending of force have their own mechanisms, and they cannot be retired. Just the body, the heart, the hands, the mind, and the book. If the shoulders and back are tense, the wrists and arms are tired, the breath is not good, and the sweat is often carried out. Husband's book, how can the graceful thing that is suitable and beneficial to the body become a hard labor that hurts the muscles and bones? Therefore, the purpose of the technique is to be loose, and the extreme of the brushwork is also loose. Only by following the body can it be loosened, and it can be sunk by the will. Loose but not scattered, heavy but not strong, the depth of the pen, short and long, are all made smoothly, only in this way, can be decent and reasonable. It's the reason of the pen, the reason of the hand, that's all.

○ There is also a reason for the word. When the first saints made words, they looked up and looked down, took all the nature, encompassed all the differences, and formed words. Conquer heaven and earth, law yin and yang, take all traces wonderfully, conceive because of things, all follow their reason, explore their ways, make the best of their beauty, and draw their images. The path of the word is consistent, between the bundles, if people breathe, endlessly, there is no intermittent. The posture of the word, wonderfully created naturally, delicate to the back, extremely changeable. The spirit of the word, just like a person, since the strong bones and muscles, the body is standing upright, the blood is abundant, and it stands tall in the heaven and the earth. The principle of the pen, the reason of the hand, and the reason of the word are also rough. The merit of a calligrapher lies in his intensive study and deep thinking, his pen and his writing, and his understanding of the "three principles" is a person who knows books. Its core meaning lies in the word "Shun", the texture of the pen, the texture of the hand, and the texture of the word. By the way, it is close to the sky, and it can be described as a real book!

○ Wave the word, expensive and ancient. The book has been written for thousands of years, passed down from generation to generation, and has deep roots. In ancient times, it is thick, the taste is mellow, and it is thin when it leaves the ancients, and the taste is the same as chewing wax. Everyone knew about the ancient times, but they didn't know where to get it. Although there are sometimes people who sigh that "the ancient law is dead", there are also people who are poor and ancient, and there are very few people who can enter the ancient world. Today's calligraphers, who seek more laws in sentence patterns, flaunt "reverence for the ancients", search for more Hanza, follow the traces, do not dare to be contemptuous, and do their best to describe the ability, thinking that they can get the law as much as possible. However, the form is the trace, and the child knows it? "Zhuangzi" said: The traces of the husband are the ones that come out, and the traces are not the ones! The rest of the story, the traces of the book are all born by chance, what is the one who is born? Time, place, materials, utensils, people, many and many! The laws are superimposed, so the traces of the book are endless! And husband, follow the traces of thousands of people with his own deeds, but what? With a period of 100 years, thousands of years long, is it appropriate? With the belly of one person, swallowing the water of the four seas and five lakes, what is it? The form is ever-changing, and the trace is impermanent. Therefore, if you want to seek the way, you should find its performance. However, when the generations have passed, and the holy clouds have dispersed, where should I hook the evil that has sunk? The performer, the so-called reason. It is the truth, the ancient and the modern, and it is filled with heaven and earth. The husband's book should be born by reason, and the essence of heaven and earth is also, containing the Tao and reasoning, and he will not be lazy. Those who are determined to learn should know that all laws are books, and they can do their best not to seek the Hanza. Since reading the road, looking up and looking down, knowing the present and the ancient, always paying attention to the outside of the book, over time, then witnessing the Tao, can be passed.

○ Zhao Wenmin said that "penmanship is not easy through the ages". In this case, why is it that "the ancient law is dead"? Is the method used by my generation easy to use with the ancient method? Zhou Xinglian and Yunyun: "The so-called eternal hardship refers to the texture of the pen, not the face of the pen." Looking at the writings of today's people, there are indeed people who look like the ancients, and even "don't thank the ancients" from time to time. From what it is, we know that the "texture" of the deceased is also, and the texture is close to the way, the Tao is no longer there, and the law exists!

