
When you meet a bad person, it is not your character that you have to change

author:Lynn Creek Studios
When you meet a bad person, it is not your character that you have to change

Text/Lin Xi


Disasters in life come from the fact that you have come into contact with the wrong people and in the wrong circumstances. In this case, no matter how capable and kind you are, it will not help.

- Nietzsche


No matter how good a person is, after being immersed in tense relationships and stressful environments for a long time, he will become dull, irritable, and hysterical.

A man will go to a place where he will nourish and lift him.

When you meet a bad person, it is not your character that you have to change
When you meet a bad person, it is not your character that you have to change
When you meet a bad person, it is not your character that you have to change
When you meet a bad person, it is not your character that you have to change


Personality and the way of doing things are the same thing. For example, because you are gentle and kind, you may have been let down and hurt by others, but why haven't you become violent and harsh? Probably this kind of personality will also bring you many benefits, such as the space for concentration that comes with being in line with the right path, such as intimacy and stable relationships.

Therefore, when you encounter a bad person, what you need to change is not your character, but to improve the accuracy of "recognizing people".


When you are in pain, you should not impose a restriction on yourself that you cannot be influenced, but adopt an attitude that you don't care if you are influenced, so that you can cultivate a strong heart.


Man has only one mission: to go to himself. His duty is to discover his own destiny, not the fate of others, but to live his own destiny completely and unyieldingly.

- Hermann Hesse, "Demian"

When you meet a bad person, it is not your character that you have to change
When you meet a bad person, it is not your character that you have to change
When you meet a bad person, it is not your character that you have to change
When you meet a bad person, it is not your character that you have to change

Learning Digest

There are many ways of life in this world, and some people are born to represent freedom, adventure, and fearlessness.

In life, you must have the painstaking management at the beginning, and you will have the best unexpected encounter.

Give time a moment, let the past pass, and let the beginning begin.

May you and I bloom in our respective lives and see each other in high places!

I am Lin Xi, and you who love learning, love life, love freedom, bravely climb the peak, and are loyal to yourself, walk all the way!