
The three political commissars who have partnered with Mr. Peng have not been awarded military ranks, but their achievements are higher than one another

author:The snail girl said history

During the Agrarian Revolution, Mr. Peng led the Red Third Army for a long time, and there were three political commissars of the Red Army who had partnered with him, namely Teng Daiyuan, Yang Shangkun and Li Fuchun. Teng Daiyuan participated in the revolution in 1923 and applied to join the CCP in 1925. In 1928, he was ordered by the Hunan Provincial Party Committee to assist Mr. Peng in launching the famous Pingjiang Uprising, personally created the Red Fifth Army, and served as the military political commissar.

The three political commissars who have partnered with Mr. Peng have not been awarded military ranks, but their achievements are higher than one another

In 1930, the Red Fifth Army was stationed in southern Jiangnan, and recruited new soldiers and expanded the team locally, which soon grew to more than 8,000 people. In September 1934, he was ordered to go to the Soviet Union as a representative of the Communist Party of China to report to the Comintern, and then attended the Comintern Work Conference, where he delivered an important speech. At the beginning of 1935, he was twice received by Stalin, with whom he had an in-depth discussion on the situation and future of the Chinese revolution.

In 1937, he was recalled by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to Yan'an to serve as chief of staff of the Military Commission, and after the end of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression in 1945, he went to Chongqing with Premier Zhou to negotiate with the Nationalist Government on the establishment of a coalition government. After the outbreak of the Liberation War, he was assigned to the North China Military Region as deputy commander, in 1949, he transferred to the railway corps to work, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the railway corps was reorganized into the Ministry of Railways, and he served as the Minister of Railways. During the turmoil, Teng Daiyuan was regarded as a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh by those with ill intentions, and Jiang Qing, Wang Hongwen and others inflicted tragic persecution on him, causing him serious psychological and physical trauma. In 1974, General Teng finally ran out of energy and unfortunately died of illness at the age of 70.

The three political commissars who have partnered with Mr. Peng have not been awarded military ranks, but their achievements are higher than one another

Comrade Yang Shangkun came from a revolutionary family, and his elder brother was Comrade Yang Yangong, the core leader of the Red Movement in the southwest. Yang Shangkun joined the Communist Youth League at the age of eighteen, became a full party member at the age of nineteen, and in 1926, in order to further cultivate his personal ability, the party organization appointed him to study in the Soviet Union.

In 1834, the Central Revolutionary Military Commission sent her to the Red Third Army to replace Teng Daiyuan as political commissar, and in October of that year, he and Mr. Peng led the Red Third Army on a long march, breaking through several blockade lines set by the enemy along the way, and finally arrived in Xikang. In August 1935, he left the Red Third Army and transferred to the United Front Work Department, and in 1936, he participated in the settlement of the Xi'an Incident, which led to the re-cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.

The three political commissars who have partnered with Mr. Peng have not been awarded military ranks, but their achievements are higher than one another

During the Anti-Japanese War, Comrade Yang Shangkun was stationed in Yan'an to engage in administrative work, and during the War of Liberation, he was transferred to the security force, mainly responsible for protecting the personal safety of Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou and other dignitaries. During the turmoil, he was dismissed from his post and imprisoned for 12 years, until 1978, when he was rehabilitated and reinstated. In 1988, he was elected president, and in 1992, he announced his retirement, and since then he has lived a low-key life, rarely participating in public events, and in 1998, he unfortunately died.

Li Fuchun is a high-level intellectual who has drunk "foreign ink", he studied in France in his early years, and his cultural literacy is very profound. In 1923, he returned to China to participate in the Great Revolution, and in 1925, he was assigned to a certain unit of the Kuomintang Army as a party representative, and personally commanded the battles of Hangzhou and Nanjing, during which he made a lot of achievements. During the agrarian revolution, he worked in the Central Soviet District, participated in several struggles against "encirclement and suppression", and effectively defended the victorious fruits of the Red Revolution.

The three political commissars who have partnered with Mr. Peng have not been awarded military ranks, but their achievements are higher than one another

In 1939, he personally presided over the "large-scale production" movement, calling on the people of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border District Government to work with the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army to cultivate wasteland, spin and weave cloth, and strive for self-sufficiency in order to resist the enemy's economic blockade of northern Shaanxi. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Li Fuchun transferred to work in the State Development Planning Commission, where he personally built a planned economic system, established a public ownership system, and concentrated all resources and labor force to carry out national construction on a large scale.

During the turbulent period, Li Fuchun was inevitably "besieged" by ill-intentioned people, but he did not compromise because of this, but instead fought against those with ill-intentioned intentions, which fully demonstrated the courage and integrity of a revolutionary. In the 70s, Li Fuchun fell ill due to overwork, and the Party Central Committee immediately arranged for him to recuperate in the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army. However, Li Fuchun was concerned about the fate of the country, and even though he was lying on the hospital bed, he still insisted on working and handled all kinds of complicated government affairs day and night.

The three political commissars who have partnered with Mr. Peng have not been awarded military ranks, but their achievements are higher than one another

In 1975, Comrade Li Fuchun's condition further aggravated and he was forced to be transferred to the intensive care unit for rescue, and on January 9 of that year, he died of serious illness. Subsequently, the Party Central Committee held a solemn memorial service for him, and Deng Gong personally delivered a eulogy for him in recognition of his contributions to the revolutionary cause.