
She is the wife of a traitor who betrayed Sister Jiang, but she is respected by the countrymen, what did she do?

author:Pillow cat

On the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Jiang Zhuyun, a young female underground worker, fought bravely for the cause of the country's liberation, and was finally betrayed and sacrificed by a traitor. Her story has touched countless people. However, what is surprising is that Guo Dexian, the wife of the traitor Po Zhigao, who betrayed her, has won widespread respect among the countrymen.

What did this old man, who had experienced countless ups and downs, do to make her controversial and respected at the same time? with faith.

She is the wife of a traitor who betrayed Sister Jiang, but she is respected by the countrymen, what did she do?

Love and Betrayal: Pu Zhigao's Choice

In the days when the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was raging, Guo Dexian and Pu Zhigao, as underground workers, were jointly engaged in dangerous intelligence collection and transmission work behind enemy lines. The husband and wife often sneaked around in the dark, secretly relaying information to the party's top brass to support the anti-Japanese forces' combat operations.

They live in a nondescript hut that looks ordinary on the outside, but is actually an important stronghold for underground activities. However, as time went on, Page's mental stress gradually increased. During one operation, he was accidentally captured by the enemy. In order to obtain more information from him, the enemy tortured him for several days.

The extreme physical pain and the extreme psychological fear made his will begin to waver. Faced with the so-called "freedom" in exchange for the enemy, Po Zhigao made the decision to betray in the midst of suffering. The enemy demanded that he provide the identities and hiding places of his comrades, and Pu Zhigao, under great psychological pressure, leaked information about a number of underground workers, including Sister Jiang, to the enemy.

She is the wife of a traitor who betrayed Sister Jiang, but she is respected by the countrymen, what did she do?

The leakage of this information directly led to the destruction of a number of important anti-Japanese networks, among which Sister Jiang died heroically due to torture shortly after her arrest, which brought a major blow to the anti-Japanese forces. This incident had a profound impact on Guo Dexian. When she learned of her husband's betrayal, her first reaction was disbelief, followed by deep disappointment and pain.

But in such a situation, Guo Dexian did not indulge in personal emotional twists and turns, she quickly collected her mood and devoted herself more actively to underground work to make up for the losses caused by Pu Zhigao's betrayal. She took on more tasks, including re-establishing networks, arranging covert meetings and relocating threatened comrades.

In the years that followed, Guo Dexian showed a high level of organizational and operational ability. She not only rebuilt the broken underground network, but also expanded her influence, and through her own efforts, she successfully delivered a large amount of materials and intelligence to the anti-Japanese cause. She often does not return late at night, and during the day she hides among ordinary citizens, maneuvering with enemies and ensuring the safe transmission of information.

Although Pu Zhigao's betrayal caused some trouble to the underground work, Kwok's tenacity and wisdom helped the organization tide over the difficulties. Her actions were not only resistance to the Japanese enemy, but also perseverance in her faith in the face of adversity. Guo Dexian's perseverance and hard work have become a model of a female hero in that turbulent era, showing a fearless and determined spirit of resistance.

She is the wife of a traitor who betrayed Sister Jiang, but she is respected by the countrymen, what did she do?

Perseverance and Justice: Guo Dexian's Choice

With the betrayal and arrest of her husband Pu Zhigao, Guo Dexian's life and anti-Japanese activities faced an unprecedented crisis. Pu Zhigao's betrayal led to the enemy's attention to Kwok Tak-hsien and his eventual arrest. In the prison of the enemy, she was subjected to prolonged torture and interrogation. The enemy tried to get more information about the organization from her, but Guo Dexian was determined not to divulge any information.

In prison, Guo Dexian maintained a high level of vigilance and strength in the face of various threats and temptations from the enemy. She kept in touch with other comrades in prison in various ways to support each other's spirits and keep their faith firm in the difficult environment. Despite the great physical suffering, she managed to fend off the psychological attacks of the enemy through mutual assistance with her comrades.

Guo Dexian's actions earned him widespread respect in prison, and she was not only a strong warrior in the eyes of her comrades, but also an opponent who was difficult to conquer in the eyes of her enemies. Her perseverance and courage became an example to many in prison. Even in the darkest moments, Guo Dexian did not give up hope, knowing that her actions were fighting for greater justice and freedom.

Kwok is not alone in his struggle. In prison, she met many equally determined revolutionaries who supported each other through the difficult times. She also secretly participated in organizing a number of small-scale resistance actions, such as secretly delivering messages and comforting newly imprisoned comrades to ensure that they were not crushed by enemy methods.

She is the wife of a traitor who betrayed Sister Jiang, but she is respected by the countrymen, what did she do?

The beginning of a new life: Guo Dexian's comeback

In 1949, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Guo Dexian started her life again. She moved with her children to a courtyard near Sichuan University. Although the place is simple, she uses her hard-working hands and tenacious will to keep this new home in good order.

In order to make a living, she got a job at a university nursery, which not only allowed her to support her family, but also allowed her to continue to play her role in the field of education. Her daily life is very busy, and every morning, she is always the first to wake up, prepare a simple breakfast, and take the children to the nursery.

