
Lulang Tashi Gang has a new look for the eternal treasure

author:Main news in Tibet

Tashi Gang Village, Lulang Town, Bayi District, Nyingchi City, Tibet Autonomous Region, is located in a narrow strip of plateau, mountain meadows, and green hills on both sides are composed of shrubs and dense spruce and pine trees on both sides. Between the green hills is a neat meadow, where the streams mean, the flowers are in full bloom, and the wooden hedges and wooden houses are dotted in between, forming a quiet and beautiful "mountain dwelling map" with the snow-capped mountains in the distance and the forest sea in the vicinity.

Lulang Tashi Gang has a new look for the eternal treasure

Tashi Gang village surrounded by mountains. Photo by Qiongda Zhuoga

Feel the wonderland of the mountains and rivers of Tashi Gang

Out of the urban area of Nyingchi, along the Sichuan-Tibet Highway eastward for about 70 kilometers, over the 4,700 meters above sea level of Sejila Mountain, from the clouds and fog between the penetration, green oak, spruce, birch, cypress verdant and deep, unforgettable; Continuing down the mountain, pale yellow pineapples, hanging from the branches and leaves of tall trees, this is the famous scenic spot of Nyingchi Lulang International Tourism Town, and Tashi Gang Village is located here.

From the Lulang International Tourist Town overlooking Tashi Gang Village, I saw that the whole village was built on the mountain, like a misty thin cloud obediently lying on the top of the snowy mountain, the farmhouse attic on the hillside of the green barrier was scattered, the grass around the attic was green, the creek was murmuring, the Lulang forest behind the village was verdant, the thick green was mixed with clusters of pink, smeared scatteredly, vividly and vividly brilliant, just like a timeless ink painting.

Tashi Gang Village is a small village, under the jurisdiction of Tashi Gang and Zhongmai two natural villages, located along the 318 National Highway, with an average altitude of 3,300 meters. Walking on the sheep intestine path in the village, I heard the sound of children reading and the hearty laughter of the old people in the teahouse; At a glance, the dwarf black Tibetan fragrant pig leisurely foraging in the village, the humble appearance makes people laugh, not far away from the pasture herds of yaks calmly gnawing on the grass, from time to time you can see groups of tourists passing by you, while sighing and taking a souvenir...... At that time, Tashi Gang Village looked particularly peaceful, quiet, gentle and beautiful in the drizzling rain.

In spring and summer, the energy that has been accumulated for a long time between heaven and earth completely explodes, and Tashi Gang Village has become a vibrant and energetic paradise. Peach blossoms, Gesang flowers, azaleas and other flowers seem to spread overnight among the meadows, forests, lakes and mountains, competing for beauty, and dressing Tashi Gang in colorful flower clothes. The sea of flowers is magnificent, dreamlike, and bustling with tourists.

Lulang Tashi Gang has a new look for the eternal treasure

View of the village. Photo by Qiongda Zhuoga

In autumn and winter, Tashi Gang ushers in the season of the thickest clouds, the faint clouds are steaming up, the thick clouds are swirling in the mountains, and the towering snow peaks are looming...... The most beautiful is the alpine pasture in winter, the wind horse flag flutters in the snow, the yak is still wandering unhurriedly to forage, the verdant forest sea in the distance is covered with a layer of silver, against the background of the high mountains, the momentum is more majestic, quite the style of the "forest sea snow field" in the far north.

Travel through the ancient Tashi Gang

Tashi Gang Village is a peaceful and peaceful pastoral village, which has been included in the list of traditional ancient villages in China, and the Lulang culture has been completely preserved here. In the village of Tashi Gang on the high mountain pasture of Lulang, there is a beautiful legend related to Princess Wencheng.

According to legend, when Princess Wencheng entered Tibet, she passed by here to tidy up and rest, looked around on the hillside, and was deeply shocked by the beautiful scenery in front of her. Blue skies and white clouds, fragrant grass and flowing water, lush forests, Tibetan houses scattered nearby, and the majestic Nanga Bhava Peak in the distance, the picturesque scenery is in full view. After seeing such a fairyland, Princess Wencheng praised this as an auspicious treasure land, and stopped for a long time to appreciate it slowly. As a result, this hillside was named "Tashi Gang", which means "auspicious slope". The moving legend echoes in Tashi Gang Village with the gust of wind falling from the mountain.

