
These "small things" and "local methods" are of great use

author:Water conservancy in China
These "small things" and "local methods" are of great use

Torrential rains continued to pour down, and the water level of rivers and lakes rose sharply...... Recently, the National General Defense Department has launched an emergency response to flood control, and Hunan, Anhui, Jiangxi and other provinces in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River have launched a flood prevention and flood control campaign. patrol the embankment to remove danger, rescue the masses, and transfer materials...... Flood control is often a protracted battle, and those involved need to maintain abundant physical strength and good mental state for a long time. Over the years, this reporter has interviewed many front-line flood fighters and found that they have found tricks such as wearing "big boots", carrying "small objects", using "local methods", and washing "lazy people's clothes" in practice, which are simple and easy to learn, but very useful.

Wearing "big boots"

Flood fighting and rescue often require wading in water and stepping on mud. An "old water conservancy" with more than 30 years of experience in flood control always reminds everyone to wear "big boots" (plastic high rain boots) and tie the trouser tube into the boots.

"Lao Shui" said that there is a risk of contracting schistosomiasis in the rivers, ditches, lakes, and barren grasses at the flood control and rescue site. Even if it is not an area with a high incidence of schistosomiasis, the stagnant water in the flood-stricken area may be mixed with garbage, feces and other materials. If there is a wound on the leg or foot, or if you are injured while wading through the water, it is easy to cause illness due to bacterial invasion, which can cause symptoms such as swelling and pain, fever and other symptoms in severe cases, and in severe cases, it can be life-threatening.

These "small things" and "local methods" are of great use

In July 2020, on the embankment in Junshan District, Yueyang City, Hunan Province, flood control workers and people wore "big overboots" and "small flashlights" to patrol the embankment at night to check for danger. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Zeguo

With "Small Things"

On the front line of flood fighting and rescue, the "berm guards" need to stick to the embankment day and night for a long time, pay attention to the water situation and investigate the danger. A member of the rescue team showed the reporter the "small objects" they were carrying:

"Insect repellent pot". One of the "great enemies" of flood control and flood control is swarms of mosquitoes. If you don't take precautions against being bitten by mosquitoes, it will not only itch your heart, but also be prone to infection. Buy a small and portable plastic watering can and pour some mosquito repellent water into it. Spray it all over the body, and then assist in rubbing some wind oil essence, once most mosquitoes get close, they are often choked and scattered.

These "small things" and "local methods" are of great use

On June 27, in Jiaoqiao Village, Longfu Town, Liuyang City, Hunan Province, flood control workers were spraying mosquito repellent. Xinhua News Agency

"Cool fan". The palm-sized portable electric fan can be used for a long time when fully charged, and can accompany the "embankment keeper" to fight the heat. Once the small fan runs out of power and can't find a place to charge, there is also a spare nylon cloth fan, shake it, and it also has the effect of cooling off.

"Sweat-wicking towels". It is inevitable that the flood fighting and rescue will often sweat like rain, wipe the sweat with dry paper towels, and a pack or roll may be used up quickly; It is best to use a single individually wrapped wet paper towel, wipe off the sweat, and wring it out; Soak with a little drinking water, wring out, reuse.

"Little flashlight". The flashlight with adjustable irradiation distance and spot area can not only explore the way, but also check the danger, and can also switch the "flashing" gear to act as an emergency contact tool, and can even be used for distress in the event of an emergency.

Using the "Dirt Method"

Today, when flood control is becoming more and more mechanized, information-based and even intelligent, many "local methods" handed down by the "predecessors of water conservancy" are still very practical.

"Transsonic Bang". On the first-line embankment of flood control, the sound of bamboo bangs can be heard from time to time echoing in the night sky for a long time. Knock it first, and then knock twice in a row after two seconds to indicate safety; Continuous knocking is to find the danger, and the surrounding rescue team members will rush to hear the sound. The "Chuansheng Bang" is made of a section of Nan bamboo, with a pronunciation slit about 5 mm wide and 25 cm long, and the two ends are closed. For the "waterfront people" in the flood season, when danger occurs, the sound of bangzi is the siren; The embankment is safe, and the sound of the bang is a lullaby.

These "small things" and "local methods" are of great use

In July 2020, in Qionghu Street, Yuanjiang City, Hunan Province, volunteers delivered flood information through the "Transyin Bang". Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Sihan

"Cicada wing diagram". An old water conservancy engineer is a "think tank" on the front line of flood control. He once carried a "handkerchief" with him, and it turned out to be a "map of the embankment river". He introduced that this kind of map is made of nylon silk, which is as thin as cicada wings, light as nothing, wrinkle-resistant, moisture-proof, not easy to fade, and easy to carry. Even if the sludge is accidentally adhered to, it can be dried and used quickly after a few washes in the water.

"Wake up the brainstool". In the flood shelters on the front line, beds are rarely seen, and most of them are wooden "cold benches" – square benches and benches for the rotational patrolmen to use during short breaks. According to the flood control team members, sitting on a hard bench can allow people to rest and regain their energy for a while, and at the same time, they also try to ensure that they "sit without sleeping" and keep their heads clear.

"Broken Soul Incense". In the flood season, there are swarms of mosquitoes in the reeds, thatched bushes, and poplar forests in the depths of the flood season, and some flood control team members buy a kind of incense that is more than a foot long, very thick, and looks like "earthy" in the town market.

Washing "lazy clothes"

During floods, changing clothes is a big problem when you are exposed to the scorching sun or strong winds.

An "old emergency" shared his laundry experience: put the changed clothes in a bucket, fill it with water, put laundry detergent or shower gel or even shampoo, and pinch the clothes in the water a few times to soak them through. After a few minutes, rub the laundry in a bucket a few times and raise it to wring it out; Soak it again and wring it out again...... Repeat three times; After that, change the water once or twice, repeat the previous operation twice, and the clothes will be washed. Wash the laundry and hang it in a ventilated place to dry; If you want to dry quickly, you can also wrap the clothes in a dry towel and wring them before drying.

"With a small change of clothes, it can basically meet the needs of long-term front-line rescue. The washed clothes are worn on the body, and they still have some fragrance! "Old emergency" said proudly.

The front line of flood control is very difficult and dangerous, and with the help of these tricks that have been explored in practice, even if the storm is fierce, there are always more ways than difficulties.

Source: Xinhua News Agency

Authors: Su Xiaozhou, Chen Zeguo