
"Yilin Juvenile Edition" VS "Reader's Campus Edition", how do parents choose?

author:Children's Reading Club

The new issue of the magazine comparison is here!

Previously, the editor gave you a detailed introduction to the difference between "China Youth English News" and "English Corner", and the response was good.

"Yilin Juvenile Edition" and "Reader's Campus Edition", they are both literary reading journals, which are loved by children, and they are both suitable for teenagers to read, what is the difference between the two? How do parents choose for their children? Let's take a look~

"Yilin Youth Edition"

"Yilin Youth Edition" not only allows children to learn a lot of extracurricular knowledge, but also closely follows the classroom, teaches children to read and write, helps primary and secondary school students improve their Chinese scores, and tutors primary and secondary school students in extracurricular reading.

"Yilin Juvenile Edition" VS "Reader's Campus Edition", how do parents choose?

Reader's Campus Edition

"Reader's Campus Edition" is aimed at growing teenagers, focusing on "campus, youth, growth, education, and knowledge". Through thoughtful good articles, role model stories...... Help children answer the doubts of youth and cheer for growth.

"Yilin Juvenile Edition" VS "Reader's Campus Edition", how do parents choose?



"Yilin Juvenile Edition" VS "Reader's Campus Edition", how do parents choose?

Broadly speaking, "Yilin Juvenile Edition" and "Reader's Campus Edition" are both reading content for primary and secondary school students. According to the psychological characteristics, reading habits, and hobbies of teenagers at this age, they select classic articles and philosophical essays suitable for teenagers to read, guide teenagers to grow up healthily, cultivate teenagers' reading habits, guide children to write, and help children improve their literary literacy.



Here are five ways to get you started.


Judging by the source of the article

"Yilin Youth Edition"

"Yilin Juvenile Edition" VS "Reader's Campus Edition", how do parents choose?

Most of the articles in the magazine are excerpted from "Colorful Language", "Composition Weekly", "Story Club", "Juvenile Literature and Art", "China Youth Daily", "Story King", etc., and each article selected is close to the learning and life of teenagers, conforms to the psychological characteristics of teenagers, and guides teenagers' mental health, which is both interesting and educational.

Reader's Campus Edition

"Yilin Juvenile Edition" VS "Reader's Campus Edition", how do parents choose?

The magazine selects articles with ideological connotations, so that children can enrich and improve themselves in their spare time and solve growth problems. Let them receive healthy and positive information in the reading of high-quality articles, both emotional content and rational analysis. Help children expand their extracurricular horizons, improve their language accomplishment, and enrich their spiritual life. Its ideology and guidance for solving problems in the process of children's growth are stronger.


In terms of age for study

"Reader's Campus Edition" is more difficult than "Yilin Youth Edition"

"Yilin Youth Edition"

As a tutoring aid book that combines "reading, growth, and childlike fun" under Yilin Group, it attaches equal importance to literature and fun! It not only provides literature nutrition, improves children's reading and writing skills, but also pays attention to the mental health of teenagers. The content of the article is relatively lighthearted and suitable for children aged 7-15 years old.

"Yilin Juvenile Edition" VS "Reader's Campus Edition", how do parents choose?

Reader's Campus Edition

"Reader's Campus Edition" magazine is a youth soul journal specially designed for teenagers by Reader Magazine, which provides articles with deeper ideas and more inspiration! It is suitable for children aged 9-18 (middle, high school and upper elementary school children). The content related to the growth of teenagers is very healing, can make children more confident and self-consistent, and help them grow up healthily.

"Yilin Juvenile Edition" VS "Reader's Campus Edition", how do parents choose?


Judging by the features of the magazine

"Yilin Youth Edition"

It's a magazine to listen to. Most articles come with a QR code at the end, which is very convenient to listen to the content of the article. Using fragmented time to listen to articles can also alleviate children's visual fatigue.

"Yilin Juvenile Edition" VS "Reader's Campus Edition", how do parents choose?

Stay close to the classroom education and help your child learn. The magazine has set up columns for the expansion of knowledge such as ancient texts, ancient poems, and classics of Chinese culture for Chinese classrooms, which subtly improves the knowledge level of children.

"Yilin Juvenile Edition" VS "Reader's Campus Edition", how do parents choose?

In addition to reading literature, magazines also focus on improving children's writing skills. Use students' excellent essays and famous teachers' comments to analyze writing techniques, so that children can learn writing skills.