○ Yu thought that the ancient method was not dead, and it was hidden in a corner, just waiting for people of insight to regain it. If you search for it, it will be difficult. If you ask for it in your heart, you may get it. The traces of the ancients are not as good as the hearts of the ancients. But where did the hearts of the ancients stand? Yu said: Zhengda also, Lei Luo also, quiet Mu also, clear and open. If so, wouldn't it be in line with the Tao? Keep the heart of the ancients, not depart from the quality of the ancients, and why not exist the ancient meaning? Seeing each other with a naked heart, simple and tranquil, the ambition is true, full of ancient meaning, and the ancient method is also revealed. Therefore, to explore the ancient law, it is important to cultivate my own heart. I am good at nurturing my heroic spirit, I am good at cultivating my quiet heart, I am good at preserving my downright wind, and I am good at refining my loyal will. It doesn't matter if the ancient law is new, the pen is everywhere, the true qi is contained, the essence is brilliant, and it is not the calligraphy to the Faye?

○Therefore, Yu said: The dead are not the ancient law, the fallen people are also the hearts, the hearts of the people are uplifted, and the ancient laws are also sued. Today's people are tempted by fame, fortune and goods, and their voices and horses are chaotic, which leads to their governance of art, impure ambition, dwarf spirit, and far-reaching law. The ancients said: Those who go far without the spirit are not there. We should know!

○The art of calligraphy, the art of writing, too. At the moment, the intention of the calligrapher is often not in the art, abandoning the book and leaving, which is no different from running naked, and the difference is different, and people can not bear its rudeness. My apprentices often say in their ears: Don't want to create, concentrate on writing. The first saint made words, to the Han Dynasty has been complete, thousands of years of water, sweeping away all the miscellaneous bodies, only the real line of the seal and the grass are preserved. Since the Eastern Han Dynasty, it has been perfected, and it doesn't matter if it is only used and not done. As for the brushwork, it is not easy through the ages, and it is also important to use it rather than to make it, so what kind of resources does my generation have to call out the evil of creation? The only way that our generation can do is to take root in tradition, study its source, and understand its way. Just like digging a well, when the work reaches the spring, it will suddenly be unobstructed and you will be wise. This spring, pure water, living water, is regarded as new. Based on this, if it is attached to the spirit, it is beneficial to the heart, and if it is not to be character, then the new idea is out of the way, which is called "new". Yu tastes the clouds, the tradition is like a big tree, the new is like a new leaf, the new leaf is new, not departing from its roots, and it is safe to say that it is innovative?

○ Those who do not emphasize words and heavy arts, there is still no rice cooking, and there is no wood without roots. The word is still a family, the article is a country, and there is no one who is not in the same place and the country is governed. The words are like bricks and tiles, the article is still like a house, and there are no broken bricks and tiles and a beautiful house is built. Therefore, if you want to construct a beautiful article, you must first end a beautiful word. In today's book world, there are many people who put the cart before the horse, fragmented words, graffiti, empty schemas, and non-books! The "text", "art", "fun" and "taste" of the book are mostly from the words, the heart of the book is the text, and the text is out of the words. As written, the people who are still in ruins, and the people who are not clothed are also like the walls falling and destroyed, and the residents are exposed to the wind and rain. is self-indulgent, quite like relief, and people see it, stunned and don't know why.

○ When the writing of our country was first created, "the sky rains and the ghosts and gods cry", which can be described as earth-shattering and moving. Moreover, our country has the shape, sound, and meaning of the word, and it is the greatest creation of the Chinese ancestors, which is enough to make our generation look up to it and be in awe. In particular, it should be carefully protected by the heart, so that it can be fully formed, full of meaning, and full of beauty. Otherwise, the Chinese culture will not be able to continue. Therefore, I said, the only way to write is to respect. The merit of a calligrapher lies in discovering its beauty, giving full play to its beauty, and then enriching its beauty. I found that I care about learning, play is to use, enrich is my ambition, and I will carry forward the art of calligraphy.

○ More than a class apprentice, the first word. The so-called "single word" is also a single word. Yu often said, want to make the shape of the word brilliant, its god is complete, but looking at it, they want to pounce on people's eyebrows, Zheng Zheng wants to hit people's hearts.

○ The husband's book is the crown of all arts, the height of the art forest, and the cover has "literature". Zhang Huaijun's "Book Discussion" said: On human talent, first write and then ink. The great calligraphers of the ancients were all writers and writers. There is no need to talk about this book, but now there are people who specialize in "books are not books", and those who want to degenerate from words are not fallacious! The reason for this is that the word "plastic arts" is also troublesome. How do you know that the language of our country has been passed down for thousands of years, and what is immortal is because it has a constant form, how can our generation be pretentious? Looking at the past 40 years, those who want to change calligraphy, and those who want to leave the text and go to the words, you sing and I appear, or I am quick for a while, and then disappear, and the successful ones are not there. Although the text refers to the article, the article is made of words. Our country's writing stands out in the world, reaching the pinnacle and shining its beauty. Encore tore its splendid and ruined! Fuwen and ink, Wen Naili, Mo Nai, if you abandon the inside, you don't want it, you have nothing to show it, and you still lose its soul and guard its form.

○ The power of words, the transmission of morality, discipline of everything. "Brilliant as the cloth of astronomy, like a splendid chapter" (Cheng Gongsui's "Lishu Style"). Simei is superb, and it can't be added. I often think, what is the meaning of a calligrapher who is called a "literati" and a painter who is not? The calligrapher is accompanied by the text every day, and it is not the same art, so that the calligrapher is a higher level, and the text is also.

○ Cao Pi "Classics. The paper said: "The article is a great cause of the country and an immortal event." The years are sometimes exhausted, and the glory and happiness stop at their bodies, and the two must come to the permanent period, which is not as infinite as the article. Therefore, it is a compulsory course for calligraphers, and it must have the ability. The body of the article is also, the pen and ink clothes are also, the clothes are the genre, and the square is a fit. The pen and ink rely on the preacher, the article also, how can it be the pen and ink! Therefore, calligraphy must be based on the text as the carrier, according to the text and the joy, according to the text and colorful.

○ I teach apprentices, every time I talk about "single word consciousness", I don't know how to write if I don't know a single word, and the ability of a single word is the ability of calligraphy, and the ancients "set ancient words" is here. The shape of the single word, the sound, the meaning are complete, and the word is beautiful, plus the pen and ink interest, can be independent into a chapter. Today's calligraphers, there are many light words, who do not know that the wonder of the book is more from the single word, and the whimsy is attached to the single word. Calligraphers often take the creation of rules and regulations as their ability, create a large environment and give up small sections, more pretentious and less natural, and even do not hesitate to fragment the text, force and drag, far-fetched, and their books are often bluffing, at first glance, it seems to have regulations; The second product contains barrenness and cold, and the interest is uninteresting. In the end, it is difficult to enter the eyes of the Fang family.

Zhang Shengwei|On the Words of Books

○ Huang Guyun: "To learn books, you need to have morality in your heart, and you need to learn from the sages, books are precious, if there is no way to live in the spiritual house, the political envoy's pen and ink will not be reduced, and the pen and ink will not be reduced, and the Yi will be less, but the ears of the laity." Yu Wei is a young man, and the scholar can do a hundred things in the world, but he can't be vulgar, and the vulgar can't be healed. "Vulgar can be described as ordinary, mediocre, often done and evil. That is what the world has always recognized as vulgar. Therefore, it should be beyond ordinary people and common sense. Ancient and modern sages have extraordinary aspirations, deeds, and abilities. Therefore, the world is full of vulgarity, and there are few vulgar people. Ordinary people are those who leap out of the ordinary beings, and the ancients called them the best.

○ From the perspective of the aftermath, there are innate causes and acquired causes for human customs. There are talented people in the world, and they are extraordinary when they are young. Gu Zhi Ganluo, Cao Chong, Fang Zhongyong, and Wang Bo are also. And the reason for the day after tomorrow is not only reading. There are many people who read, and there are also many laymen, who lack talent and cannot turn knowledge into wisdom. It is a literary art, not departing from the ordinary, even extremely mediocre, and even vulgar and vulgar. Mr. Valley's so-called "vulgar and incurable" means that such people are also.

○ The ancients also said: "Reading books to heal customs". There is no doubt that reading is a good medicine for the common people. However, you should know that you can't read vulgar books, and vulgar books are "mediocre", and those who read them will waste time and will not help others. Reading should read the classics, the classics lead to the avenue, there are ordinary people can not see the truth, among which the true knowledge, if you can understand it, will understand it, into personal wisdom, then its insight can surpass the public, the behavior will not fall vulgar.

○ Medical customs, it is still necessary to cultivate morality and cultivate justice. Human nature is close to heaven, and it is for the sake of enlightenment. The virtue of heaven is straightforward, simple, selfless, and desireless. People are often swayed by selfish desires, occupied by ingenuity, short-sighted, mercenary, and blinded by the world. Therefore, good people often look at the world with a normal heart, often have good thoughts, do good deeds, have an open mind, lofty aspirations, awe-inspiring and upright, and are not swayed by material desires. His words and deeds are not bound by the world, and there is nothing inappropriate. If so, it will be good.

○ Describe the art of literature and governance, and often judge the merits and disadvantages with "elegance" and "vulgarity". "Ya" has the meaning of normal and standardized. It often refers to elegance, as opposed to vulgarity. It seems to be good and elegant. The distinction between elegance and vulgarity is really not the same, different fields, elegant or vulgar, vulgar or elegant. It is an elegant thing, but it is a vulgar thing; It was a vulgar thing, but it was elegant.

Zhang Shengwei|On the Words of Books

○ If the person who "has an open belly and an east bed" is an ordinary person, it is naturally difficult to call it an elegant thing, and an ordinary thing is also. And his person is Wang Yishao, who has been happy for thousands of years, and has become an elegant thing in everyone's hearts. Su Dongpo returned from the night tour, fell asleep soundly, snoring like thunder, and was also happy for the ancients. Boya is absolutely unbeaten, and the child period is not there, which can be described as elegant. Ji Kang was tortured to play the piano, and a song "Guangling San" has been heard for thousands of years, and it can be described as extremely elegant. Yi Shao and Zizhan's actions can also be done by ordinary people, and Yu Boya and Ji Kang's actions cannot be done by ordinary people. The four sons have a noble temperament, naïve and simple.

○ Therefore, if you want to be elegant, you should be right first. If the calligraphy and painting are not fine, and the kung fu is not enough, it will be indecent. If the genre is more boring and the idea is sparse, it will be even more indecent. Therefore, if you want to be elegant, you are still in the truth. If you are cheating, picking up people's teeth and wisdom, and following the example, it is inevitable that you will eventually become vulgar. Pretending to be a man to govern art, when it comes out of nature, from the heart, almost naïve, accidental interest, and heartfelt, can be called elegant. The former king's "snowy night visit to Dai" "arrived through the accommodation, and the door was built without returning." "It's as good as it gets, it's extraordinary. Its true temperament can also be described as elegant. If the literati are vying to follow suit, how elegant is it to act?

○In the countryside of Wuyi, there are often mountain people and villagers gathering to drink and sing. Most of the villagers do not understand the literature and ink, and they are not good at words, and they use folk songs and folk songs to deal with them during the banquet. Or improvise in the village dialect should be sung, the old ruins of the ancient dynasty, the beautiful talents, the military generals, anecdotes, customs and sayings, and the export is a chapter. Or improvised with the same drinker, the feelings are sincere and interesting. Si can be described as the elegance of the vulgar, and the vulgar elegance is also said.

○The folk song of Wuyi is also full of romance. Men and women love each other, abound; Thinking of it, unbearable sorrow. Emotional rendering, straight out of the chest; Undisguised, unpretentious. If outsiders don't know, they may think it's vulgar. And I often say that the folk songs of my hometown are the great ones of elegance. "My Fair Lady, Gentleman". Admiration of the opposite sex, human nature. Confess frankly, and the truth of love is also. If love is true, what is vulgar? If it is vulgar, how can it spread all over the world? The folk songs of my hometown are so happy that the people of the world are still true, but the truth is close to elegance. Therefore, I say that the hypocrite is close to the vulgar. Today's calligraphers are still good at depicting, because of the ancients, vivid; Because of the attack on today's people, follow suit. Only the chest has no ink, and the morality is ruined. But looking at his book, there is no way to live in the spiritual house, the spirit is not there, and there is no body. With its close hypocrisy, it is also vulgar.

○Therefore, if you want to make the book good, you should make people good. If people are vulgar, they must be vulgar. When reading, practicing will, cultivating nature, and enlightenment, people's conduct and knowledge are beyond the ordinary, or they can avoid vulgarity.

○ Reading a good book can be a cure. When I heard that reading has nothing to do with calligraphy, I felt ridiculous. There are scholars in the "Shaoxing Forum" of the national calligraphy circles in Jihaixia, and reading is beneficial to calligraphy, but there is no immediate effect. Yu disagreed. Yu thought that if he read a good book, the effect would be immediate. The proverbs in the book are unheard of, and once they are encountered, they are still like seeing the sun and shining through the spiritual mansion. If there is divine help in this pen, it is necessary for calligraphy to go to the next level. Therefore, every time you say that you are born, don't take familiarity as ability, and be aware of it. Reading can cure foolishness and help people understand calligraphy. Since the heart is clear and unhindered, the hand will not be restrained.

○ The ancients: On human talent, first the text and then the ink. This wise quote also. Text and ink are accompanied, text is the body, and ink is the clothing. It is a matter of course. If there is no text in the book, how can the ink exist? Therefore, it is said that the book is not far away. There are those who have been shortlisted for the "National Exhibition" in my life, and the exhibition is ordered to make "creative speeches", where 200 words, I don't know where to start. Scratching his head and frowning, half a day is done. Invite Yu to take a look, Shang Juewen is disdainful and unsatisfactory, and he can't help but sigh. Literary scholars, the mother of all arts. His mother is not there, and his art is like a beggar's wandering, and he is cold and thrifty.

○ Liu Cheng hangs and tastes it, and the heart is right. The rest is said, and the heart is open.

Zhang Shengwei|On the Words of Books

○ The ancients: Shu Ye, the scholar. Youyun: The bookseller loses, and the bookseller is the same. If the mood is miserable, he will definitely try his best. Therefore, every time you want to write a book, you should clear your heart, lick the pen and ink, and start with the pen. If the grass is in spring, it will break through the soil. Its new, bright, budding, and spiritual are just like new sprouts. Tillers and leaves, natural, impartial, and physiological. Its breath is abundant, no stagnation, stretching arms and waist, and the qi is smooth. Therefore, it is said that the scholar is also born. Point painting, painting and painting give birth to a single word, a single word is a line, and a line is a life. That's it. Therefore, the writer should always store water and cultivate soil in the heart, and the heart should be fertile and wild, and the spirit should be moistened and harmonious, and the book should be born.

○ The scholar is also born, if a fragrant tree grows, its branches are curved and straight, its leaves are sparse and dense, its flowers are light and bright, its fruits are large and small, and its taste is sweet and bitter. All out of the spiritual mansion, have their roots, do their best to their vitality, and are out of physiology.

○ The study of the "Huairen Collection of the Holy Order of the King" is prone to problems, and it is called "board custom", which is not the pain of today's people, since ancient times. Song Huang Bosi's "Dongguan Yu Treatise" cloud: "...... In modern times, the scholars of Hanlin have learned more about this monument, and they have learned to be able to reach without high rhyme. ....... of course, those who learn to learn from the vulgar ear, the words in the tablet are not vulgar, and those who are not deep in this are not enough to say this. ”

○ Over the past dynasties, Xi Erwang Shu, "Orchid Pavilion Preface", Pavilion Posts Zhuza, "only this stele as a model, although the name of the stele, the real law is posted" (Shi Yucun), cover because of its "Yi Shao drama, all in it", so there are many people who practice.

○ The ancients imitated the works, with Zhao Mengfu and Wang Duo as the world's most important. There are many people who imitate the monument of the Holy Religion, but there are no one who looks at it, and there are hundreds of people and hundreds of faces. Those who are well-prepared and psychic are not exempt from vulgarity.

○The board holder points to the penmanship. The cover technique is rigid, the mind is monton, the rotation of the hand can not be clear in the chest, the wrist and fingers can not be guided and flipped naturally, and the strength can not be continuous and the knots are missing. The layman, the structure of the word also. Because the writer does not know the situation of words, he does not know the method of opening and closing, escapement, righteousness, and backing. As a result, the glyph structure is even, and the interest is not born, so it is called vulgar.

○The performance of "board customs" is roughly as follows. First, the technique is single. The original inscription of the Holy Religion is not full of inches, even if the carving is excellent, there are many details missing, if the inscription is only to seek its shape, then the technique will be single. Second, the words are similar. The ancients said that "the slender back, no death", Yi Shaoshu is not excited, and the details of the knot are particularly subtle, while those who are accustomed to it often cannot observe the nuances and make many mistakes in judgment. In particular, the characters are changeable, difficult to observe in detail, and the disease is often biased, and it gradually becomes a bad habit, especially difficult to correct, or even a lifelong lingering pain. Third, the Buruo operator. The Holy Religion is a collection of word tablets, there are more than ten years of Yun Huairen's calendar, collect the old traces of Yi Shao, try their best to copy the ability of the couch arrangement, want to be with the original word of the book "Slim Bi Xiao", if you encounter the word of Xi, you must refer to it in many ways, and piece it together to become it. Comparing the Holy Religion with the "Orchid Pavilion Preface" and the Pavilion Posts, it can be seen that Huairen's intentions are deep. However, after all, the inscription is difficult to compare with ink, and the meaning of the words is lost a lot, and the carving of the knife is difficult to compare with Mao Ying, and there is a lot of loss. If the practitioner only pays attention to its form, does not investigate its reasoning, cannot "see the pen through the blade", and cannot speculate on the reason of the reflection belt, it will lead to the disease of calculation. Fourth, the glyph is restricted. The Zigzag of Xi is strict, the knot is compact, and the person who learns it often has little comprehension in its indulgence, and the pen cannot be stretched, and it is often out of measure between retraction and release. Receiving is restricted, the words are in a group, and there is no interest. If it is open, the structure is relaxed, and there is no Yi Shaoshu subtle and timeless, it is difficult to achieve high standards, and it will inevitably lose vulgarity.

○ The predecessors of the "Holy Order" Huairen collection of words, is to outline or oppose, to the controversy, Dong Siweng thought that Huairen is against the advent or self-transport, this speculation. I think that there must be not a few people who will move the Yi Shaozi untouched for the user, and only in this way can it be "slim milligram Xiao". Most of the words in this, presumably Huairen has adjusted, or make it small, or make it big, or make it positive, or make it strange, otherwise, it can't be connected into a piece, so that the whole article is a whole. I think that if it is not modified, then the gesture will be more contrary to the word.

○ The first holy cloud is not, and its shoes are not there, leaving only the relics. There is no doubt that the monument of the Holy Religion is also a trace, and what my generation has seen with his eyes, it must not be the true face of Yi Shao, and it must not be the true meaning of Yi Shao, this must be undoubted, so why bother to criticize it? Later generations only speculate on their tracks, and it is inevitable that they will insist on their own opinions.

○ Now I want to know the wind god, but the hook sinks its traces to restore its face. And if you want to make the true face of the book saint fully revealed, it is difficult to know, and it seems impossible. I believe that the first thing to explore is the background of the era in which the scholar was alive, and it is especially necessary to understand the atmosphere and culture of the time. Search for the historical sites of Zhengye, pursue the style and spirit of the sage, the pattern of character, the deeds of life, and moral cultivation, and seek verification from many parties. The wind god of books must be the wind god of people. And an era has an era of atmosphere, and the scholar is also in it, and he should be the leader of the times. Secondly, when the large number of codex rulers left in the book sanctuary are speculative about their thoughts, embraces, sorrows, and sighs, they can feel the ups and downs of their lives, their mental journey, and the changes in their thoughts, and then know their people and their arts. The books of the ancients are all true, and there are few forgeries of today's people. To know the Holy Religion, we should also collect the physical traces of the book saint at that time, and explore its news in the traces of the Tang Dynasty.