
Shicheng Dayu: Inherit the red gene and absorb the strength of endeavor

author:Gan wonderful

On the occasion of the July 1st Party Day, in order to warmly celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on June 27, the Party Branch of Wangsha Village, Dayou Township, Shicheng County, organized Party members and retired military Party members to visit Ruijin to learn from the experience and practices of party building in the surrounding areas leading rural revitalization, industrial development, grassroots governance, etc., and to accept the profound party spirit education and red spirit baptism of the red education base.

Shicheng Dayu: Inherit the red gene and absorb the strength of endeavor

In the Yeping Revolutionary Site Group, ancient camphor trees witness the vicissitudes of time, and old houses tell moving stories. Ruijin Yeping, the seat of the Provisional Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic, records the first exploration of the Chinese Communists on how to build a country. Party members witnessed the precious cultural relics as if they had traveled back to the revolutionary years. Those mottled marks silently tell the bravery and fearlessness of the ancestors.

Shicheng Dayu: Inherit the red gene and absorb the strength of endeavor

After visiting the Red Army Martyrs' Memorial Tower, they moved to the Shazhouba Revolutionary Site Group, where they saw the "red well" in the Chinese textbook, tasted the red well water, and saw that the poor mountain villages, which were as expensive as oil and had nine droughts in ten years, could be transformed into civilized villages and towns throughout the country, and the young party members had a deeper understanding of why the people of Shazhouba supported the Red Army so much. It is because they dig wells to get water, plough the fields on behalf of others, and carry water to chop firewood...... It seems that everything the Communists do is ordinary and trivial, but everything is what the people in the Soviet area need and need, and they always keep the people in their hearts.

Shicheng Dayu: Inherit the red gene and absorb the strength of endeavor
Shicheng Dayu: Inherit the red gene and absorb the strength of endeavor

In the former site of the Second Soviet Union, party members gathered together to take the oath of joining the party and exchange speeches. Veteran Dong Gengang said with emotion: "The trip to Ruijin made me relive the years of burning passion, when we sacrificed our lives on the battlefield for the country and the people. Today, I deeply feel that those days of fighting for ideals and justice are the glory of my life. Although I have been discharged from the army, my heart will always be with my comrades-in-arms, continue to give full play to the fine traditions of soldiers, and contribute to the prosperity and strength of the motherland.

Shicheng Dayu: Inherit the red gene and absorb the strength of endeavor

On the way back, the party members will integrate the red gene into their blood and devote themselves to work with more enthusiasm. Everyone expressed that they would keep in mind the tenacious struggle, loyalty and patriotism of the predecessors of the Anti-Japanese War, devote themselves to work with more enthusiasm, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and contribute their own strength to the vigorous development of Wangsha Village. (Yan Boyu)