
Liu Xin: The first draft "Bai Yueguang", what is the charm of "Sister Lang" to invite her 5 times

author:Uncle Chai will take you to a movie

The fifth public stage performance of "Riding the Wind 2024" has come to an end, and this issue of Liu Xin and Chen Lijun exploded Jay Chou's "East Wind Breaking" and caused controversy.

The main reason is that Liu Xin insisted on adding a lot of Yue Opera elements to "Dongfeng Po", and had a dispute with the music director.

Although Liu Xin's opinion was adopted in the end, the final effect of the song was not ideal.

Liu Xin: The first draft "Bai Yueguang", what is the charm of "Sister Lang" to invite her 5 times

After this episode of the show was broadcast, netizens commented that the magic change of "Dongfeng Break" was ugly.

Therefore, Liu Xin was pushed to the cusp, and the topic rose rapidly.

In fact, since the broadcast of "Sister Lang 5", personal topics about Liu Xin have been endless.

Back then, the "King of Popularity" was really not shouted casually, even if Liu Xin disappeared over the years, as long as she appeared, she could set off a frenzy.

It's just that Liu Xin, who has such a high degree of national attention, has been going downhill after winning the third place in the 11th Fast Women?

1. The most "crazy" draft, the most "old" show girl

Speaking of Liu Xin, we have to mention "Happy Girl" in 2011. This year's fast girl is quite catchy, and was rated by the public as the craziest draft in history.

Liu Xin: The first draft "Bai Yueguang", what is the charm of "Sister Lang" to invite her 5 times

The main reason is that the draft brand of Mango Channel has experienced six sessions of Supergirl, Fast Man and Fast Woman, and the show has shown a sunset state at that time.

In order to save the decline and create topics, the program team played new tricks, created a realistic version of "Truman's world", and built a "fast girl castle", allowing all girls to live in it for all-weather live broadcast.

In addition to the bathroom, the life of this fast girl is presented in front of the audience at all times.

There are pros and cons to this way, the program team relies on "live broadcast" to make this fast girl hot, but at the same time, it is also the most controversial.

What fans fight with each other, the main protagonist is on the field and pulls the flowers, fast female discord, retirement, scandals, rumors...... It can be described as full of highlights.

Of course, the most talked about fast girl this year has to be Liu Xin.

After all, she was already 27 years old when she participated in the fast girl, and compared with other fast girls who were only in their early twenties, Liu Xin, who was about to run for three, was indeed a little "old".

Even because of this, it was sprayed by many netizens: I still came to participate in the draft at such an old age.

Liu Xin: The first draft "Bai Yueguang", what is the charm of "Sister Lang" to invite her 5 times

But there is a good saying: the life of chasing dreams has never been related to age.

In order to pursue her music dream, Liu Xin had already participated in many competitions before participating in Fast Girl.

Unfortunately, she was always unlucky, and she didn't make any splashes in those games.

In 2005, when she participated in the "Sogou Super Girl" held by Sohu in Beijing, Mango TV was also holding a Super Girl, and the former's popularity and influence could not be compared with Mango Channel's Super Girl.

And Liu Xin also failed to achieve good results in this show.

Later, she went to participate in the recording of Qinghai Satellite TV's "Youth Hui" program, which was also cut off for some reason.

At the end of 2007, she participated in the first "Dancing Music and Painting" open trainee selection competition held by JYP in Beijing, and finally won the championship with proud results, and signed a contract with JYP to make her debut.

It's a pity that in the few years since he signed the contract, Liu Xin has not paid much attention in the domestic music industry, and rarely performs, so it has been several years.

It wasn't until 2011 that she peacefully terminated her contract with JYP, when she was 27 years old.

But the flame of her pursuit of music dreams is still burning.

So this year, she decisively went to Changsha and embarked on a journey to chase her music dream again.

Despite her age, 27-year-old Liu Xin also has the charm of her age. At that time, she was dressed in the current popular neutral style, with capable short hair, and entered the public eye.

And her hearty personality has attracted a lot of die-hard fans for Liu Xin, and she is the first in popularity in the number of votes in each competition, far ahead of other fast girls.

