
The working girl suffered from cancer, but she gave all her more than 1 million inheritance to her boyfriend......

author:Avenue whispers


The girl's surname is Wu, a native of Guizhou, and because her parents favored sons over daughters, she was forced by her parents to suspend her studies after graduating from junior high school.

Although she had a good academic performance at that time and was successfully admitted to high school, she should be able to finish high school and be admitted to college, but as the eldest in the family, there is a younger brother who also wants to go to school, and she also understands the difficulties of her parents, so she followed her parents' wishes and went south to Guangdong to work and earn money, one to supplement the family, and the other to earn money for her younger brother to go to school.

When the fifteen or sixteen-year-old Xiao Wu came to Guangzhou, he was unfamiliar with the place, touched a lot of walls, endured a lot of hardships, served pots, washed dishes, and twisted threads...... Fortunately, she grew up in the countryside, and she had enough hardships to eat, although she worked more than 10 hours a day, but she survived, and with the proficiency of the work and the establishment of relationships, she slowly adapted to the life of part-time work, and her salary also rose all the way.

During this part-time job, she did not go back except for returning to her hometown in Guizhou for the Chinese New Year, not because she didn't want to go back, but based on several considerations, first, she worked overtime during the Spring Festival, and had a different overtime salary than usual, which was the reason why she chose to stay and work overtime; Second, when she returned to her home in Guizhou, she panicked. After she got home, her parents didn't ask her for anything except ask her for money, or ask her for money, which also made her feel cold, so she simply chose not to go back.

But as the eldest daughter in the family, she is a sensible child, knowing that the family is poor and has to provide for her younger brother to study, so she sends the money back every month except for the necessary living expenses.

The working girl suffered from cancer, but she gave all her more than 1 million inheritance to her boyfriend......


In this way, 10 years have passed, and all the money from her part-time job for more than 10 years has been sent to her family, and she has no savings so far. After graduating from high school, my younger brother also failed his parents' hard work, and he didn't get admitted to college, nor did he go out to work.

Xiao Wu's parents looked anxious, and entrusted someone with a lot of money to find a girl and give birth to a child, which can be regarded as helping him start a family. But since then, the burden of the family has become heavier and heavier, and the parents' expectations for Xiao Wu have become higher and higher, and the mouth has opened wider and wider, and the seeds of contradiction have fallen like this.

Fortunately, with the accumulation of these work experiences and the establishment of contacts, Xiao Wu is getting better and better, and he has also become the department head of the factory, and his salary is naturally rising. But she couldn't stand the constant demands of her parents, and the money she earned was still lost as soon as it was sent.

Seeing that it is nearly 30 years old, Xiao Wu is no longer the young little girl she was back then, and she is graceful and graceful.

At an annual meeting held in the factory, Xiao Wu met Xiao Xie, who was also from the countryside, family changes, his mother died, his father married his stepmother, gave birth to a younger sister, ignored him, there was no family warmth since he was a child, and he took a leave of absence to work before graduating from junior high school.

The two people who were sympathetic to each other soon chatted together, got along for a long time, and gradually developed feelings for each other, and made a private engagement for life.

Xiao Wu is looking forward to a better life in the future, and her life has suddenly become rich. Considering that the two of them will have to live in the future, Xiao Wu no longer sent all his salary back to his hometown and kept a part for himself.

Seeing that the money received each month was less, her parents became angry and called her repeatedly to scold her for being unfilial, saying that she was a white-eyed wolf, and that they would speak ill of her when they met people in their hometown, and even said that they would go to the government to sue her.

These news were told to her by her cousin, and after hearing these news, she was completely chilled, and she couldn't imagine that the more than 10 years of work could not be exchanged for a blessing from her parents. So, she quarreled with her parents on the phone, asking them "whether she was biological or not, and why did she ...... her so much"

In this way, her relationship with her parents suddenly fell to a freezing point. But after calming down, she chose to forgive, after all, she is a junior and has the nurturing grace of her parents, so she still sends money back every month, but she keeps more for herself, but she rarely goes back during the New Year's holidays.

The working girl suffered from cancer, but she gave all her more than 1 million inheritance to her boyfriend......


In this way, Xiao Wu and Xiao Xie rented a house together, lived together, and lived a small life.

