
"Dad, I miss you so much......"

author:Fujian Police

"Dad, I miss you so much, I will work hard for the final exam, please rest assured! Dad stay safe. A few days ago, Wei Jianrong, director of the Zhongchi Police Station of the Wuping County Public Security Bureau, who had been fighting on the front line of post-disaster reconstruction for many days, received a note from his 8-year-old daughter. A short note and a few immature words make people feel moved.

"Dad, I miss you so much......"

When the flood situation came suddenly, Wei Jianrong, who was handling a special case at the Wuping County Public Security Bureau, immediately handed over the work at hand and quickly returned to Zhongchi Town for emergency rescue and disaster relief.

On the way, landslides occurred in many places and the road was interrupted, but Wei Jianrong did not dare to stop for a moment, leading the rescuers to brave the wind and rain, walk forward, and after more than 8 hours over the mountains and mountains, finally rushed back to the town and devoted himself to the rescue and disaster relief work.

"Dad, I miss you so much......"

"Uncle and aunt, the flood is too big, hurry up and move." Due to the low-lying terrain in Zhongchi Town, the water level of the river has skyrocketed, and the water accumulation in the town has been serious, causing houses to be flooded and people to be trapped. Wei Jianrong led the police auxiliary police of the police station to charge on the front line of emergency rescue, investigate many dangerous situations, and successfully transferred and rescued 10 people to the resettlement site.

"Dad, I miss you so much......"

"Grandma Liu, what's wrong? We'll take you to the health center right away. On the morning of June 17, Wei Jianrong, who was in the rescue and disaster relief, received a request for help from the masses saying that an elderly man next door was sick. Wei Jianrong immediately came to the old man's home, and after inquiring about the old man's physical condition in detail, he and the rescuers escorted the old man to the health center for treatment.

"Dad, I miss you so much......"

In the past few days, Wei Jianrong has been sticking to the front line, rescuing the masses, guiding roads, and dredging to ensure smooth ...... He has been present at countless rescue and disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction sites. Every emergency rescue, every difficult rescue, in exchange for a warm reminder, a sincere thanks.

"Dad, I miss you so much......"

After not seeing each other for a week, Wei Jianrong's daughter missed him very much, so she wrote the note to her father. The family entrusted disaster relief volunteers to bring notes and medicines to Wei Jianrong, and between the lines, it was full of an 8-year-old child's thoughts and worries about his father.

"When I saw the note, my eyes moistened all of a sudden. But as a young party member and policeman, the more the disaster situation is, the more I have to charge ahead. After Wei Jianrong finished speaking, he continued to devote himself to the post-disaster reconstruction work.

Source: Longyan Public Security

Editor: Lin Jiawei

Review: Zhang Jie, Yuan Hao

Approval: Chen Qingai

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