
A really smart woman never posts these 3 things in the circle of friends, and the more she doesn't show it, the happier she is

author:Dahui said
A really smart woman never posts these 3 things in the circle of friends, and the more she doesn't show it, the happier she is

Yesterday, on a whim, I flipped through a certain space of mine, and at that time, I was full of sharing, and I would post some updates almost every day.

As small as what you eat today, what fun things you see, or some gloomy mood, you will vent it.

Looking at it again, in my circle of friends, it is difficult to post a news every month.

I wonder if you're the same? From the previous full desire to share, to now close the circle of friends.

I understand more and more that there are not so many viewers in your life, and everyone is living their lives silently.

In this world, there are many people who are cold bystanders, or people who can't see you.

Really smart women will not completely present their lives to outsiders, there are some things that can be exposed, but the following things, it is best not to show them, the more you don't show them, the happier you are.

A really smart woman never posts these 3 things in the circle of friends, and the more she doesn't show it, the happier she is

Don't show the scenes of husband and wife's affection

There is a saying that everyone must have heard, "Show affection, die quickly".

When a person puts too much love on the word "show", it violates the original intention of love.

When I used to go to work, I had a colleague who liked to "show affection" in the circle of friends.

Suddenly, for a while, I couldn't see her posting sweet scenes in the circle of friends, only to learn that she was divorced.

It turns out that those so-called love are just self-directed and self-acted dramas.

When a person shows affection and addiction, he will fall deeper and deeper, and only more affection can make this scene complete.

So he kept asking his lover to let him cooperate with his show, and in the end love became a burden.

Life is for yourself, marriage is warm and cold, there is no need to deliberately show it, put your mind on the management of love, is the most important.

A really smart woman never posts these 3 things in the circle of friends, and the more she doesn't show it, the happier she is

Do not show high income and high consumption

A few days ago, I was chatting in the university group, and I talked about one of my classmates, she always posted brand-name bags in the circle of friends, posted photos of traveling everywhere, and always went in and out of high-end places.

One of her classmates said, "I don't know where the money comes from, seeing how she dresses up every day." ”

Another classmate also continued, "Well, I don't believe that she can afford such an expensive thing on her own." ”

Everyone's words were full of comments and ridicule about those classmates, speculating about the unknown life behind her scenery.

It's quite realistic, when a person frequently posts high income and high consumption in the circle of friends, it will inevitably attract onlookers from others.

There is a lot of ill-intentioned speculation, and few people really bless you.

Don't show high income and high consumption, don't be too public, no matter where you come from, live your life steadfastly, and don't cause trouble.

A really smart woman never posts these 3 things in the circle of friends, and the more she doesn't show it, the happier she is

Don't show the dark side of negativity

Believe it?

Negative energy is contagious, and once life is wrapped in negative emotions, then good luck will be driven away.

There is a "Pygmalion" effect in psychology: when people have strong beliefs and expectations about something, it tends to happen in the direction of believing.

People, you have to be full of positive energy in life, and the more you believe in something, things tend to turn out for the better.

On the contrary, the more you sigh and sigh and are full of resentment about life, then believe me, your life will really be shrouded in dark clouds.

People want to see positive things, and no one wants to look at negative things.

Do you post to Moments, is it to make people sympathize or just to express it?

It's useless to yourself, it's not good for you, it's useless, so there's no need to bask in it.

If you are more positive and optimistic, maybe life will be very different.

A really smart woman never posts these 3 things in the circle of friends, and the more she doesn't show it, the happier she is

Don't show your life too much in the circle of friends, no one wants to be an audience to appreciate.

It's wise to keep a low profile, be more restrained, focus on the offline, and manage your own life.