
Necessary knowledge for physical examination

author:Nine Pai Health

[Source: Popular Science China Client]

Necessary knowledge for physical examination

Original creator: Dr. Yu Li

Physical examination is not only for the purpose of disease detection, but also for health management. Many people sharpen their guns on the spot, which affects the results of the examination. Before the physical examination, please remember that the diet should be light and avoid greasy and spicy; Get enough sleep and don't stay up late; Wear loose-fitting clothing for easy inspection; Bring your ID and be on time. These seemingly simple details can affect the results of your medical examination. For the sake of health, start from the details, so that every physical examination becomes the guardian of health.

1. Don't do these things before the physical examination

1. If you eat too much oil before the physical examination, the blood lipid and liver function tests may not be accurate

(1) Physical examination tips

The diet of the first three days of the physical examination is related to the accuracy of the results! Eating too many high-fat foods, such as fried chicken and hot pot, will not only make your triglycerides soar, but may even make your blood become chyle. Such "greasy" blood can interfere with the detection of many biochemical indicators such as liver function. Therefore, in order to get a more accurate physical examination report, it is recommended that you adjust your diet three days in advance, try to be light, and avoid greasy. A healthy lifestyle starts with a little bit!

Necessary knowledge for physical examination

(2) Dietary tips before the physical examination

Three days before the physical examination, in order to ensure the accuracy of the physical examination results, it is recommended that everyone avoid the intake of blood products and dark-colored vegetables. Blood products may affect the results of blood tests, while dark-colored vegetables may interfere with stool tests. In addition, please try to eat less or no spicy and irritating food, so as not to irritate the gastrointestinal tract and affect the comfort during the physical examination. Let's work together to check your health, start with the dietary adjustment before the physical examination, and take responsibility for your own health!

3. Do not drink plenty of water before the check-up

Do you know? Drinking a lot of water may cause the blood to be diluted, which can affect the accuracy of blood test results. In order to ensure the accuracy of the results of the medical examination, it is recommended that you avoid drinking a lot of water the night before the medical examination, especially after 12 midnight. On the morning of the physical examination, although you can drink water in moderation, it is best to control it within 50~100 ml, only one or two small sips, to ensure that the concentration of blood is not too affected. Scientific drinking water, make the physical examination data more accurate!

Necessary knowledge for physical examination

4. Insufficient fasting time, which affects blood sugar levels

It is best to fasting for 10~12 hours before the physical examination. Why?

Because in this way, our body can reach the basal metabolic state, and the test results are more accurate and reflect your true health status. So, after 8 p.m. the night before, please say goodbye to food and drinks, and take a break from juice, milk, tea, and coffee. Health is no trivial matter, let us meet the physical examination in the best state and be responsible for our own health!

5. Do not do strenuous exercise before the check-up

Small details make a big difference

Popular science: Although exercise is good for health, do you know? Strenuous exercise may affect the results of blood tests such as blood glucose, creatinine, liver function, etc. Therefore, experts recommend that it is best to avoid strenuous exercise three days before the physical examination, but daily moderate exercise can be carried out as usual. On the day of the check-up, if you feel nervous or your heart is racing, you may wish to rest for 5~10 minutes and wait until your mood calms down before taking a blood draw. In this way, we can understand our physical condition more accurately and make more scientific health decisions.

Necessary knowledge for physical examination

2. What are the precautions during the physical examination?

If you can take medicine, what clothes to wear, whether you wear contact lenses, and if you have dentures, metal teeth, pacemakers, etc., you need to inform the doctor in advance whether you can do relevant examinations...... Don't wait until you have to go for a check-up the next day to remember that there are still many things in doubt. Knowing the common questions about a medical check-up ahead of time can help you prepare for the whole process.

1. What are the makeup and dress requirements for the medical check-up?

Appropriate attire is crucial for the medical check-up. Exposing the body part allows the doctor to examine it more accurately. Therefore, avoid wearing clothing that is too tight or complicated to reduce unnecessary trouble. If it is a girl who needs to have a gynecological examination, it is better to wear a skirt in summer, and it is more convenient for boys to wear loose clothes and pants.

At the same time, facial condition is an important basis for doctors to judge diseases. Although makeup is beautiful, it can hide the true state of the face and affect the doctor's judgment. Therefore, on the day of the physical examination, please try to wear no makeup or light makeup to present your truest self. Tips like these will help you get a smoother check-up!

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