
How is broken bridge aluminum from South Asia upgraded to space aluminum?

author:Xiongnu Wolf Mountain
How is broken bridge aluminum from South Asia upgraded to space aluminum?

Boeing's new spacecraft can't get up and down the International Space Station, and Loma's new batch of F35 is speeding up batch production, but neither the superpower navy nor the air force nor overseas users dare to pick up the planes in batches, so they have to have a large backlog in the factory area. These two phenomena seem to be unrelated, but after the Pentagon's preliminary investigation, the root cause is either explicitly or implicitly pointed to a "new alloy" called broken bridge space aluminum! Here we must first figure out, what is broken bridge aluminum, and what is space aluminum? Common sense can know that gold, silver, copper, iron, aluminum, all metals, are likely to have good electrical and thermal conductivity, as well as ductility and processability. Therefore, the ability to use metals on a large scale is an important sign that mankind has entered the era of civilization. However, it is not always a good thing that the thermal and electrical conductivity of metals is too strong. For example, the iron pot, aluminum pot or aluminum spoon used when cooking can easily be heated together and cause hot hands. The solution is to add insulated handles made of wood or composite to these metal cookware. The most common are plastic handles. Metals such as aluminum and iron conduct heat relatively quickly,

How is broken bridge aluminum from South Asia upgraded to space aluminum?

In engineering, it is called "thermal conductive bridge"; Adding a plastic handle to an aluminum spoon and aluminum pot is to artificially interrupt the thermal bridge with a composite material with poor thermal conductivity, also known as a "broken bridge". The aluminum material of thermal insulation and bridge on modern door and window materials makes full use of this principle. That is, plastic materials are added in the middle of the door and window frames of metal aluminum to reduce its conductivity to the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor, so it is called thermal insulation and broken bridge aluminum alloy doors and windows. In addition to thermal insulation and insulation, there is also the benefit of reducing costs. Because the cost of plastic materials is much lower than that of pure aluminum, assuming that 1 ton of pure aluminum can produce 50 square meters of doors and windows, then with the addition of broken bridge materials, 70 to 80 square meters can be produced, so it is beneficial to both the producer and the consumer. So what is space aluminum? Space aluminium is the top-of-the-line aluminium that has been specially strengthened. For example, the yield strength of pure aluminum is only 30 megapascals, and the yield strength limit of the strongest aerospace aluminum, that is, space aluminum, is 300 megapascals, which is 10 times higher. The largest use of space aluminum is to produce large-scale;

How is broken bridge aluminum from South Asia upgraded to space aluminum?

The basic shell of the spacecraft. For example, the main module of the space station like the boiler section, including the manned space shuttle and the manned return capsule like the large scale. The main material of its sealed shell is actually high-strength aerospace aluminum. The average thickness is about 1 cm. The use of aerospace aluminum instead of iron or titanium alloy, mainly aerospace aluminum has the lightest specific gravity, which is conducive to reducing the burden of launching rockets, and the structural strength is completely sufficient. As for fire resistance and high temperature resistance, it is solved by adding a fire-resistant layer to the surface of the spacecraft or pasting fire-resistant tiles on the surface of the space shuttle. Space aluminum can be used as a simple cabin to seal the shell as a whole, but it is not possible when it comes to fuel storage bottles, fuel pipelines, fuel valves, and even load-bearing girders of aircraft that are resistant to high temperature and high pressure. Because the strength of the force is too great, special steel must be used; If you want to reduce weight on a large scale, then you must use aerospace titanium! Because the yield strength of high-end titanium alloy is more than 1500 megapascals, which is 5 times that of the highest-end space aluminum, and it is 150 to 180 megapascals of ordinary broken bridge aluminum;

How is broken bridge aluminum from South Asia upgraded to space aluminum?

8 to 10 times the yield strength; Durability, wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant, and sealing properties are incomparable. Knowing the above basic principles, the moth behind it is here. As the superpowers continue to deindustrialize over the past 40 years, it goes without saying that general civilian materials, even the main and auxiliary materials for the manufacture of fighter jets and spacecraft, are also procured globally. Moreover, this kind of procurement is also seriously opaque, so it can be said that it is sneaky and subcontracted layer by layer. For example, a company has exported special steel cables for more than 20 years, and finally learned that it was used as an aircraft carrier interceptor by the superpower navy. There is also a unit that exports aerospace-grade titanium alloy all year round, with both structural parts and seals, which are said to be purchased by the local chicken country; And the native chicken country changed hands and sold it to the noodle country; Who knew that the noodle country was used in its own F35 production line! A few days later, the superpowers asked the noodle country to pack these titanium materials and ship them to North America. Noodle Country left an eye: thinking that the quality of this batch of aerospace-grade titanium materials is so good, they are all handed over, and they don't need to be in their own homes in the end.

How is broken bridge aluminum from South Asia upgraded to space aluminum?

What to do with this batch of F35s? So the noodle country has another international tender. The next day, I received a quotation, it was actually from Bharata, as long as I gave that, the unit price could be half cheaper! But when the material arrived, it was found that it was an ordinary aluminum alloy, which was obviously used for secondary processing of aluminum for old doors and windows! What's going on with asking a new supplier? The answer is that you don't care, this is the "super space aluminum" that we have just developed. If you don't believe it, you will hand it over to the inspection experts from the superpowers, and you will be guaranteed to pass it at the first time! The noodle country trembled and handed over this large number of "high-end goods" to the superpowers, which is really a green light all the way! Soon, from the 5th generation fighter to the new spaceship, all without exception are full of love from South Asia!