
Wu Kaihua investigated the practical work of people's livelihood

author:Anshan clouds

Wu Kaihua emphasized when investigating the practical work of people's livelihood

Seek the benefits of the people's livelihood, solve the worries of the people's livelihood, and earnestly do practical things to the hearts of the masses

On the 29th, Wu Kaihua, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, led a team to investigate the practical work of people's livelihood in the urban area. He stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on protecting and improving people's livelihood, firmly establish the people-centered development idea, work hard to seek the benefits of people's livelihood and solve people's livelihood worries, truly do practical things for the people to the hearts of the masses, and constantly enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security.

Wu Kaihua investigated the practical work of people's livelihood

At the Anshan Emergency Rescue Center, Wu Kaihua listened carefully to the introduction, learned in detail about the construction of the city's pre-hospital emergency system, the emergency command and dispatch process, the coverage of automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) in key places and the business training of key groups, and watched the AED use skills training on the spot. He pointed out that pre-hospital first aid is the first line of defense to protect the safety of people's lives. It is necessary to further improve the construction of the pre-hospital emergency system, coordinate first-aid resources, improve the level of network informatization, scientific command and dispatch, strict work procedures, strengthen equipment investment and team building, strengthen publicity and guidance and popularization of emergency care knowledge, and strive to create a strong atmosphere in which the whole society believes in first aid, respects first aid, and understands first aid, and goes all out to escort the life safety and health of the people.

Wu Kaihua investigated the practical work of people's livelihood

In East Changdian Primary School in Tiedong District, Wu Kaihua walked into the campus, listened to the introduction of the opening of the school's sports venues during the holidays, and inspected the surrounding environment of the campus and the use of sports venues. He pointed out that promoting the orderly opening of primary and secondary school playgrounds on holidays is an important task to meet the needs of residents for leisure exercise, improve the happiness index of the masses, and accelerate the construction of a healthy Anshan. All regions and schools should fully combine the actual teaching conditions and the needs of the masses, reasonably determine the opening hours, strengthen the daily maintenance and management of playgrounds and facilities, and make overall plans for management services and risk management and control during the opening period, so as to improve the effectiveness of school sports resources, so that the general public can enjoy more and better fitness resources.

Wu Kaihua investigated the practical work of people's livelihood

In the community canteen of the Hongling Social Affairs Service Center in the High-tech Zone, Wu Kaihua inspected the environmental facilities and functional layout of the canteen on the spot, and learned more about the number of diners, the types of dishes, and the charging standards. He said that the community canteen is a practical matter of people's livelihood related to the vital interests of community residents, and it is an important work to further promote community and home-based elderly care services and improve people's livelihood service guarantees. All regions should give better play to the role of the community in being close to the masses, understanding the masses, and serving the masses, build more convenient, hygienic, and inexpensive community canteens, solve the problem of "one old and one young", living difficulties and other groups of people with peace of mind, and actively explore a more thoughtful, convenient, and intimate new model of convenient services, so that community services are more warm and the people's lives are happier.

Vice Mayor Zhou Yingqiu and Secretary General of the Municipal Government Liu Guangxin participated in the investigation.

All-media reporter Wang Huawei and Liu Xiaoming


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