
Safety is not a "holiday"! Please receive summer vacation safety tips

author:Charm stone screen

Summer vacation is just around the corner, and children should always be safe while enjoying the holidays. Let's take a look at the "2024 Summer Vacation Safety Tips for Primary and Secondary Schools" and "2024 Kindergarten Summer Vacation Safety Tips" issued by the Hubei Provincial Department of Education

Safety is not a "holiday"! Please receive summer vacation safety tips

2024 Middle School

Summer vacation safety tips

1. Do a good job in health management

1. Advocate the concept of "everyone is the first person responsible for their own health", adhere to good hygiene habits, and classify garbage. Monitor your child's health and seek medical attention if they have any symptoms.

2. Don't eat "three nos" food, don't eat uncleaned food, and don't drink raw water. Eat less high-salt, high-sugar, fried, and smoked foods. Do not pick, buy, or eat wild mushrooms that you don't know or come from.

3. Ensure that children get enough sleep, primary school students should sleep for 10 hours a day, junior high school students should reach 9 hours, and high school students should reach 8 hours.

4. Choose safe sports programs, adhere to appropriate physical exercise, and maintain good and abundant energy.

2. Strictly prevent drowning accidents

5. Do not play or frolic in waterside areas such as rivers, lakes and ponds, hydrophilic platforms, construction site puddles, etc. Do not pick up items that have fallen into rivers and other waters, and do not wash your hands or things near rivers, lakes and ponds, catch fish and shrimp, catch frogs, etc.

6. Do not swim in the water without permission, do not swim with others without authorization, do not swim without the guidance of parents or teachers, do not swim in waters without safety facilities and rescue personnel, and do not swim in unfamiliar waters.

7. If you find a companion drowning, immediately seek adult help, and do not blindly join hands or go into the water to rescue.

3. Ensure travel safety

8. Pay attention to weather forecasts and safety warning information, learn safety knowledge, and take necessary precautions before traveling. Do not stay or play in weather environments such as heavy rain, thunder and lightning, and geological disasters such as mudslides, landslides, and landslides. When children go out, parents should know where to go, what they are going to, what they are going to, and when they will return, and strengthen safety reminders.

9. Educate and remind children to strictly abide by traffic rules, pay attention to safety exits first when going to public places, stress order, not crowded, obey commands, avoid stampede, and be alert to vehicle blind spots when going out.

10. Do not ride a bicycle under the age of 12, and do not ride an electric bicycle under the age of 16. Do not take vehicles that are speeding, overloading, drunk driving, drug driving, fatigue driving, do not take tricycles, agricultural vehicles and other vehicles without passenger transport qualifications, and do not ride strangers' vehicles.

Fourth, a safe and happy vacation

11. For children who have graduated from the college entrance examination and high school entrance examination, pay attention to the child's possible uncontrolled play, nervousness, anxiety, pessimism and self-blame and other bad post-test states, and educate, remind, and guide the child to view the exam correctly, pay attention to the safety of part-time jobs and travel, do not travel together without permission, and maintain a scientific work and rest time.

12. Establish a scientific concept of family education, follow the concept of quality education and the laws of minors' physical and mental development, emphasizing the cultivation of children's positive ideological character, behavioral habits, and healthy physical and mental health, and promoting their all-round development; Respect individual differences and rationally determine children's growth goals; Respect more and understand more, strengthen equal communication, and pay attention to educational methods and methods. Parents of left-behind children should keep in touch with their children regularly and give them care and care.

13. Use electricity and gas correctly, and do a good job in home fire safety. Educate and guide children not to buy, carry, or play with toy products and student supplies that have safety risks or are prone to violence and other bad behaviors, such as "radish knives", laser pointers, and vulgar figures.

14. Do not bully others, do not smoke, drink, play cards, or take drugs, do not participate in superstitions, cults, pyramid schemes, or other activities, do not indulge in mobile phones or the Internet, do not go to Internet cafes, bars, and singing and dancing entertainment venues, and conscientiously resist pornography and violent games. Recognize the serious harm of abusing new drugs such as etomidate-containing "e-cigarettes" and non-scheduled substances such as "laughing gas" (also known as nitrous oxide), and pay attention to preventing drug scams in the name of "refreshing", "weight loss", "non-addictive" and "non-toxic".