"Yilin Juvenile Edition" VS "Reader's Campus Edition", how do parents choose?

Reader's Campus Edition

【Famous Essays to Improve Language Literacy】Select high-quality and good articles for children, which are not long, so that children can read a good article in ten minutes after class, and improve the accumulation and literacy of Chinese.

"Yilin Juvenile Edition" VS "Reader's Campus Edition", how do parents choose?

【High-score Composition Material Library for After-class Meals】Supplement the hot spots and role models that are not covered in the Chinese textbooks, so that children can accumulate composition materials, enrich children's writing thesaurus, and open up writing ideas for children; Multi-angle thinking and dialectic, so that children's articles are no longer speechless.

"Yilin Juvenile Edition" VS "Reader's Campus Edition", how do parents choose?

[Answer the doubts of youth and accompany the growth of teenagers] It uses the way of spring breeze and rain to let children accept positive ideological guidance.

"Yilin Juvenile Edition" VS "Reader's Campus Edition", how do parents choose?

The articles selected in the magazine are close to the lives of middle school students, can have emotional resonance with middle school students, and use articles and stories to tell children how to solve problems and troubles.

"Yilin Juvenile Edition" VS "Reader's Campus Edition", how do parents choose?


Judging by the content of the magazine

"Yilin Youth Edition"

The content of the magazine is very rich, including eight sections, covering literary stories, public figures, inspirational stories, growth stories, family stories, life encyclopedic knowledge, etc., to develop young people's intelligence, inspire thinking, cultivate creativity, and accompany children in all aspects of growth.

"Yilin Juvenile Edition" VS "Reader's Campus Edition", how do parents choose?

The content of the article focuses on the mental health of adolescents, so that every teenager is no longer sensitive to adolescence and learns brave and persistent, diligent, hardworking, friendly and other beautiful qualities. It is a spiritual mentor who accompanies the healthy growth of children.

"Yilin Juvenile Edition" VS "Reader's Campus Edition", how do parents choose?

The magazine also has interesting cartoons, humorous jokes, and interactive games, which are full of fun and illustrated to accompany children to read happily.

"Yilin Juvenile Edition" VS "Reader's Campus Edition", how do parents choose?

Reader's Campus Edition

There are many magazine columns, including news reading, youth growth, and appreciation of masterpieces...... It can bring children a rich reading experience, expand their extracurricular learning horizons, and cultivate literary literacy.

"Yilin Juvenile Edition" VS "Reader's Campus Edition", how do parents choose?

There are more perceptual "Youth Chronicles" and "Growth Stories" here, as well as more rational "Growth Handouts" and "Growth Forum";

"Yilin Juvenile Edition" VS "Reader's Campus Edition", how do parents choose?

There are characters that everyone pays attention to, and there are also science and technology, military, sports, film and television information that everyone is interested in; There are different visions brought to us by those who walk the world, and there are also different life styles brought to us by those mavericks......

"Yilin Juvenile Edition" VS "Reader's Campus Edition", how do parents choose?

In the "Reading and Writing" column, famous teachers teach children how to write hand in hand, so that children can understand what highlights of good composition can be used for reference (detailed explanations, vivid cases). For example, when describing characters, how to "stand" the characters and make them unforgettable? Let's take a look~

"Yilin Juvenile Edition" VS "Reader's Campus Edition", how do parents choose?


Judging by the magazine subscriptions

"Yilin Juvenile Edition" is a semi-monthly magazine, 2 issues a month, 1 issue a year, 24 books a year.

"Yilin Juvenile Edition" VS "Reader's Campus Edition", how do parents choose?

"Reader's Campus Edition" is a monthly magazine, with 1 issue per month and 12 copies throughout the year.

"Yilin Juvenile Edition" VS "Reader's Campus Edition", how do parents choose?

Now do you know the difference between "Yilin Youth Edition" and "Reader's Campus Edition"?

Primary and secondary school children improve their Chinese scores and learn comprehensively, and choose "Yilin Youth Edition";

If you want to expand your horizons, enrich your literary reading, and improve your ideological realm, choose "Reader's Campus Edition";

The two magazines have their own merits in terms of content, and parents can choose according to their children's reading ability and preferences.

If you still want to know the difference between magazines, you can leave a message in the comment area! In the next issue, we will continue to bring you a detailed comparison of similar magazines to help parents choose the magazines they are satisfied with.