
A-share strategy on July 1: an important stop signal for the market to stop! See you next week!

author:Shine an investment perspective

  Focus on the daily practical operation of the A-share market, so that retail investors will not get lost! If you are not a long-term investor and want to survive in the A-share market, then you must understand that a careful layout plan can only have a good start, and strict trading discipline can bear fruitful fruits!

  Research and judgment of the general trend: On Friday, the A-share market fluctuated slightly, the trading volume returned to the 700 billion level, and the market also stood on the 5-day line, which is the first time that the market has stood on the 5-day line in the past month or so. Next week, if the market can continue to break through the 10-day line upward, then the unilateral downward channel during this period will come to an end temporarily. If the market fails to break through the 10-day line and breaks through the 5-day line again, it indicates that Friday's rebound is a false breakthrough, and I am afraid that it will hit a new low later!

A-share strategy on July 1: an important stop signal for the market to stop! See you next week!

  Disk tracking: On Friday, stocks in Shanghai and Shenzhen rose more and fell less, up 3,000 and down 2,000, and the market had a certain money-making effect. However, from the perspective of plate performance, Friday's general rise pattern did not form an obvious theme effect, copper cable high-speed link led the rise, and the shipbuilding sector ranked second, but the sealing rate of the two plates is not high, coupled with the recent institutional involvement, so sustainability is a problem. In addition, consumer electronics is active, and some institutions have participated recently, but the participation is not high, so it can be properly noted. On the list of decliners, brokerages pressed the market, and the sector index fell by 1.8%, and the AI model that rose on Wednesday also made up for the decline significantly on Friday.

  News tracking: 1. The China Securities Regulatory Commission said that it is stepping up research on a package of measures to further deepen the reform of the capital market in an all-round way! 2. The central bank and other seven departments jointly issued the "Work Plan on Doing a Solid Job in Science and Technology Finance" to guide financial capital to invest early, small, long-term, and hard technology! 3. The central bank held a blockbuster meeting to resolutely prevent the risk of exchange rate overshoot! The news is conducive to stabilizing the RMB exchange rate, thereby slowing down the outflow pressure of northbound funds, which will bring a positive boost to the recent trend of the market!

A-share strategy on July 1: an important stop signal for the market to stop! See you next week!

  Market capital: Although the market rebounded on Thursday and stood on the 5-day line, institutional buying and selling orders were released simultaneously, which is much better than the previous reduction of institutional positions as long as it rose. However, there is still not much to see in the capital flow of the sector, one is the recent decline in the participation of the main line hot institutions, and the other is that the main institutions have not opened up a new battlefield. If there is still no new battlefield next week, then the market hot spot may still revolve around semiconductors and the Internet of Vehicles. For other data, please refer to tomorrow morning's "A-share fierce news".

  【Operation Review】

  Clearance Operation: Not yet.

  Position opening operation: Shanghai Belling 600171, memory chips, narrow range fluctuations throughout the day, flat positions entered the market as planned. Mingyang Circuit 300739, PCB, unilateral upward at the opening, red disk status throughout the day, give up if the conditions are not met.

  Rebalancing results: Friday's yield increased slightly, although it hit a new high, but the performance was weaker than the broader market, mainly because of the light position. There is only one holding stock in the hand, Longsys, which strengthened slightly throughout the day. Among the two opening targets, Shanghai Belling reached the entry conditions, but it was basically in a flat state after entering the market. After the rebalancing, the position was increased to 2%, covering only one sector.

A-share strategy on July 1: an important stop signal for the market to stop! See you next week!
A-share strategy on July 1: an important stop signal for the market to stop! See you next week!

  【Core Hot Spots and Stock Pool Adjustment】

  Dial in hotspot: None yet.

  Calling up the hotspot: None yet.

A-share strategy on July 1: an important stop signal for the market to stop! See you next week!

  Transferred into individual stocks: Huaming Intelligent 300462, Information Development 300469, Soling Co., Ltd. 002766, Internet of Vehicles. Kexiang Co., Ltd. 300903, PCB. (Remember!) The news and capital side of individual stocks have reached the tracking conditions, but the technical side needs to further look for opportunities. )

  Recall individual stocks: Tongbao 301339, TransInfo Technology, 002373, Internet of Vehicles.