The hemp rope is broken in detail, the house leak coincides with the overnight rain, the beauty is always temporary, and misfortune is quietly attacking this strong and weak girl.

I don't know if it was staying up late for days to work overtime or if there was a physical problem, Xiao Wu suddenly fainted in the office and was rushed to a nearby hospital by Xiao Xie.

The result was like a bolt from the blue, Xiao Wu actually suffered from lung cancer, or in the middle stage, the doctor said that if the situation is good, it can be guaranteed for a year and a half, if it deteriorates further, it is estimated that it will only take a few months.

When Xiao Wu saw this result, she was stunned for a long time, and finally held back for a long time before crying loudly, she cried, why did this disease happen to be her, why was her life so bitter, and her good days had not yet come......

For the next few days, Xiao Wu didn't eat or drink. This made Xiao Xie anxious, he was busy and at a loss. Finally, he thought of Xiao Wu's parents. So I found her parents' phone number in Xiao Wu's mobile phone, called her, and told her parents about her illness.

After learning that Xiao Wu had cancer, Xiao Wu's mother was very calm, and only said: They have no money, so they have to treat them themselves; I don't have time, I have a lot of farming at home, and I have to take care of my grandson, so I can't take a break, I won't come to Guangzhou, and I won't take my daughter back to Guizhou......

Before the other party finished speaking, Xiao Xie hung up the phone directly, he really couldn't listen to it anymore, how could there be such parents in the world? After all, she is the meat that fell from her parents' hearts!

But he didn't dare to hide this matter from Xiao Wu, because he didn't want to leave regrets, so 1510 told Xiao Wu about it. Xiao Wu is quite calm, because she understands her parents too well. She let out a long breath, as if she had let go of something.

The working girl suffered from cancer, but she gave all her more than 1 million inheritance to her boyfriend......


In the following time, Xiao Xie resigned from his job to take care of Xiao Wu in order to take care of her. Sure enough, in less than 5 months, Xiao Wu's condition deteriorated rapidly.

For her boyfriend Xiao Xie's dedication, Xiao Wu saw it in her eyes and remembered it in her heart. So when she was dying, she made a decision to ask Xiao Xie to bring pen and paper, and made a will: leave all the 1.32 million savings to Xiao Xie for her future life, and even ask the hospital medical staff to make a certificate.

Xiao Wu left, very painfully gone, but her pain is estimated more because her relatives are not around, because her parents and younger brother have not shown up from beginning to end.

Xiao Xie was alone, and he endured his grief to handle the aftermath for Xiao Wu.

A few days after Xiao Wu's death, Xiao Xie received a call from Xiao Wu's mother, saying that she had arrived in Guangzhou with her son.

Xiao Xie didn't dare to be careless, after all, there were still some things to explain. Who knows, as soon as they met, the smell of gunpowder was very strong, because as soon as they met, Xiao Wu's mother pointed at Xiao Xie and scolded: said that he killed her daughter, and heard that her daughter had millions of savings, did he want to take ......

Xiao Xie understood what was going on as soon as he heard the intention, it turned out that he was here to fight for the inheritance, so he took out the will, saying that Xiao Wu's savings were all left to him, and left without looking back. He was also chilled and didn't want to deal with them anymore.

But how could Xiao Wu's mother be so resigned, and a complaint sued Xiao Xie to the court. Why, will the courts support them?


Naturally, the law is the law after all, and it will not favor anyone. According to Article 1133 of the Civil Code, the will written by Xiao Wu with full civil capacity is reasonable and legal, and it is also an expression of his true will, so this will is fully valid.

In the end, the court ruled that the will was valid, and the 1.32 million deposit estate was inherited by Xiao Xie.

If you want me to say, the preference for sons over women is really harmful, and it is really not possible to do it if the residual poison of feudalism is not removed. It is also the meat that fell from the parents, how can they distinguish which is more important?

Fortunately, this Xiao Wu is still quite aware of the righteousness, even if he meets such parents, he still pays his parents regularly and fulfills his children's obligations. But as a parent, don't you feel heartache in the face of your daughter's serious illness? Single-mindedly only treating her daughter as an ATM, is her daughter's life or death worth mentioning at all?

Fortunately, her boyfriend never gave up, and in her last days, he gave her warmth and light, hoping that she would never be sick again!