
Project Test No. 1 - Sharing of the Committee's operating mechanism

author:Flash Gene


The project system is an important means for each company to promote high-quality matters, and the project test leader is the core role in ensuring quality in this link; How to ensure the orderly progress of project testing, improve testing efficiency, and continue to promote the growth and development of the testing team has become a problem that every testing team has to face.

This article will introduce the operation mechanism of the main test sub-committee of Kujiale, and provide all-round support and guidance for the test team on how to manage the main test through the formulation of processes and specifications, the certification and evaluation of the main test, and the sharing and discussion of experience.

Basic functioning of the Committee

1.1 Establishment and operation of the Committee

1.1.1. Preparation of the Committee

In Kujiale, the technical atmosphere within the R&D department is good, and it operates daily on demand: stability committee, architect committee, main test committee, etc.

Project Test No. 1 - Sharing of the Committee's operating mechanism

The main testing committee, which is essentially a virtual group of testing professionals, has the following core themes:

  • Focus on the ability training and improvement of the main test group, so that their ability development is more cohesive and orderly and their professional potential is guided to be explored in the development link of the main test
  • Strongly support the quality control and improvement of the company's important projects, and optimize the testing process and specifications

The main test committee will be established in the second half of 2022. At that time, senior test students with outstanding main test ability were selected from various business groups, and a total of 6 students formed the first main test committee. One of them serves as the chairperson of the committee, who is responsible for leading the preparation of the virtual group, the development of specific matters and the subsequent daily operation; Other students serve as committee members, responsible for certain individual directions, and participate in collective matters.

1.1.2. Operation of the Committee

In addition to the most important personnel, the construction of the main test committee also includes the main purpose of the committee, the core key issues, and the daily operation mechanism of the committee.

Project Test No. 1 - Sharing of the Committee's operating mechanism

As mentioned above, the core key issues of the Committee are mainly divided into four directions, as shown in the table below:

Project Test No. 1 - Sharing of the Committee's operating mechanism

1.2. Appointment of the main test

The appointment of the main test is one of the more important matters in all the internal matters of the main test committee.

The appointment of the main test is led by the main test committee, and the PMO and the business side test Mgr are established in coordination with each other, with two main purposes:

  • Appoint a more appropriate master test from a global perspective, thereby reducing the risk of later project testing due to inappropriate early selection
  • Introduce the process of committee participation in the appointment of the main test, so that the cultivation process of the main test (appointment - > training - > certification - > reappointment) forms a closed loop for sustainable development

The appointment process for the main test can be illustrated in the following diagram and a table of specific activity nodes:

Project Test No. 1 - Sharing of the Committee's operating mechanism
Project Test No. 1 - Sharing of the Committee's operating mechanism

2. The impact of the Committee

2.1. Develop processes and specifications

From the start of the project, a series of processes that need to be followed by the main test score have been established, and the process and standard for the performance of the main test score responsibilities have been clarified, so as to help the main test score better perform the test work and improve the professional ability of the main test score. The process rules are mainly formulated in five aspects: the appointment of the main test sub-commission, the test analysis and review, the regular output of weekly reports, the precipitation of project process documents, and the project test review.

2.1.1 Appointment of the main test sub-commission

The purpose of formulating the master score appointment specification is to appoint a more appropriate master score from a global perspective, so as to reduce the risk of project testing. Introduce the process of the main test sub-committee to participate in the appointment of the main test score, so that the key nodes such as training, > certification, and > appointment within the main test group can form a closed loop for sustainable development. The appointment of the main test score will be voted on by the main test subcommittee after the project is confirmed and reported to the main test sub-committee. Candidates who best match the needs of the project will be evaluated based on professional background, skills and experience.

Project Test No. 1 - Sharing of the Committee's operating mechanism

2.1.2 Test analysis review

After the introduction of the test analysis and review mechanism, the test analysis can be improved and the effectiveness of the review process can be improved through the intervention and guidance of the main test sub-committee, which is mainly divided into three stages:

  1. Initiate a project test analysis review
    1. After the main test score candidate is determined, the main test score needs to complete the project test and analysis document in a timely manner according to the template provided by the committee, which comes with a review plug-in and needs to designate relevant reviewers.
    2. The committee guides the main test score to initiate the project test analysis and review within the scope of the project team, and needs to invite representatives of the business line test MGR and the main test sub-committee to provide guidance.
  2. review项目测试分析文档
    1. The main test subcommittee will review and score according to the scoring rules of project test analysis and internally, and feedback the review opinions to the corresponding main test score, and the main test score can be improved according to the feedback.
  3. Corrected supplemental project test analysis documents
    1. The main test subcommittee will review and score according to the scoring rules of project test analysis and internally, and feedback the review opinions to the corresponding main test score, and the main test score can be improved according to the feedback.

2.1.3 Project process content output

    1. Regular output of weekly report: At present, the main test is required to make a weekly report once every two weeks, synchronize the project progress and related risk information, and send an email to relevant personnel, and the committee will remind the main test score students to output and update the weekly report in the main test score club every two weeks.
    2. Precipitate project process documents The committee will also guide the main test score to precipitate relevant test process documents according to the needs of the project, including but not limited to: test case documents, performance stress test documents, etc.; The project testing process document is also an effective reference document for subsequent certification main test scores and the selection of excellent master test scores.

