
Attention parents! Longchang announced the latest 86 ......

author:Wei Longchang
Attention parents! Longchang announced the latest 86 ......
Attention parents! Longchang announced the latest 86 ......

Dear Parents and Friends,

The summer vacation of 2024 is coming, and parents and friends can use the holiday time to help children develop good living habits and accompany them to grow up healthily. If you really need to participate in off-campus training, the Municipal Education and Sports Bureau makes the following warm reminders to parents and friends in the city.

1. Rationally view the role of off-campus training. Parents should establish the concept of scientific education, do not blindly follow the trend to register for classes, actively assume the responsibility of family education, pay attention to the improvement of children's comprehensive quality, support and encourage children to effectively manage their spare time, and promote children's all-round development and healthy growth.

2. Understand the national "double reduction" policy. On national statutory holidays, weekends, and winter and summer vacations, all training institutions must not carry out academic training for the compulsory education stage. Therefore, parents are requested to take the initiative to refuse to let their children participate in compulsory education subject training in the summer; Do not participate in training in illegal disciplines such as educational consultation, off-campus care, and personal studios; Do not participate in online discipline training.

3. Identify off-campus training institutions. If your child really needs training in his spare time, please choose a legal training institution that holds the "People's Republic of China Private School Running Permit" and "Industrial and Commercial Business License" or "Private Non-enterprise Unit Registration Certificate", that is, a white institution; Those with incomplete licenses are illegal training institutions, i.e., black institutions, which cannot carry out enrollment and training.

4. Sign a training contract. When participating in training at a formal off-campus training institution, please take the initiative to sign the "Extracurricular Training Service Contract for Primary and Secondary Schools (Model Text)" with the institution, and review and confirm the training content, refund standards and liability for breach of contract item by item, do not believe in verbal promises, and avoid "overlord clauses".

5. Be cautious about paying for training. Parents and friends are requested to pay through the "Rainbow Key" APP or WeChat applet, and do not pay training fees to individuals. It is a violation for the training institution to charge a one-time fee for more than 3 months (60 class hours) or a one-time fee of more than 5,000 yuan, and you are requested to refuse to pay. Please refuse the "training loan" to prevent falling into the trap of consumption.

6. Safeguard their own legitimate rights and interests. In the event of a consumer dispute with a training institution, first negotiate rationally with the institution; If the negotiation fails, contact the agency's regulatory authority or the local consumer protection committee for mediation. According to the spirit of provincial and municipal documents, training institutions implement classified management. Academic and sports training institutions are under the supervision of the Municipal Education and Sports Bureau; Art training institutions are supervised by the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism; Science and technology training institutions are supervised by the Municipal Bureau of Economic Informatization and Science and Technology.

7. Work together to purify the education ecology. During the summer vacation, if parents find that there are "one-to-one", "one-to-many", "housekeeping service", "live-in teachers", "high-end housekeeping", "crowdfunding private education", "study tours" and other invisible variations of discipline training, or find that non-academic training institutions in the name of "quality development" and "thinking training" and other phenomena beyond the scope of discipline training, please report to the competent department in a timely manner, and jointly promote the implementation of the "double reduction" work.

Discipline and sports training reporting telephone:


Art Training Report Hotline:


Science and technology training reporting telephone:


Parents and friends, let us join hands and work together to continuously strengthen communication and cooperation between home and school, jointly build a good education ecology, and create a good learning and living environment for children.

I wish the majority of primary and secondary school students in the city physical and mental health and a happy summer!

Longchang Municipal Bureau of Education and Sports

June 18, 2023

White list of off-campus training institutions in Longchang City

(86 institutes)

Data statistics deadline: June 6, 2024

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Attention parents! Longchang announced the latest 86 ......

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Attention parents! Longchang announced the latest 86 ......
Attention parents! Longchang announced the latest 86 ......
Attention parents! Longchang announced the latest 86 ......

Source丨Longchang Education

Editor丨Zhang Yuan

Editor-in-charge丨Yang Ping

Audit丨Yu Qigang