
"The Story of Roses" Blooming in Adversity: Huang Yimei and Zhang Xiaohui's 'Rose Philosophy'



Recently, in CCTV's hit drama "The Story of Rose", the protagonist Huang Yimei, nicknamed Rose, has aroused widespread resonance and deep thought.

"The Story of Roses" Blooming in Adversity: Huang Yimei and Zhang Xiaohui's 'Rose Philosophy'

Yellow Rose, who was born in a famous family, has been immersed in the warmth and love of the family since childhood, and is a typical pride of the sky.

The love of her parents and brother laid a breeding ground for her growth. With her superior intelligence, she was sharp when she first set foot in the workplace and won the favor of her boss.

Coupled with her outstanding appearance, she is like a fish in water in interpersonal communication and enjoys the convenience brought by beauty.

However, fate doesn't seem to be merciless to a good hand.

Yellow Rose has encountered many setbacks in the journey of love and marriage, and the road to career promotion is also full of twists and turns, and the good cards seem to have been overturned one by one.

Her experience, similar to the bitterness and sweetness of ordinary people, proves that no matter how high the starting point, life always has its unpredictable hardships.

Uniquely, the yellow rose exhibits a rare resilience.

When the outside world thought that the failure of her marriage would become an insurmountable obstacle for her, she resolutely decided to restart the chapter of her life and find the beauty she had lost one by one.

Not afraid of mistakes, not afraid of starting from scratch, Yellow Rose interprets a true meaning with practical actions at every critical crossroads of life:

Even if we are faltering and life seems to be chaotic, as long as we have the courage to take root in the depths and absorb the power of life, everyone can interpret their own "rose life", blooming brilliantly, warm and proud.

"The Story of Roses" Blooming in Adversity: Huang Yimei and Zhang Xiaohui's 'Rose Philosophy'

Absorb the nourishment like a rose, waiting for a new opportunity to bloom

Rose's life started on excellent conditions, but it also came with many challenges. Her beauty has been a double-edged sword since she was a student: the boys are constantly on the phone and the gifts are overflowing, and this excessive attention has inadvertently planted the seeds of trouble.

Stepping into an internship, a colleague who is about to get married falls in love with her at first sight, and does not hesitate to turn his back on his long-time partner, this episode not only makes Rose bear the suspicion from the family, but also falls into the whirlpool of public opinion in the workplace.

"The Story of Roses" Blooming in Adversity: Huang Yimei and Zhang Xiaohui's 'Rose Philosophy'

In both relationships, Rose encountered selfish partners who neglected her professional pursuits, and her first boyfriend despised the value of her work as an accessory that could be given up at will; After marriage, her husband Fang Xiewen directly ignored her love for work, thought that her income was insignificant, and urged her to give up her career.

Huang Yimei, that is, rose, under the dazzling appearance, faces countless hidden thorns.

The people around her have their own plans, and rarely take into account her feelings.

Young and simple, she lacks the armor to deal with complex realities, and the overprotection of her parents makes her like a greenhouse flower, and she has not learned the wisdom to discern other people's hearts.

strayed into the emotional fog, because she was difficult to discern the compatibility of her personality, repeatedly made unsatisfactory choices, and finally entered a marriage that lacked happiness.

Fang Xiewen's inferiority complex and suspicion are reflected in the installation of monitoring software and forcing him to live with his mother-in-law, which has exacerbated friction and estrangement within the family.

"The Story of Roses" Blooming in Adversity: Huang Yimei and Zhang Xiaohui's 'Rose Philosophy'

He unilaterally decided to let her leave her job, and even prevented her from going out to find a job on the grounds of childbirth, which made the marriage lose the space for communication and adjustment, and was on the verge of collapse.

As a result, Rose's life took a turn for the worse, from being pampered to being isolated, and her financial constraints were exacerbated.

However, in the midst of the difficult situation, Rose found a turning point. During the three years of full-time childcare, she quietly prepared to return to the workplace, actively obtained relevant certificates, and filled the career gap caused by childcare.

The accumulation of good times and self-improvement in adversity have become a solid backing for her to return to the workplace, allowing her to regain the capital to live independently, and won the opportunity to have equal dialogue in the divorce negotiations, and finally successfully obtained custody of her daughter.

"The Story of Roses" Blooming in Adversity: Huang Yimei and Zhang Xiaohui's 'Rose Philosophy'

The story of the rose is a testimony of rising from hardship and being reborn after withering.

Three magnificent roses bloom in a woman's life

When the TV series "The Story of Rose" was on the air, one of its inspirations, the "archetypal character", became the focus of heated discussions on the Internet.

The audience was surprised to find that Zhang Xiaohui in the real world was highly consistent with the image of "Yellow Rose" in the play, although Zhang Xiaohui herself denied it.

The trajectory of her life seems to be inextricably linked with the plot of the novel: she was also born in a wealthy family, and she is also full of endless pursuit and yearning for love.

