
Sunset West Mountain(29)

author:Canal gonziers, 1954
Sunset West Mountain(29)

Huang Fugui has long known that Xiaomu is not his son, because Pomegranate Hua followed him, and after giving birth to two daughters, he never had a good time, he went to the hospital to check and was surprised, he is a man with no fertility! In this way, not only Xiaomu is not his own, but the two girls born after the pomegranate flower enters the door are not his own. He was furious and wanted to go home and treat the woman who had cuckolded him, sweep her out of the house, and marry a young and beautiful daughter-in-law himself. Then I thought about it, if I really beat that sassy fox away, I would rely on my reputation in the village, let alone find a young and beautiful one, even if I was like a pomegranate flower, I might not be able to find it, besides, the pomegranate flower turned a blind eye to her happy search for flowers and willows. So, he suppressed his anger, kept his physical defects secret, and continued to do things in the village. Pomegranate Blossom is also holding a deck of cards in her waist, watching who is better to follow whom. The two tacitly understood each other, did not interfere with each other, and each was convenient for each other, and it was convenient for themselves, and it took more than 20 years to make do with each other.

It was very late, Huang Fugui came home from playing wild pigeons, and the pomegranate blossoms bloomed.

"Where did you go again? I didn't come back until this time, and I didn't look at our age, we were almost fifty people, so take care of it. Pomegranate Flower said, "Xiaomu is twenty-three or four, and he doesn't have a daughter-in-law, you are a father, and you are not in a hurry at all." "

"Am I a daddy? Daddy in name? There are too many of his fathers, which one is true, I'm afraid you don't know, right? Huang Fugui said coldly.

"Huang Fugui, don't speak with a sullen conscience, I am a lot of good friends, but how do you know that Xiaomu is not yours?" Pomegranate Blossom got angry.

"Not only do I know that Xiaomu is not mine, but I also know that those girls are not mine!" Huang Fugui spewed a mouth full of wine, his eyes turned red, and sticky snot hung on his mouth.

"Huang Fugui, where did you pour too much cat urine, full of drunken talk!" The pomegranate said inwardly, "You talk nonsense again that I sewed your mouth!" "

"You sew my mouth, you should sew that on your body!" Huang Fugui patted the edge of the kang, "Lao Tzu has long known that I don't want to be lustful in my life, but it is the life of a child and grandchildren, and I have already checked it in the hospital." "

After a long time of pomegranate flowers, she stepped forward and touched Huang Fugui's shoulder, "I said Fugui, you shouldn't be so angry, you should be happy." You were cut off from the lives of your children and grandchildren, but you have sons and daughters, although they are not your species, but they all call you father, do you say that your life is not good, or is your life good? If it weren't for me, after you died, you wouldn't even have a white cloth to beat the flags and roof the tiles. This is good, you kick your legs, really fake aside, there are a few crying fathers, do you think you should blame me or thank me? "

Huang Fugui did not change his viciousness, the rabbit actually ate the grass by the nest, and started the idea of his daughter, thinking that he was not born by himself anyway, raising them so big, this is cheap and not white. As soon as I had the opportunity, I gagged with the eldest daughter and the second daughter, and a pair of eyes stared at their breasts in a daze, and the snot flowed into the mouth and I didn't feel it. Finally one day, like a beast, he pounced on the eldest girl Da Li, who was alone at home, and wanted to do something wrong. Dahlia struggled to resist, but thanks to Xiaomu and Pomegranate Blossom, they arrived in time to save Dahlia. Xiaomu trampled Huang Fugui under his feet and asked Pomegranate Flower, "Did you say that you sent him to prison or cut him?" Pomegranate Flower was hesitating, Xiao Mu went down with a stick, Huang Fugui's left leg was broken in two, and he stepped on Huang Fugui's crotch with one foot, Pomegranate Hua saw that Xiao Mu was really going to die, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop Xiao Mu.

A year has passed, Huang Fugui has become a cripple, but Huang Xiaomu is thriving, he joined the party and became a militia company commander.

In the afternoon of this day, Xiao Mu, who had gone to the county for a meeting, got out of the car and met Caiyun on the way.

"Oh, the big leader is back from a meeting? What's going on this time? Caiyun and Xiaomu greeted each other.

"The mobilization meeting, the mobilization meeting to push this movement to a new climax, the momentum is great, the mountain rain is about to come, and a new climax is about to begin!" Xiao Mu said, "Caiyun, we grew up together, you and my father were both long-term workers in the landlord's family in the past, we have studied together, we are comrades-in-arms in the same trench, and we are class relatives connected by the same root, I really hope that you and I will move forward side by side in the wind and waves of the class struggle." Frankly speaking, compared to me, you are a little behind, I have joined the party, become a militia company commander, but you are only a member of the regimental branch, this is still my proposal, if ......"

"Old classmate, no, Commander Huang, don't say it, I know I'm not as good as you," Caiyun said, "If everyone is so good, do you still look radiant?" "

"You're sarcastic about me? Okay, let's not talk about that, let's talk about personal issues. Xiaomu said, "You are half a year younger than me, have you considered personal problems?" "

Caiyun said, "Revolutionary youth should put the revolution first, what are the personal problems? "

"That's right, that's right!" Xiao Mu said, "Let's think of a piece." The wood is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it, and it is not a pleasant thing for people to be too good. You know, those who talk about the media's fiber pulling, how annoying, just one on the front foot, and another one on the back foot, really responded to that sentence, the door is like a market, annoying to death, so that I can't do a lot of revolutionary work! "

"Then what worries your aunt?" Caiyun asked.

"She's worried, she's worried? It's not that she's worried about it, I can't say that my daughter-in-law can't beat a bachelor! Xiaomu said, "She is worried that she can't deal with those matchmakers, just afraid that she will respond to this, offend that, respond to that, offend this, and she can't think of offending people, and she is anxious to hold her grandson." "

Caiyun said, "Then you can order one!" "

"No, no, resolutely!" Xiao Mu shook his head and said, "I am a party member, a militia company commander, and the first in revolutionary work. Besides, no one can replace her in the place of that person in my heart! "

"So, you've had a crush on you?" Caiyun asked, "Who is it, and what level of secret?" Can it reach our level? "

Xiao Mu looked at Caiyun and plucked up the courage to say, "Caiyun, I love you!" "

"Don't make jokes like that!" Caiyun said, "I'm going to be angry if I talk nonsense again!" "

"Caiyun, I'm not joking, I'm telling the truth," Xiao Mu said, "Don't you know the agreement between the two of us?" "

"What agreement? I do not know! Caiyun said.

Xiao Mu said, "I just came out of the full moon, you are still in your mother's belly, my mother and your mother agreed, your mother wants to give birth to a son, and I will form an alliance brother, if you give birth to a daughter, the two families will become children and daughters." Caiyun, even if there is no agreement, I love you deeply, you are the air, you are the sun, I can't live without you. I can't eat for you, I can't sleep all night, I ...... for you"

"Okay, don't be lyrical, we can't get together at all!" Caiyun said, "Thank you for your attention to me, but I don't love you." There is someone in your heart, there is someone in my heart, the person in your heart is me, but the person in my heart is not you! Goodbye, I'm going another way! With that, Caiyun turned into another path and walked away without looking back.

(To be continued)