
The story of the national seal 99 fake seals has emerged

author:Wang Yiqin

The story of the national seal 99 fake seals has emerged

In July 1972, the American scholar Jared Diamond was asked by a native friend of New Guinea, Jeri: "Why do you white people make so many goods and send them to New Guinea, while we blacks have almost no goods of our own?"

The story of the national seal 99 fake seals has emerged

(African Hadzabi)

"Jeri's Question" touches on the essence of the human condition, involves the fate of mankind, and explores the origin of human civilization and the inequality of civilization.

How to distinguish between civilization and barbarism? Why is the fate of all human nations so unequal? Why did the Europeans conquer the world and nothing else?

The story of the national seal 99 fake seals has emerged

British historian Arnold Toynbee also believes that there have been more than two dozen civilization units in world history, most of which have died out.

To this day, there are five other civilizations that are still active, namely, Western Christian civilization, Slavic civilization in Eastern Europe and Russia, Islamic civilization, South Asian subcontinent civilization, and East Asian civilization in China, Korea and Japan.

The story of the national seal 99 fake seals has emerged

We have seen that the "culture" and "civilization" of various nations and countries are different, and this involves the question of the origin of civilization.

"Jeri's question" is what Sima Qian called "the time to study heaven and man," which is the ultimate question of human beings.

The story of the national seal 99 fake seals has emerged

Marx once said: "We only know one science, and that is history." History, both natural and human, is a continuous process of development of the entire universe up to human beings.

This process of development involves a series of origins, such as the origin of the universe, the origin of the Milky Way and the solar system, the origin of the earth, the origin of life, the origin of human beings, the origin of human civilization, the origin of Chinese, the Japanese, the Koreans, etc......

The story of the national seal 99 fake seals has emerged

Where, when, under what subjective and objective conditions, and under what circumstances did human beings get rid of the state of nature and enter civilized society from barbarism?

The ancient state is confusing, chaotic and treacherous, with too many mysteries.

We may predict the future, but we may never know our history.

Fang Long believes that the question of the origin of human civilization ultimately solves the problem of who are we? Where did it come from and where are it going? These are the three ultimate philosophical questions.

What kind of stance and attitude should we take towards others?

"I," as a separate individual, when I look at the outside world from a visual point of view, I am the center of the world, and the whole world is set up for me, "everything is prepared for me," I am completely free, I am the master of the world, "there is nothing outside the mind," there is a sense of transcendence, I am the subject, and the others are objects, which is what Sartre called "the subject me." ”

"In the beginning," said God, after he had made Adam; "It was not good for the man to be alone," and he made another man. At this time, Adam discovered that there was another person who was also observing him. Suddenly, in the eyes of others, I became metamorphosed, I ceased to be the subject, I became the "other," I became the object, and the appearance of the other disturbed the order of things.

The existence of others is objective, people are social beings, always in a relationship with others, people cannot not get along with others, and it is impossible to survive in isolation from the world.

Getting along with others destroys the independence and uniqueness of the self, and the self disappears.

When two people with different ideas interact with each other, there will be friction, and this is painful and even hurtful.

"Hate is human nature, and in order to define oneself and find motivation, one needs enemies," Huntington said. This is what Sartre said: "The other is hell." ”

The story of the national seal 99 fake seals has emerged

According to Freud, personality is made up of id, ego, and superego.

The story of the national seal 99 fake seals has emerged

The average person presents himself in society, and the longer the time, the more depressed the self becomes.

In The Theory of Pseudo-Desire, Lacan rejects Freud's physiology. The will and desire of the individual are always entangled with the will and desire of others, people need the existence of others to determine their own existence, people need to think about themselves from the perspective of others, desire is never one's own, it is related to another person, "You live for others, not for yourself." "All desires are for the sake of satisfying the desires of others."

The story of the national seal 99 fake seals has emerged

The world is full of fear, there are too many difficulties in life, and people feel the unfairness of the world.

I am kind, what I do is right, I have done nothing wrong, my pain is caused by others, it is all others who are harming me, it is all my life is bad, it is all the fault of society, I should be sympathized with, and I should be respected and supported by everyone.

I don't want to change myself, and if I want to escape the accusations against myself and the denial of myself, I have to hide in the "victim's paradise." "Whoever disagrees with this is a bad person, an enemy, and immoral.

How does the main ethnic group of a society, which has advantages in certain aspects, view the alien culture, whether it eliminates confrontation and is willing to communicate and integrate, or is it self-righteous and willful thinking that it has mastered the truth?