"The Story of Roses" Blooming in Adversity: Huang Yimei and Zhang Xiaohui's 'Rose Philosophy'

In her twenties, Zhang Xiaohui and singer Zhong Zhentao tied the knot, but this marriage suffered a heavy blow in the financial turmoil nine years later, and then she was labeled as a "spendthrift".

Public opinion poured in like a tide, accusing her of extravagant consumption as the culprit that led to the bankruptcy of the family. When the second marriage did not survive similar financial difficulties, Zhang Xiaohui's image seemed to be permanently fixed as a "loser".

In the face of overwhelming negative reviews and actual economic difficulties, Zhang Xiaohui did not sink.

She chose a path of self-redemption, just like Huang Yimei in the play, she completed the dual cultivation of self and love in adversity.

"The Story of Roses" Blooming in Adversity: Huang Yimei and Zhang Xiaohui's 'Rose Philosophy'

She began writing a newspaper column to share her fashion insights, with the highest record being writing for 20 magazines in one day.

During this period, even if someone was willing to settle her debts and let her return to a comfortable rich life, Zhang Xiaohui resolutely refused this "kindness".

"I'd rather clasp my hands, small but mine; Even if the income is meager, it is earned by one's own hands. ”

She quoted Yishu's book "Although These Hands Are Small" as a declaration to reject dependence and insist on self-reliance. She knows that only by being self-sufficient can she freely face the ups and downs of life and bloom her true self.

As the years passed, Zhang Xiaohui entered the year of the sixtieth year, and her career ushered in a new spring. She always sees herself as the indomitable rose, and firmly believes that every woman has three opportunities to bloom: to know herself, to understand herself, and finally to become herself.

She said: "Every experience is nourished by roses, and no experience is in vain."

Only by facing yourself sincerely can you touch the depths of your soul and bloom with the truest brilliance. ”

So, Zhang Xiaohui used her own story to tell us that the most solid support in life has always been herself.

After all kinds of twists and turns, she not only stood up again, but also bloomed with a more brilliant attitude, proving the power of self-realization.

"The Story of Roses" Blooming in Adversity: Huang Yimei and Zhang Xiaohui's 'Rose Philosophy'

Everything that happened helped me grow

"The Story of Rose" outlines Huang Yimei's 20 years with its delicate brushstrokes, and the audience finds resonance in the protagonist's figure, as if he is a person in the mirror.

"The Story of Roses" Blooming in Adversity: Huang Yimei and Zhang Xiaohui's 'Rose Philosophy'

A netizen felt nostalgic that life is not what it was yesterday.

She once had a good education in the city, but she returned to the family early because of the heavy responsibility of parenting. The role of a mother has made her gray hair, her body shape has changed, and the hair that was once carefully groomed has gradually lost its luster, but the habit of spraying perfume has become a glimmer of self-care.

She longs for her child to become self-reliant as soon as possible, so that she can regain her dreams and find her lost self. This is not only her monologue, but also the resonance of the hearts of many women - everyone was once the blooming rose.

Youthful, free and fearless, bathed in the love of his parents and the light of youth.

After the year of establishment, the child came, the rose temporarily gathered its edge, poured all the nourishment into the family, and worked silently between firewood, rice, oil and salt, occasionally lost, forgetting how to continue to be brilliant.

But the story doesn't end there. In the play, Huang Rose has been raising children for three years, working day and night, and unremittingly improving herself; Outside the play, Zhang Xiaohui also showed the tenacity to restart her life. If you want to restart the chapter, it is the best opportunity for the rose to bloom again.

"The Story of Roses" Blooming in Adversity: Huang Yimei and Zhang Xiaohui's 'Rose Philosophy'

First and foremost, we believe that every step counts.

Marriage, childbirth, and even the trade-off between work and family, each stage has its own unique scenery. Don't belittle the past in your quest for the future, every journey has its own glitter.

Secondly, be ready to nourish your heart.

Reading, making a living, cultivating hobbies, refining skills, and devoting yourself to life, age is just a number, and you can't stop the pace of growth.

As Carl Jung said, "Life begins at the age of forty, and it is all about exploration." "Those stumbling blocks are really stepping stones to happiness.

Finally, embrace every bloom bravely.

At the age of twenty, embrace dreams and love; Thirty years old, immersed in the small happiness of the family; At the age of 40, he can still take the helm of life and reshape the trajectory of life. Even if you encounter setbacks, you can rely on your own strength to forge ahead.

The rose does not die forever because it dies for a while, it is deeply rooted in the soil, waiting for the flowering period.

In the play, Rose's words are deafening: "Be brave to make decisions, but also dare to admit defeat." Improving day by day, better than yesterday. ”

"The Story of Roses" Blooming in Adversity: Huang Yimei and Zhang Xiaohui's 'Rose Philosophy'

Click [Follow], and may the bits and pieces of the past turn into fertile soil for nourishing happiness.

Are you also chasing the drama "The Story of Rose"? What do you think about the choices of the people in the play?

Have you experienced similar ups and downs in your life? And how did you deal with the trough and finally counterattack?

Feel free to leave a message to share your story and let us listen to how that rose that belongs to you blooms in the face of adversity.

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