With her popularity, she naturally became one of the favorites to win the championship, and the other favorite to win the championship was Hong Chen.

Liu Xin: The first draft "Bai Yueguang", what is the charm of "Sister Lang" to invite her 5 times

Hong Chen's strength and popularity back then were not inferior to Liu Xin, and he could even compete with her.

The two were arguably the most eye-catching contestants in that year's championship fight, and fans on both sides were also arguing about who won the championship.

It's just that no one expected that on the night of the championship, a live-action version of the famous scene of "sandpiper and clam fighting, fisherman benefiting" was staged.

Liu Xin, who played steadily in the past, sang "Old Boy" on behalf of her mental journey in the first game, but due to emotional excitement, the sound was broken and out of tune on the spot.

As a result, she had a chain reaction in the second game, and she played abnormally again, and was finally named third-place.

Seeing that the steaming and the championship were missed, Liu Xin's fans were angry and voted all the votes for Duan Linxi, which finally made Duan Linxi win the championship unexpectedly.

And the matter is far from over, after the game, Liu Xin and Hong Chen's fans fought outside.

As soon as this incident came out, it finally triggered the official issuance of the "Lake Restriction Order", ordering Mango Station to suspend the draft competition for one year.

Because of this, this year's Fast Girl was rated by the public as the "craziest" draft competition in history.

However, no matter what the result is, Liu Xin still successfully signed a contract with Tianyu.

But fate is always unlucky, and good things always have to grind.

After signing a contract with Tianyu, Liu Xin did not expect to be popular, but slowly faded out of the public's sight, what is going on?

2. Don't forget the original dream, take the rock and roll and start anew

After stepping down from the draft stage, Tianyu also released two music discs for Liu Xin while the iron was hot, but it failed to make any splashes.

In order to maintain popularity and exposure, the company gave her a lot of jobs one after another, including variety shows, advertisements, film and television drama performances, etc.

But these jobs have nothing to do with music, and they haven't brought her any fame, and slowly the aura of a fast woman fades, and Liu Xin fades out of the public's sight.

After returning home from work countless times, Liu Xin fell into deep doubts, she didn't know what the meaning of these jobs she did, purely to make money, or to maintain her popularity?

Even so, Liu Xin did not give up his music dream.

In the years when she was "forgotten" by the public, she was growing up in a low-key manner.

At the end of 2017, she released 3 rock singles under her own name and formed a rock band with several old friends.

Liu Xin: The first draft "Bai Yueguang", what is the charm of "Sister Lang" to invite her 5 times

There is a saying that goes like this: you have to work hard, quietly rise to the top, and then surprise everyone.

Appearing in front of the public again, she really did it to surprise everyone.

On June 25, 2019, Liu Xin's contract with Tianyu expired, and without this contract, she could finally devote herself to the music she liked.

Liu Xin: The first draft "Bai Yueguang", what is the charm of "Sister Lang" to invite her 5 times

When Liu Xin appeared in front of the public again, she had torn off the label of "fast girl" on her body, replaced herself with the lead singer of a rock band, and appeared on the stage of "Le Xia" with her band.

This year, she was 36 years old.

In this regard, many people questioned whether she was at this age and was still engaged in rock and roll, whether it was to attract people's attention and become popular again.

Actually, no.

After all, she rejected the invitation to Mango Channel's "Sister Lang 1" for the sake of "Le Xia".

Liu Xin: The first draft "Bai Yueguang", what is the charm of "Sister Lang" to invite her 5 times

If she wants to become popular, she must go to Mango Channel's "Sister Lang", which will be more topical and popular.

After all, if you can invite 30 sisters to the stage at once, this show is definitely not bad.

Moreover, at that time, "Sister Lang 1" also invited several supergirls and fast girls, including Li Sidanni, who had the best play with Liu Xin in 2011.

But she resolutely chose "Lexia" because rock 'n' roll is her favorite.

Liu Xin began to learn about rock music at a very young age, and as a child, she was influenced by bands and musicians including Guns N' Rose, Nirvana, Hole, and Michael Jackson.

