
I used the method of eight provinces and cities to calculate the pension, but it did not rise enough by 3%, where did the rest go

author:Lotte Pie Dew D

#你的养老金涨了多少? #陆续已经有多个省市出台了关于2024年调整退休人员基本养老金的通知, I read the documents of various provinces and cities, although they are all issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, [2024] 48 document implementation, but the specific details are still different, the following is according to the pension adjustment notices issued by the provinces and cities, with my own situation to calculate, how much will each rise.

First of all, I will introduce my own situation, I retired as a railway employee in 2018, and my current pension is 5,117 yuan, and I have worked for 33 years.

1. Shaanxi Province: The fixed amount adjustment will increase by 32 yuan per person per month, the length of service adjustment will increase by 8 yuan per person per month within 15 years, and the part of the payment period exceeding 15 years will increase by 1.8 yuan per full year, and the pension ratio will be adjusted based on the basic pension at the end of 2023, an increase of 1%

Quota adjustment: 32 yuan;

Length of service adjustment: 8 + 1.8 x 18 = 40.4 yuan;

Pension ratio adjustment: 5117x1%=51 yuan

Total 32 + 40.4 + 51 = 123.4 yuan. This should also be the amount I actually adjusted this year.

2. Shandong Province: The fixed amount adjustment will increase by 32.6 yuan per person per month, the length of service will be adjusted by 0.8 yuan per year within 15 years, the annual increase will be 0.9 yuan from 15 to 25 years, and the annual increase will be 1 yuan from 26 to 35 years, and the pension ratio will be adjusted by 0.9% based on the basic pension at the end of 2023

Quota adjustment: 32.6 yuan

Pension ratio adjustment: 5117x 0.9% = 46 yuan.


If calculated according to the adjustment notice of Shandong Province, the amount of my pension that can be adjusted this year is 32.6 + 46 + 29 = 107.6 yuan.

3. Beijing: The fixed amount adjustment will increase by 30 yuan per person per month, the annual increase will be 2.4 yuan for the adjustment of the length of service and the payment period of 10 years or more, and the payment period will be increased by 24 yuan per person for less than 10 years, and the pension level will be adjusted in a linked manner, which will be divided into 5 yuan and 30 yuan with 6,813 yuan

Quota adjustment: 30 yuan

Pension ratio adjustment: 30 yuan.

Length of service adjustment, 2.4x33=79.2 yuan.

If calculated according to the adjustment notice of Beijing, the amount of my pension that can be adjusted this year is 30 + 30 + 79.2 = 139.2 yuan.

4. Shanghai: The fixed amount adjustment will increase by 61 yuan per person per month, the length of service adjustment payment period will increase by 1 yuan for every 1 year, and the adjustment coefficient of the pension level will be 1%.

Quota adjustment: 61 yuan

Pension ratio adjustment: 5117x1%=51 yuan.

Length of service adjustment, 1x33=33 yuan.

If calculated according to the adjustment notice of Shanghai, the amount of my pension that can be adjusted this year is 61 + 51 + 33 = 145 yuan.

Personally, I think that Shanghai's adjustment method is particularly friendly to people with low pensions, because the fixed amount adjustment is as high as 61 yuan, and the proportion of linked adjustment is not lower than that of other provinces and cities, and it is estimated that the lowest person in Shanghai can also rise by about 100 yuan.

5. Gansu Province: The fixed amount adjustment will increase by 30 yuan per person per month, and the monthly increase will be 15 yuan per person within 15 years of service, and the part of the payment period exceeding 15 years will increase by 1.4 yuan per full year, and the pension level will be linked to the adjustment coefficient of 0.9%.

Quota adjustment: 30 yuan

Pension ratio adjustment: 5117x0.9%=46 yuan.

Length of service adjustment, 15 + 1.4x18 = 40.2 yuan.

If calculated according to the adjustment notice of Gansu Province, the amount of my pension that can be adjusted this year is 30 + 46 + 40.2 = 116.2 yuan.

6. Hebei Province: The fixed amount adjustment will increase by 32 yuan per person per month, the payment period will increase by 1 yuan for each full year, and the adjustment coefficient linked to the pension level will be 0.94%.

Quota adjustment: 32 yuan

Pension ratio adjustment: 5117x0.94%=48 yuan.

Length of service adjustment, 1x33=33 yuan.

If calculated according to the adjustment notice of Hebei Province, the amount of my pension that can be adjusted this year is 32 + 48 + 33 = 113 yuan.

7. Shanxi Province: The fixed amount adjustment will increase by 35 yuan per person per month, the payment period will increase by 1.03 yuan per full year, and the pension level will be linked to the adjustment coefficient of 1%.

Quota adjustment: 35 yuan

Pension ratio adjustment: 5117x1%=51 yuan.

Length of service adjustment, 1.03x33=34 yuan.

If calculated according to the adjustment notice of Shanxi Province, the amount of my pension that can be adjusted this year is 35 + 51 + 34 = 120 yuan.

8. Jilin Province: The fixed amount adjustment will increase by 27 yuan per person per month, the payment period will be less than 25 years, the annual increase will be 1 yuan for each full year, the annual increase will be 1.2 yuan from 26 to 30 years, and the annual increase will be 1.4 yuan from 31 to 35 years, and the pension level will be linked to the adjustment coefficient of 0.8%.

Quota adjustment: 27 yuan

Pension ratio adjustment: 5117x0.8%=41 yuan.


If calculated according to the adjustment notice of Jilin Province, the amount of my pension that can be adjusted this year is 27 + 41 + 35.2 = 103.2 yuan.

Through the above calculations, it can be found that under the same circumstances, the pension increase calculated by the two municipalities directly under the central government of Beijing and Shanghai is the highest, which is 139.2 yuan and 145 yuan respectively, an increase of 2.7% and 2.8% respectively, and it does not reach the 3% increase stipulated in the document.

According to the document provisions of several provinces and cities, the increase is as follows: Jilin Province 103.2 yuan is the lowest, an increase of 2%; Shandong Province 107.6 yuan, an increase of 2.1%; Hebei Province 113 yuan, up 2.2%; Gansu Province 116.2 yuan, an increase of 2.27%; Shanxi Province 120 yuan, an increase of 2.35%; Shaanxi Province 123.4 yuan, an increase of 2.4%.

The highest growth is 145 yuan, and the lowest growth is 103,2 yuan, a difference of 41.8 yuan, which is not a small proportion.

I thought about it for a long time, and then I thought I had found the reason for this result, that is, my pension of 5,117 yuan was basically at a medium level among the pensions of retirees in Beijing and Shanghai. Among the retirees in the above-mentioned provinces, my pension level is in the upper middle range.

What does this mean? It shows that there are many retirees in Beijing and Shanghai who have high pensions, and the pensions of retirees in the above provinces are lower than those in Beijing and Shanghai, or in other words, there are many people with low pensions among the retirees in our provinces.

Ladies and gentlemen, do you think my opinion is reasonable? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area.