A-share strategy on July 1: an important stop signal for the market to stop! See you next week!

  【Core Hot Spots and Individual Stock Tracking】

  Recent main line hot spots (a large number of institutions participated): the Internet of Vehicles, Friday rose and fell, the positive body only recovered half of the negative body on Thursday, but it is still in the moving average bundle and has not yet weakened. PCB, the positive and yin volume is upward, breaking through all the average pressure levels again, entering the strong area, and is the strongest performance among the four main branches of semiconductors. Memory chips, advanced packaging, photoresists, and the moving average bundle rebounded, showing a surge and falling, and were still suppressed in the weak area under the average beam, and completely stopped falling in the morning.

  Recent non-mainline hot spots (a small number of institutions participated, or no institutions participated): SORA concept, after a sharp rebound on Wednesday, the sector index deviated from the 5-day line overbought, and on Thursday and Friday, it fluctuated sideways to repair the gap on the 5-day line, but the institutional intervention in the process of falling was insufficient, and the sustainability of the sector was a problem. AI mobile phones, AIPC, copper high-speed links, yang and yin rebound, the sector index back to the moving average bundle, has not yet made a choice of direction. Low-altitude economy, commercial aerospace, weak rebound under the moving average, the plate index stood on the 5-day line to stop falling, but there is still a distance from the key pressure level of the 20-day line, and it has not yet fully stabilized.

A-share strategy on July 1: an important stop signal for the market to stop! See you next week!

  Stocks in strong areas: Information Development, Science and Engineering Optics, Wantong Intelligent Control, Yum Intelligence, Sihui Fushi, Zhongfu Circuit, Jin Baize, Suntak Technology, Longsys. The above-mentioned stocks are running above the 5-day line, and are not moving upwards away from the 5-day line to form a technical overbought, and are in a strong channel and the trend is stable.

  Stocks in the change area: deep technology, Yachuang electronics. The above stocks are running between the 5-day line and the 10-day line, the 10-day line will not weaken if it is not broken, and the 5-day line can become stronger!

  Stocks in the defensive area: Shanghai Belling, West Test Testing, Nanda Optoelectronics. The above stocks are adjusted to the 20-day line, 30-day line or 60-day line and other short-term key support levels, if the key moving average does not fall below, there is a rebound trend in the short term!

  【Strategy & Planning】

  Position management: On Friday, the A-share market opened low and moved higher, and finally stood on the 5-day line. From a technical point of view, the market was suppressed by the 5-day line and weakened unilaterally, and Friday's breakthrough on the 5-day line is the first step to stop the decline. After that, it will continue to rise and break through the 10-day line, and it will be possible to get rid of the unilateral downward channel in the short term. Since the market stands on the 5-day line, the upper limit of the position can be increased to 5%. At present, there is a 2% position in hand, so there is still room to increase the position next Monday. Based on the distribution of the sector of the holding stocks, as well as the recent performance of the main and non-main hot spots, the direction of adding positions can be the Internet of Vehicles or semiconductors.

  Tracking target: Soling shares 002766, Internet of Vehicles, 10% of the layout of the 20-day line in a falling state. Kexiang shares 300903, PCB + memory chip + advanced packaging, the 20-day line does not break the layout of 10% in the falling state. Mingyang Circuit 300739, PCB, the 30-day line does not break the layout of 10% in a falling state. If both semiconductors meet the conditions, choose 1 out of 2.

  Position strategy: Shanghai Belling 600171, memory chips, relying on the 30-day line position. Longsys 301308, high performance + memory chips, medium-term positions. (In case of a sharp rise in the position and the board is not closed, you can consider reducing the position or taking profit.) )

A-share strategy on July 1: an important stop signal for the market to stop! See you next week!

  This article is from Jingyang's financial self-media matrix, updated before 9 o'clock the night before each trading day, I hope you can keep abreast of the latest position adjustment direction of the main force through this article, as well as the coping strategy we should have. However, due to the rapid adjustment of positions in Jingyang, everyone should focus on learning ideas, and do not blindly follow the market!

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