
It's too strong! Wu Yanni still easily ran 13.06 seconds while wearing 4 pieces of jewelry, and her arrogant expression was too eye-catching

author:Sports Station 1

On June 29, Wu Yanni once again rushed to the hot search and became the object of conversation among people across the country after dinner.

This time, Wu Yanni did not have any eyeball-fighting behavior, but pure strength, Wu Yanni ran a time of 13.06 seconds in the women's 100-meter hurdles preliminaries of the National Track and Field Championships, won the first overall score in the preliminaries, and advanced to the finals strongly. In addition, the high-profile Lin Yuwei and Xia Sining ran 13.26 seconds and 13.66 seconds respectively.

It's too strong! Wu Yanni still easily ran 13.06 seconds while wearing 4 pieces of jewelry, and her arrogant expression was too eye-catching
It's too strong! Wu Yanni still easily ran 13.06 seconds while wearing 4 pieces of jewelry, and her arrogant expression was too eye-catching

This is Wu Yanni's strength, it's too strong! At present, the first Chinese women's hurdles, and even the first in Asia!

It is worth mentioning that Wu Yanni easily ran 13.06 seconds while wearing 4 pieces of jewelry this time, and even put some distance at the end.

It's too strong! Wu Yanni still easily ran 13.06 seconds while wearing 4 pieces of jewelry, and her arrogant expression was too eye-catching

Wu Yanni wore a necklace, ring, studs, and her favorite navel nail again, but even with so many weights, Wu Yanni was still able to run 13.06 seconds with ease.

And Wu Yanni also made a very arrogant expression before the start of the preliminaries, which was too ecstatic and too eye-catching, as if to warn everyone: Although the game has not started yet, I am definitely the first.

It's too strong! Wu Yanni still easily ran 13.06 seconds while wearing 4 pieces of jewelry, and her arrogant expression was too eye-catching

This tsundere's expression is too ecstatic

In this regard, netizens praised one after another: "If you take it, it is strong, there is no way to do this, people still wear 4 pieces of jewelry" and "Wu Yanni does have the capital to drag".

Wu Yanni's reaction time and hurdles skills in the preliminaries showed a world-class level. In particular, her reaction time from the start was only 0.186 seconds, and this quick reflexes gave her an early start in the rest of the race.

It's too strong! Wu Yanni still easily ran 13.06 seconds while wearing 4 pieces of jewelry, and her arrogant expression was too eye-catching

Even without her full strength, Wu Yanni's time of 13.06 seconds is very competitive in Asia. According to reports, the best time in Asia and the first in China this year is Wu Yanni's 12.80 seconds, and her current form is at the level of the first sister in Asia.

It's too strong! Wu Yanni still easily ran 13.06 seconds while wearing 4 pieces of jewelry, and her arrogant expression was too eye-catching

Although she is still short of Nigeria's Amsan of 12.12 seconds, she has already shown that she can compete with the top international athletes, which will be a positive sign for her future international competitions.

Next, Wu Yanni will compete again in the final against two popular players Lin Yuwei and Xia Sining, who are also in the spotlight.

See you in the finals.