During high school, she formed her own rock band and has a certain reputation in the Harbin rock circle.

Therefore, after signing a contract with Tianyu, in the confusing days of the next few years, she thought about two things clearly, one is to fulfill her filial piety in time, and the other is that she hopes that she can have a band and continue to sing.

Liu Xin: The first draft "Bai Yueguang", what is the charm of "Sister Lang" to invite her 5 times

She wants to bring her favorite music to the public and bring it to fans who still like her.

However, at the age of 36, it is not the courage of anyone to start again on a different track.

Girls like her, who have been going around in circles, have long since returned to a stable life: working, marrying, and having children.

But she carried Geeta on her back again, and with a few friends, she took the rock and roll and set off again.

But she is Liu Xin, and she can participate in the draft at the age of 27, which seems to be a reasonable thing to think about like this.

Persistent people will always be seen, and those years that have been wasted by God have finally been given back to her in another form, so she gets a Forgotten Club.

In the summer of 2020, Liu Xin took the Forgotten Club to the stage of "Le Xia".

Years of precipitation have made her typhoon more mature and stable.

The explosive stage performance and amazing creative ability have been recognized by many music critics.

More professional music critics commented: Her voice is naturally suitable for singing rock and roll.

It's a pity that the Forgotten Club was eliminated by PK in the second issue of "Lexia".

And several sisters who are also supergirls and fast girls relied on "Sister Lang 1" to become popular again, and Liu Xin regretted losing a popular stage for "Lexia"?

The answer to this is no.

From her answer to Mr. Da Zhang Wei's question, she knew that Liu Xin knew very well what she wanted.

She said, "I want to be happy myself."

Liu Xin: The first draft "Bai Yueguang", what is the charm of "Sister Lang" to invite her 5 times

It's just that "Sister Lang", which she missed back then, was invited to her again this year.

Perhaps because of the favorable time, place and people, Liu Xin finally came to the stage of Sister Lang at the end of the spring of 2024 with her song "Girl from the Northeast (Riding the Wind Version)".

3. Bai Yueguang "returned to China" and set off again in the wind and waves

After 13 years, Liu Xin returned to Changsha again.

Her appearance has exploded many old fans, and some fans have made Liu Xin's mental journey over the years into a "cool text" video, and ridiculed: Bai Yueguang killed "returning to China", and he is bound to get back everything he lost.

It seems that Liu Xin's appearance on the stage of "Sister Lang" is what everyone expects.

It's just that compared to standing on the Changsha stage 13 years ago to compete for the debut position, this time, she is here to enjoy the stage.

Before the recording of the show, Yang Tianzhen interviewed Liu Xin and asked her if she had a clear plan for her life?

Her answer was: No.

For Liu Xin, the result is not important, she enjoys the current stage, and it would be best if she could form a group, so that she could go through all the stages.

However, she revealed to Yang Tianzhen that she wants to become a rock and roll grandmother and make the music she loves a lifelong career.

On the first stage, she played and sang by herself, and her energetic rock music directly detonated the audience, making everyone present feel the charm of this sister from the Northeast.

I don't know if you have noticed a detail, Liu Xin came to the stage of "Sister Lang" this time, and when she appeared, her introduction was: rock singer.

Nowadays, on all occasions, Liu Xin introduces herself as a rock singer and the lead singer of the Oblivion Club, a label that makes her proud.

So far, Liu Xin has won the first place in popularity votes in "Sister Lang". Even if she has been "silent" for 13 years, as long as she returns, she is still a well-deserved "popular king".


If the 27-year-old is a glass of lemonade, it gives people a refreshing enjoyment; Then at the age of 40, she is like a glass of old spirits, which will make people more and more addicted the more you taste it.

I hope she can try more music styles in the future and bring better music to the audience.

I don't know which sister you prefer, and which sister you are more optimistic about forming a group? Let's talk in the comment area!

Liu Xin: The first draft "Bai Yueguang", what is the charm of "Sister Lang" to invite her 5 times

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