15. Prevent telecommunications and internet fraud, do not trust online information, do not spread rumors, and do not meet with strangers.

16. In accordance with the national requirements for "double reduction", off-campus training establishments must not occupy national statutory holidays, rest days, and winter and summer vacations to organize academic training (including offline and online). Please take practical actions to support your child and guide your child to arrange their holiday life reasonably and effectively reduce the burden of training.

17. On the basis of the state's requirements for efforts on the management of minors' tattoos, where minors' parents or other guardians have a motive or conduct for minors to get tattoos, they shall promptly discourage them, and minors must not be allowed to get tattoos. Please support them with practical actions, educate and help children establish and practice the core values of socialism, fully understand the possible harm of tattoos, enhance their awareness and ability to protect themselves, and rationally refuse tattoos.

18. Advocate civilized customs, pay attention to parent-child communication, communicate more with relatives and friends, and actively participate in healthy cultural and sports activities, volunteer services, and other beneficial social practice activities. If you choose summer activities such as summer camps, study tours, and research trips for your children, you should carefully understand the relevant qualifications of the organizers, sign valid contracts, and strengthen safety education for children.

Kindergarten 2024

Summer vacation safety tips

1. Advocate the concept of "everyone is the first person responsible for their own health", guide children not to share towels and cups, not to rub their eyes with their hands at will, and to develop good hygiene habits. Monitor your child's health and seek medical attention if they have any symptoms.

2. Keep the room clean and dry, ventilate regularly, do not bring outdoor unclean and undisinfected items into the room at will, and put them in garbage classification.

3. Do not let children eat food that does not meet the requirements of hygiene, eat less frozen food, do not overeat, and eat less high-salt, high-sugar, fried and smoked food. Do not pick, buy, or eat wild mushrooms that you don't know or come from.

4. Guide children to exercise appropriately, enhance their physical fitness, and maintain a good mental state.

5. Children should always be in the sight and supervision of parents, do not leave children alone in the room or car, and do not let children go out without adult accompaniment.

6. Do not let children play alone or in groups in dangerous areas such as roadsides, watersides, construction sites, etc., to prevent accidents such as traffic and drowning.

7. Do a good job of safety protection in areas such as family balconies and platforms. Teach children not to throw things downstairs, not to climb balconies, doors and windows or other high places, and to beware of falling and falling.

8. Promptly check the safety of electrical wires, gas pipelines, electrical appliances, knives and other equipment at home to prevent accidents such as electric shock, scalds, gas poisoning, and instrument injuries.

9. Keep toys and items that are flammable, explosive, fragile, toxic, sharp or other that have a negative impact on children's body and mind, and keep them out of touch. Teach children not to put things in their mouths, ears, noses, and eyes, and not to put things on their heads and necks.

10. Keep the medicines at home properly and do not let the children touch them at will. Do not let children become addicted to electronic products such as mobile phones.

11. Teach children to be friendly with children. When you go out, obey the traffic rules and ride rules with your children, and pay attention to traffic safety. Teach children not to tease cats, dogs and other animals. Teach children to be wary of blind spots when they go out.

12. Teach children not to let others see, touch, or photograph their private parts.

13. Teach children not to accept food or gifts from strangers, not to tell strangers about their families, to shout for help and run to crowded places when they are forced to be taken away by strangers, and to stay where they are or ask the police for help when they are separated from their families.

14. Educate children to be familiar with their own name, kindergarten name, home address and parents' name, telephone number, and unit, and will ask for help in case of accidents and express them clearly.

15. On the basis of the requirements of the national 'double reduction' policy, online training for preschool children must not be carried out, and it is strictly prohibited to carry out offline academic (including foreign language) training for preschool children in the name of preschool classes, kindergarten and primary school transition classes, thinking training classes, and so forth. Please take practical actions to support them, follow the laws of children's physical and mental development, and promote the healthy growth of children.

Source: Weiyan Education, Hubei Provincial Department of Education

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