An ancient tea horse road, along a rugged mountain road through trickling streams and vast forests, connects Tashi Gang Village to the outside world.

The Ancient Tea Horse Road originated from the tea and horse markets in the Tang and Song dynasties, with the Sichuan-Tibet Line and the Yunnan-Tibet Line as the two most important routes. Among them, the Yunnan-Tibet line starts from Pu'er, a tea town in Yunnan in the south, and enters Tibet through Dali and Lijiang, and Tashi Gang Village is an important stop on this long road. For thousands of years, this road has connected Tashi Gang Village with all aspects of communication with the outside world, and has also shaped the richness and inclusiveness of Lulang culture.

"Historically, caravans of mules and horses have traveled year after year on this ancient snow-capped mountain road with an average altitude of 4,000 meters above sea level, sending precious tea and other materials to thousands of households in Tibet." Qimei Tsering, mayor of Lulang Town, said that now, relying on the Sichuan-Tibet and Yunnan-Tibet highways, various localities have accelerated the process of urbanization, and a large number of emerging towns such as Lulang have rapidly "grown." The many natural and cultural landscapes along the Sichuan-Tibet and Yunnan-Tibet highways have also attracted countless tourists, making these towns more and more lively.

Tashi Gang comes to life

The beautiful natural scenery and strong historical heritage have created each other, and together they have formed the rich tourism and cultural resources of Tashi Gang Village, making this small village an important tourist destination in Nyingchi.

As one of the earliest tourism development villages in Tibet, Tashi Gang Village has long been famous. Fifty-two of the 68 households here have set up "guesthouses", and the names carved out of the wooden panels are unique and full of literary atmosphere. Tourists can not only stay for a few nights, but also taste local specialties such as stone pot chicken and Tibetan fragrant pig. In Tashi Gang, more and more villagers are engaged in tourism. The three-storey Tibetan building of Baima Family Hotel is bright and beautiful. On the left side of the first floor is a Tibetan-style kitchen and reception room, where the "Chema", a symbol of good harvest, is placed on the table. On the north side of the courtyard is a small restaurant for guests to eat, and the hostess hangs the Tibetan fragrant pork one by one, and her happy face shows abundance.

Lulang Tashi Gang has a new look for the eternal treasure

At the Gongbu Pastoral Tourism and Cultural Festival, local villagers are participating in an archery competition. Photo by Qiongda Zhuoga

At that time, the villagers were also busy with tourism business, "Our per capita income reached 33,000 yuan, and we have become a well-known tourist village and a veritable well-off village." Baima said happily that it was tourism that made our days prosperous.

The appearance of the family hotels in the village is almost the same, with a strong Tibetan style, and some of them also integrate the Han, Tibetan, Menba and other ethnic characteristics of the building, making people feel that the colorful building blocks are built together, which is unique. "In the past, the houses were made of wood, which was unsafe and damaging to the environment, but now most of them are made of reinforced concrete, but the roof retains the characteristics of the workcloth." We have also kept the field fences to give visitors a taste of the idyllic scenery of the plateau, Baima said.

The people here are also gentle and elegant, smiling, still maintaining the simple folk customs, and enthusiastic and enthusiastic about people from all over the world. In the village, I met the local residents, most of whom were dressed in national costumes, and greeted people kindly, welcoming guests from all over the world to Tashi Gang Village.

Lulang Tashi Gang has a new look for the eternal treasure

Happy villagers. Photo by Qiongda Zhuoga

In order to better protect the ancient villages, Tibet has continuously increased investment in recent years, and public services such as water, electricity, and electricity have been gradually equalized. At the same time, guide the villagers to protect the ecology and retain the characteristics of the gongfu under the safe building.

"In the next step, we will increase the protection of the ancient village buildings and intangible cultural heritage protection of Tashi Gang Village, conduct in-depth research and explore the connotation and value of historical and cultural resources, develop intangible cultural heritage projects such as Zhanianqin, Gongfu clothing, and ringing arrows, and promote the benign interaction between the protection of historical and cultural heritage and tourism development, so that cultural heritage can be brought to life and better serve the local community." Lulang Town Mayor Qimei Tsering said. (Source: People's Daily Client Tibet Channel Reporter: Qiongda Zhuoga Wu Yuren)