Ordinary nationalities often unconsciously belittle foreign cultures on the basis of self-centeredness, and their purpose is to maintain the purity and legitimacy of their own culture, and they try their best to draw a clear line between "self" and "other".

For example, the ancient Israelites stated in their "Ten Commandments of Moses": "You shall have no other gods before me."

The book of Deuteronomy God's Chosen People clearly states: "When the Lord your God hands them over to you to slay them, you will destroy them completely, and you will not make a covenant with them, nor have you mercy on them." Thou shalt not marry them, nor give thy daughters into their sons, nor give thy sons their daughters. ”

Why, then, is it forbidden to interracial marriage? The book of Deuteronomy explains: "For he will turn his son away from the Lord and serve other gods, so that the anger of the Lord will be kindled against you, and he will quickly destroy you."

The "Gentile woman" became a source of spiritual pollution and a destroyer of "God's chosen people." In fact, from Abraham to Moses, and even Boaz marrying Luther, all of them were united with Gentile women, reflecting that Israelites' intermarriage with Gentile women was common, frequent, and widely accepted.

The story of the national seal 99 fake seals has emerged

Ezra's forced Israelites to divorce the wives of Gentile women, and did not give foreign women the opportunity to convert to Israel's faith, shows that faith is not the only reason for divorce.

The xenophobia of "monotheism" is the innate superiority and disdain of foreign races of typical mainstream peoples. It was only after Asinah confessed her idolatry, threw her out the window, and fasted, wept, and prayed before Joseph accepted her. This is "Your beliefs, and everything, are wrong!"

Cultural exclusivity, in a certain period of time, is of positive significance to the protection of one's own national culture and the maintenance of one's own development.

The story of the national seal 99 fake seals has emerged

According to Plantinga, "exclusivism is not necessarily intellectually faulty or morally defective; Moreover, something like this is completely unavoidable in the current human situation. "In fact, no point of view is immune to exclusivity.

Plantinga asked, "What is the truth?" For every different answer, there is a great wise man who guards it, and if you testify to an argument, there is another person who defends against it. Suppose that one answer is correct and the others are false, or that truth exists, then whatever conflicts with it is false.

"Where there is a king, there is no republic." Cicero preached in On the Republic.

First Corinthians also states: "Christ crucified was a stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness to the Gentiles."

"Enemies of freedom, there is no freedom!" Robespierre shouted out his orders.

Pluralism requires self-denial, tolerance of others, and an attitude of open-minded learning, so pluralism is also exclusivism.

Exclusivism inevitably leads to conflict and even manifests anti-civilizational tendencies and nature.

Huntington, a professor at Harvard University in the United States, believes that there have been more than 20 "civilized units" or "cultural units" in the world, which are "separated by history, language, culture, tradition, and especially religion." ”

These "civilized units" can be several countries, or they can be a single country, and Japan is a "civilized unit" of one country. ”

In his view, the situation in the world today depends to a large extent on the interaction of seven or eight major civilizations. They include Western Christian civilization, Islamic civilization, Chinese Confucian civilization, Japanese civilization, Hindu civilization, Slavic-Orthodox civilization, and possibly African civilization in Latin America.

The clash of civilizations is not only a clash of "crusaders" between different religions, in the first two world wars, Christians fought each other, but also drew pagans to join themselves in order to fight against believers of the same religion.

For a long time, the various factions of Christendom fought for thousands of years, until the 19th century, when religious tolerance and freedom of belief were recognized as principles.

The story of the national seal 99 fake seals has emerged

In the same vein, there are a number of common interests in international relations among the Arab States, and only within the context of those common interests can their ethnic origin and religious beliefs become cultural symbols or bonds that safeguard those common interests.

Beyond this range, it loses its effect. The same is true of the Arab League and the Intergovernmental Conference of Islamic States among non-Arab Islamic countries.

The story of the national seal 99 fake seals has emerged

Orthodox civilization, the civilizational bond of the Slavic countries has always played a very poor role. Today, the vast majority of Slavic countries have joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the European Union, and the Orthodox civilization seems to be on the verge of a complete disappearance.

The story of the national seal 99 fake seals has emerged

The disputes and wars between China, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, and Mongolia are not so-called clashes of civilizations. In particular, the spread of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism does not require "blood" and "fire". ”

Thus, the ideological struggle is a mask that proves what Marx said that man is an economic animal.