2.1.3. Project test review

The test review of the project is mainly from the perspective of testing, and the multi-party testers involved in the project jointly initiate the cross-group cooperation of multiple testers to dig deep into the test-related problems and produce corresponding Actions, so as to summarize and accumulate good experience.

For new projects and existing projects that are about to enter the final stage, the committee recommends the introduction and practice of a review mechanism, with the main test score leading the review meeting to pull through the testers involved in the project and the members of the main test sub-committee to participate together.

After the completion of the review, the main test subcommittee will score and evaluate the review documents, and in order to more comprehensively evaluate the testing process and results of the project, the committee has introduced the 360 evaluation scheme. With this solution, people involved in all aspects of the project (e.g., development, testing, product managers, etc.) evaluate the master test score and provide anonymous feedback. The final result will be fed back to the main score and the corresponding Manager.

For each project's main score, the committee will evaluate and review the compliance with the process specification in order to continuously improve the relevant template documents and guidelines.

Project Test No. 1 - Sharing of the Committee's operating mechanism

2.2. Certification and evaluation of the main test

2.2.1. Main test score authentication

In order to assess and confirm the professional competence and qualifications of the master test to ensure that they are competent for the quality work of the project. The main test sub-committee has introduced the main test score access and certification mechanism.

Through certification, students with the main test score can gain professional recognition and trust, and at the same time, they can also improve their opportunities and status in career development.

In order to allow the reserve main test score to actively participate in the certification and improve the sense of acquisition, the committee has adopted a series of incentive measures: for example, the selection of various honorary awards will give priority to the main test score.

The committee has established a set of certification process for the main test score, through a scientific scoring standard to evaluate the ability of the main test score candidates, and to weight the score of the main test score in each key stage of the project, and the final result is obtained by the committee members.

Project Test No. 1 - Sharing of the Committee's operating mechanism

2.2.2. Main test score evaluation

Through the selection of outstanding main tests, the outstanding test students are commended and encouraged, so as to stimulate the enthusiasm and work enthusiasm of the main test scorers, and can also set an example and benchmark for other test students.

In order to increase the weight of the main test score, the excellent master score is awarded as an award in the quality and efficiency department-quarterly communication meeting.

The committee will score the nominated candidates from the four dimensions of project process, project results, outputs, and professional skills to determine the list of candidates who have passed the preliminary review, and after the preliminary review is passed, they will be reviewed by the director, and the students who finally pass the review will receive certificates and prizes, and can participate in the sharing of excellent cases.

Project Test No. 1 - Sharing of the Committee's operating mechanism

2.3. Experience sharing and discussion

After the overall operation of the main test sub-committee, the process related to the main test score has also been improved, in order to continue to deepen the ability empowerment and influence of the main test score students. After discussion, the committee decided to excavate excellent cases and experience in various ways and > to share and promote > documents.

2.3.1. Mining and promotion of excellent cases

Objective: Through the promotion of excellent main test score cases, it is helpful to deepen the experience learning of test students and the reference of practical cases of certification main test scores, and can also effectively combine the training specifications and learning courses of main test scores.

Excavation process: The committee selects the sharing objects from the excellent projects and excellent/certified main test scores of each business line, and jointly excavates excellent cases with the corresponding main test score students based on the existing materials. After the students complete the sharing content, the sharing time will be finalized by the committee.

Promotion form: Judging from the previous offline sharing feedback, it is not very friendly to students across regions, and the cost is also high. Based on these considerations, the main test case sharing was carried out in the form of live sharing, with a stronger sense of substitution and interaction, and cooperated with the students of the influence group to complete the live broadcast plan.

2.3.2. The main test is shared by topic

The process of theme sharing requires the Committee's consideration and preparation of key issues in three phases:

Preparation stage
  • Gather topics in advance, and the interviewee prepares to answer in advance
  • Advance notice is made to attract and prizes to encourage everyone to participate
Actual live streaming
  • The host of the live broadcast will conduct a series of sessions to elicit questions, and the main test subcommittee and the main test guests will interact and discuss and answer questions
  • Interact with the audience in real time online, answer questions raised by the audience on the spot, and improve the participation of on-site users
Live follow-up
  • Edit and organize the screen recording video, sort out and summarize the wonderful problems in the process. so that subsequent documents can be precipitated and shared

2.3.3. Knowledge base and case precipitation

Through the previous various forms of thematic case sharing, we have accumulated a lot of knowledge that can be documented and standardized. Therefore, from a long-term perspective, the committee has built a shared knowledge base platform, integrating scattered knowledge, converting it into text content/video, and adding it to the knowledge base after review, so that team members can solve problems encountered in the project by searching and viewing relevant documents.

Project Test No. 1 - Sharing of the Committee's operating mechanism


The above is an overview of Kujiale's mechanism of the main test subcommittee, at present, Kujiale has 15+ main test scores, 15-20 projects run synchronously every six months, and the high-quality delivery of each project is inseparable from the contribution of each main test score.

The main test sub-committee will continue to innovate and improve the working mechanism according to the existing system, provide better opportunities for each main test score, and contribute more value and strength to the company's project testing.

We also look forward to more test students becoming the main test score, sharing the experience and best practices of the main test score, and working hard to improve the quality of the test and promote the progress of the test field.

Author: Main Test Subcommittee

Source-WeChat public account: Kujiale technical quality


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