
The disputes between the family and the imperial power in "Du Hua Nian", and Li Rong's marriage tragedy, are all involuntarily

author:Film and television small hoes


Episodes 7-8 of "The Year of China".

These two men sent a message of worship

I hope Qin Lin can go out of the mountain in advance

A lot of things can be avoided in this way

Li Rong asked Pei Wenxuan to carry her

He slept against him again

Trust is already full

The disputes between the family and the imperial power in "Du Hua Nian", and Li Rong's marriage tragedy, are all involuntarily

The Criminal Department came to arrest Pei Wenxuan

The reason is that someone reported to the official

Said that he killed Tuoba Yan

He was taken to a cell

Li Rong passed the news to the crown prince

Let him go and wait for Qin Lin to come out of the mountain

She waited a few days

She'll also go to jail

It's kind of a show

The two also discussed

How to live in a cell more comfortable

The disputes between the family and the imperial power in "Du Hua Nian", and Li Rong's marriage tragedy, are all involuntarily

Now Li Rong has a little more

Time spent with Su Rongqing

She couldn't help but want to ask Su Rongqing

Why the hell saved her

But Su Rongqing said that there are no coincidences in the world

Just put your mind to it

But the past life is clear

Su Rongqing poisoned herself

Over there, Li Rong looked at the brief chapter

Su Rongqing is there

The other side of the screen

Painted a portrait of Li Rong

The disputes between the family and the imperial power in "Du Hua Nian", and Li Rong's marriage tragedy, are all involuntarily

Tuoba Yan is not dead

was rescued by Li Rong

She had to have Tuoba Yan

As a witness

She knew his weakness

It's done in minutes

The disputes between the family and the imperial power in "Du Hua Nian", and Li Rong's marriage tragedy, are all involuntarily

The prince waited for Qin Lin in the mountains

I still met Qin Zhenzhen

Facilitated the two to meet in advance

The disputes between the family and the imperial power in "Du Hua Nian", and Li Rong's marriage tragedy, are all involuntarily

Xiao Su took over the Yang family's military power

But there is no way to convince the public

So the princess deserves it

was sent to prison

chose Pei Wenxuan next to him

Going to prison is also to be neat

The cells were also set up

It's no different from your own home

The disputes between the family and the imperial power in "Du Hua Nian", and Li Rong's marriage tragedy, are all involuntarily

The prince also came to see her in prison

also brought back Qin Zhenzhen

After all, the two of them are doll kisses

This time I came here to explain

Divorce is not a decision at home

It was her own decision

I listened to Li Rong's music

Pei Wenxuan has always been amorous

I think it was forced by their family

It has also been in the nostalgia for 20 years

Now it's clear

The disputes between the family and the imperial power in "Du Hua Nian", and Li Rong's marriage tragedy, are all involuntarily

But the crown prince Li Chuan back then

was also forced to marry a wife

Then he grew up overnight

At that time, