
Chang'anju | One sleep in ten years

author:Calligraphy set
Chang'anju | One sleep in ten years

Chang'anju was written in the early 2000s

Chang'anju | One sleep in ten years

Printed in the early 2000s

Chang'an Residence Press:

The article "One Sleep in Ten Years" was written in 2000 at the age of 26, and 24 years passed in the blink of an eye.

The purpose of republishing this old article today is to tell the younger generation of friends that calligraphy and seal carving is the best hobby, but as a profession to make a living, or a "tool" to grab fame and fortune, not only will there be no artistic success (there will be no small achievements), but also life will "deteriorate".

The reason why I say this is based on the fact that calligraphy and seal carving are almost a "discipline" or art with the lowest professional threshold, the most chaotic academic order, and the softest academic standards at present. When the threshold is low, the order is chaotic, and the standard is soft, it is impossible to avoid a dilemma, that is, in the real calligraphy circle, it is naturally the most concentrated place for bastards, liars, and fools.

If you are a decent person and want to get ahead in such a smoky circle, you must first turn yourself into a "bad person", that is, you must become the kind of person who is good at protecting oneself wisely, seeing the wind and steering the rudder, flattering, tending to the flames, forgetting righteousness for profit, and falling into the ground, so that it is possible to get some benefits. A good person who is upright and only knows how to study art has absolutely no chance to stand out in today's calligraphy and seal carving world, even if his artistic creation has reached a very high level.

The most helpless place in the calligraphy circle is concentrated here, this art today, its academic standards suddenly become softer than cotton, this is not just a soft problem, but really rotten, the worst level of the work can be rated as the "Lanting champion" work, "Xiling champion" work, the best level of works, but there is no chance to appear in the "National Exhibition" and "Xiling Exhibition", "reverse elimination" in the current calligraphy seal carving circle, has become a strange norm.

Just imagine, how can you have a future in this kind of "professional" circle that is "soft" to the extreme and "rotten" to the extreme? If we have to obtain a "future" in a circle with "soft" and "rotten" as the main body, there is only one feasible way, that is, to turn ourselves into a person who is wise enough to protect oneself, to see the wind and steer the rudder, to flatter, to follow the flames, to forget one's righteousness in the face of profit, and to fall into the well.

In the mid-50s of the last century, Mr. Zheng Zhenduo lived in the cultural center of the important place, when he reported to the "old man", he suggested that the state should abolish the art of calligraphy, perhaps the "old man" itself has good calligraphy, so he said to Zheng "There are many people who love calligraphy, and it is okay to have more art in such a big country". It is impossible to verify the original intention of Mr. Zheng Zhenduo in proposing to abolish calligraphy as art, but if calligraphy had been abolished as art by decree at that time, calligraphy would not have died out, and as for today, it will not be reduced to the softest and worst art. Could it be that Mr. Zheng Zhenduo has the magical power of an unknown prophet? That's why it is advisable to abolish calligraphy as art?

With the popularization of AI technology, the creation of calligraphy and seal carving may face the challenge of life and death, and it may not be impossible for it to eventually enter museums. Therefore, friends of the younger generation are not only not worth it, but also unwise to bet their only life on this way.

Twenty-four years ago, when I wrote this article, I loved calligraphy and seal carving very much, and to this day, I haven't become bad, I haven't starved to death, I just haven't made it a profession.

Nowadays, those who are professional in calligraphy and seal carving will either become bad or starve to death, and if they take it as a hobby, they will not become bad, let alone starve to death. Compared with the two, how to choose is self-evident.

One sleep in ten years


I have been associated with pen and ink for more than 10 years, and ten years seems to be a short and long time for the whole life, and she means different things to everyone.

My past ten years have been the most beautiful years of my life, and it is difficult to predict whether it will be a gain or a loss in this way to be handed over to calligraphy and seal carving. The joy and pain of calligraphy and seal carving always made me both addicted to love and hate, and accompanied it in the emotional contradictions and conflicts of love and hate, desire to abandon and remain, and walked with it for ten years.

Love is not easy to say, even if it is true love, it is destined to be haunted by her soul and unable to help herself.

Chang'anju | One sleep in ten years

Chang'anju was written in the early 2000s

Chang'anju | One sleep in ten years

Printed in the early 2000s

Legend has it that in Greek mythology, the god in charge of art was a woman, so my 10-year career in art was like a painstaking pursuit of this goddess, and I really exhausted all my efforts to please her. Sometimes she throws me a wink, then a flying kiss, and more often than not, she refuses coldly.