Despite the difficult conditions, she always brings warmth and care to the children with a smile on her face. She keeps her work and family in order, working hard at the nursery every day to take care of the young children. Here, she is not only a caregiver, but also a mentor to the children, teaching them with her knowledge and experience.

She is the wife of a traitor who betrayed Sister Jiang, but she is respected by the countrymen, what did she do?

While working in the nursery, Guo Dexian also actively participated in various commemorative activities and revolutionary education work. In her spare time, she tells the people around her about her revolutionary experience and the stories of the martyrs who died bravely. Her story was vivid and moving, and many young people were touched by her story and deeply felt the great spirit and indomitable fighting spirit of the revolutionary forefathers.

Every year on the anniversary day, she goes to the scum cave to commemorate those colleagues who have sacrificed their lives for the country. No matter what the rain is, she never stops. With great reverence, she remembered the names of those comrades who had fought side by side. During the commemorative activities, she often held various activities at her own expense, preaching everywhere, and telling in detail the heroic deeds of the revolutionary martyrs.

She hopes that through these activities, more people can understand that magnificent history, so that the spirit of those heroes who sacrificed their lives for the cause of national liberation can be passed on.

She is the wife of a traitor who betrayed Sister Jiang, but she is respected by the countrymen, what did she do?

Historical Inheritance: Guo Dexian's Contribution

Her activities often take place in community halls, school classrooms, and even squares. She traveled to various places with a thick amount of information, in order to let more young people understand that history full of blood and tears. She recounted in detail the revolutionary story of herself and her comrades, describing their heroism on the battlefield and their steadfastness in the face of enemy torture.

Every detail and every scene made the audience feel as if they had experienced it themselves, and felt the great spirit and fearless fighting spirit of the revolutionary ancestors. In order to make the story more infectious, Guo Dexian often prepares some photos and old objects. These items chronicle her and her comrades-in-arms during the difficult years.

She pulled out a yellowed photograph of her working underground in Chengdu as a young woman. She tells the story behind the photos: how to disguise herself as a vegetable vendor at the market, how to arrange meetings and print flyers in a thatched hut at night. Every old object carries her deep memory of that period of history.

She is the wife of a traitor who betrayed Sister Jiang, but she is respected by the countrymen, what did she do?

In addition to telling his own stories, Guo Dexian also carefully collected and sorted out the information of other martyrs. She often visits the families of martyrs to learn more details and ensure that her account is complete and truthful. She compiled the materials into a book and distributed them to her audience so that they could learn more about that period of history.

She hopes that these materials can become a bridge for future generations to understand history, so that more people can remember those heroes who sacrificed their lives for the cause of national liberation. Guo Dexian also organized some visits and led young people to visit revolutionary sites such as the Dregs Cave and the White Mansion. She explained it herself, showing them the place where the revolutionary forefathers suffered and struggled.

She pointed to a wall in the scum cave and told everyone that this was the place where Sister Jiang was imprisoned and tortured. She described Sister Jiang's steadfastness in the face of torture and emphasized her great spirit of dedication to the revolutionary cause. These on-site explanations made young people feel more intuitively the heroism and fearlessness of the revolutionary ancestors.

She is the wife of a traitor who betrayed Sister Jiang, but she is respected by the countrymen, what did she do?

Under her influence, many young people spontaneously organized themselves and participated in the commemoration. They disseminate revolutionary stories in schools and communities, hold various forms of commemorative activities, and pass on the revolutionary spirit. Guo Dexian's efforts have stimulated the patriotic enthusiasm of the younger generation, allowing more people to understand and remember that period of history.

Kwok also pays special attention to education. She often goes to the school to give lectures to students, using vivid stories and real history to guide them to establish correct values and historical outlook. She recounted how the revolutionary forefathers did not hesitate to sacrifice their lives for the benefit of the country and the people.

She hopes that through these stories, students can understand that peace is not easy to come by and cherish today's happy life. Under her instigation, some schools also set up special courses for revolutionary history education, incorporating Guo Dexian's narration and materials into their teaching content. Through these courses, the students have a deeper understanding of that period of history and a deep understanding of the great spirit of the revolutionary ancestors.

She is the wife of a traitor who betrayed Sister Jiang, but she is respected by the countrymen, what did she do?

These courses not only enrich the students' knowledge, but also enhance their patriotic enthusiasm and sense of social responsibility. Kwok's efforts have had a profound impact not only in her community and school, but also in the wider community through media coverage.

Her deeds have been reported many times, and many people have learned about her story and the contributions she has made through these reports. She became a well-respected public figure, and her story has inspired countless people, especially the younger generation. Guo Dexian's life is a great revolutionary epic. With her life and actions, she composed a magnificent revolutionary song.

Her tenacity and dedication not only won her respect, but also made more people aware of that magnificent history. With her own efforts and persistence, she has inherited the revolutionary spirit and inspired generation after generation. Let us pay tribute to this great woman for her tremendous contribution to the country and its people.



From Sun Huaxian, Xiao Jie, Zhang Jianbing, Li Mingfeng, Yang Fan, eds. A piece of Dan's heart opens to the sun, and the heroes of Sichuan in the Dregs Cave Concentration Camp[M]. 2021

She is the wife of a traitor who betrayed Sister Jiang, but she is respected by the countrymen, what did she do?