
66-year-old uncle: 10 years ago, I chose to remarry despite the opposition of my relatives, and now they all say that I did the right thing

author:Serious kitten w

66-year-old uncle: 10 years ago, I chose to remarry despite the opposition of my relatives, and now they all say that I did the right thing

66-year-old uncle: 10 years ago, I chose to remarry despite the opposition of my relatives, and now they all say that I did the right thing

My name is Wang Jianguo, I am 66 years old, and I am a retired worker. 10 years ago, my wife passed away due to illness, leaving me alone. The children have all started a family and have their own lives, and although they are filial, they can't always be by my side. During that time, I felt like I had been forgotten by the world, lonely, lonely, and my life was boring.

Just when I was about to be swallowed up by this sense of loneliness, I met Lee so-young. She is a square dance leader organized by the community, with a cheerful personality, warm and generous, and always with a big smile. We met at a community-organized event, and she offered to greet me and ask me about my retirement life.

66-year-old uncle: 10 years ago, I chose to remarry despite the opposition of my relatives, and now they all say that I did the right thing

I was originally a person who was not good at words, but in front of her, I felt very relaxed and could talk to her about my life and my troubles without any scruples. She was like a ray of sunshine that shone into my gray life and made me feel the warmth and joy of life again.

With the increase in contact, I developed a good impression of Li Xiuying. She is 5 years younger than me, has been widowed for many years, and lives alone with her daughter. I know that if a person of my age pursues love again, it will definitely attract criticism, but I don't want to suppress my feelings anymore, so I mustered up the courage to express my heart to Lee so-young.

66-year-old uncle: 10 years ago, I chose to remarry despite the opposition of my relatives, and now they all say that I did the right thing

Lee so-young was surprised at first, she didn't expect me to like her. She hesitated for a long time and told me that she was worried about our age gap, that our children would object, that we would have a lot of difficulties in our lives later in life.

I understand her concerns, but I would rather be with her. I promised her that I would do everything I could to give her happiness, that I would manage my relationship with my children, and that I would overcome all difficulties and go on with her.

Eventually, Lee so-young was impressed by my sincerity, and we decided to get married.

Our marriage was met with strong opposition from our children.

My son and daughter think I'm old and confused, and I still look for a wife when I'm old, because they don't take good care of me and want to cause trouble for them. They are worried that Li Xiuying will plot my property, that I will be deceived, and even suspect that my relationship with Li Xiuying is not pure.

Lee so-young's daughter was also against us getting married, she thought I was too old to be worthy of her mother, and she was worried that I would be a burden to them in the future.

In the face of the opposition of our children, Lee so-young and I were very sad. We explained to them over and over again that we truly love each other and that we just want someone to spend our old age with. We also assured them that we would take care of our respective assets and not let anyone suffer.

However, no matter what we said, the children refused to understand us and even threatened us with disconnection. During that time, we were under so much pressure that I even thought about giving up.

But looking at Li Xiuying's haggard face, I couldn't bear it. I knew that if I held back, she would be even more sad. I told myself, In my life, I have done my filial piety for my parents and broken my heart for my children, and now, I can finally live for myself once!

I decided to stick to my choice, and I withstood the pressure and got a marriage certificate with Lee so-young.

After we got married, Lee so-young and I moved into my old house. In order to avoid conflict with our children, we rarely go to their homes and do not let them come to our homes.

I know it will break the children's hearts, but I also believe that time will tell.

After I got married to Lee so-young, we lived a very happy life. We buy groceries and cook together, walk and chat together, and participate in community activities together. We take care of each other, support each other, and live a peaceful and warm life.

I don't have a lot of pension, but we live frugally, and it's enough. Li Xiuying is very good at housekeeping, she keeps the house in order, and often changes tricks to make food for me.

We also have occasional arguments, but we all know how to tolerate each other and understand each other. After every fight, we cherish each other more.

We also often go for a walk in the park, and when I look at those aunts and uncles dancing in the square, I will think of the scene when I met Li Xiuying in the first place. I held her hand and said with emotion: "Xiuying, it's good that I didn't give up at the beginning, otherwise I would have missed such a beautiful scenery in my life." ”

Li Xiuying smiled and said: "Yes, we should all be grateful to ourselves for being brave at the beginning." ”

Over time, the children have come to understand us. They saw that Li Xiuying and I were living happily, and they slowly let go of the mustard in their hearts.

My son and daughter would come to visit me occasionally and bring me groceries. They will also chat with Lee so-young and care about her life.

Li Xiuying's daughter also began to accept me, she would call me "Uncle Wang", talk to me about her work, and give me gifts on my birthday.

Seeing the children living in harmony, Lee so-young and I were very relieved. We know that we were right to do that.

Now, I am 66 years old, and looking back on the road I have traveled in the past ten years, I am full of emotion. I don't regret my original choice, because Li Xiuying made me feel the warmth and happiness of life again, and let me have a happy company in my old age.

I am also grateful to my children, who finally understood my choice and allowed me and Lee so-young to enjoy their old age without distractions.

I would like to tell all my elderly friends not to be afraid to pursue their own happiness and not to be bound by the eyes of the world. As long as we have love in our hearts, as long as we take that step bravely, happiness beckons to us.

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