The power of true love is endless, with this layer of true feelings, in the process of studying art, its diligence, the degree of perseverance will naturally far exceed the imagination of ordinary people, "winter practice three nine, summer practice three dogs", where the ancient such as: Yong Zen Master did not go downstairs for 30 years of study, Minan Gong wrote 100,000 hemp notes in his life and other bizarre rumors and anecdotes I am convinced, and use this to encourage myself. If I don't do anything for a day, I feel that if I have lost something, it is the truest portrayal of my years of learning to print books. This state of life is very leisurely, down-to-earth, in a quiet place, forget the mundane right and wrong, and the ancient sages silently meet each other, the real life of a few losses, all kinds of sinister interpersonal communication, all in the leisurely nostalgia of the ancient contemplation of ashes, this is not a helpless escape from the real society, but after experiencing the baptism of the great artistic spirit, get a new ideological sublimation.

Mr. Su Youyun: "Non-human grinding ink grinding ink grinding people", time slowly faded between pen and ink, I grind ink, ink also grinds me, I was originally extremely impatient, and I was gradually polished quiet, and more importantly, the flower season years in my life were also quietly worn out by her. In modern life, calligraphy and seal carving is on the fringes of a social and cultural environment, and she will not be promoted to a position as a step into the body, nor will she become a thin skill to support her family to make a living (except for the famous family, of course). Learning calligraphy and seal carving wastes time and money, and in the face of the speechless pen and ink knife stone, I don't know how many times I have made up my mind not to dry my hands, and quickly cut off the relationship I once had with her, but maybe the original intention is too deep, and it is like an addict who has taken "heroin", and he always can't stop. I thought about her for a long time, and it was like "you can't live without this gentleman for a day"; But I hate her even more, how much leisure and entertainment I have sacrificed for her, and I don't know how much money and benefits I have earned.

Chang'anju | One sleep in ten years
Chang'anju | One sleep in ten years

Chang'anju was written in the early 2000s

Chang'anju | One sleep in ten years

Printed in the early 2000s in Chang'anju (no fighting young chickens in the east of the city)

When my childhood friends had a career starter, when they got together and drank hot, they said to me the most: "Bai Shuang, when I earn 10 million, I will 'fry' you first." These words contain more of the strong friendship of the past, and at the same time reflect their own insignificance and slightness, their own fate and chances to get ahead seem to be all in the hands of others, is the artist always a vassal and condiment of society? I'm always at a loss for words.

The ancients have long said: "Articles hate life", and most of the people who are engaged in art study and research in ancient and modern times are more rebellious than obedient. Especially in the current materialistic society, the study of calligraphy and seal carving without the slightest utilitarian benefit must be much more difficult than ordinary people. In life, I often spend all my money on buying books, pens and inkstones; In terms of work, although he works for a cultural unit, he is not a professional artist, and it is difficult to get the understanding and support of the leaders in many cases.

The road of art is winding and winding, and I can imagine how boring and boring it must be to have a straight road to art. Therefore, in a new sense, adversity, including all kinds of unfair encounters, as well as creative troughs, has really become a considerable wealth for an art creator, and the true charm of art is born spontaneously in this twist and turn. Therefore, it is acceptable to go against the grain, as long as you can stay with the artist, what does it matter if you go against it a few times?

Chang'anju | One sleep in ten years

Chang'anju was written in the early 2000s

Chang'anju | One sleep in ten years

Printed in the early 2000s (Dalangtang)

"If you have loved, you will know that you are serious, and if you are drunk, you will know that the wine is strong." Calligraphy and seal carving have tormented me to this point, so that I can't let go, I can't forget, I can't go back, I can only stride forward.

American biographer Irving. Stone once said in "Longing for Love": "The artist's life is a big gamble, a gamble with his own life." "I deeply resonate with his words, ten years in an instant, just a little dream, fortunately, my capital is still large, there are several decades, I have made a bet in this life.

Selected works of calligraphy and seal carving in the early 2000s of Chang'anju

Chang'anju | One sleep in ten years

Chang'anju was written in the early 2000s

Chang'anju | One sleep in ten years
Chang'anju | One sleep in ten years

Printed in the early 2000s

Chang'anju | One sleep in ten years

Chang'anju was written in the early 2000s

Chang'anju | One sleep in ten years
Chang'anju | One sleep in ten years

Printed in the early 2000s of Chang'anju (Dream Fulfillment)

Chang'anju | One sleep in ten years

Chang'anju was written in the early 2000s

Chang'anju | One sleep in ten years
Chang'anju | One sleep in ten years

Chang'anju was printed in the early 2000s (pro-Jin building eating rice)

Chang'anju | One sleep in ten years

Chang'anju was written in the early 2000s

Chang'anju | One sleep in ten years
Chang'anju | One sleep in ten years

Chang'anju was printed in the early 2000s (the second and third sons of the one who loved me, Xiao Xingyin)

Chang'anju | One sleep in ten years

Chang'anju was written in the early 2000s

Chang'anju | One sleep in ten years
Chang'anju | One sleep in ten years

Chang'anju printed in the early 2000s (Shandong out of the Han Xiao shape seal)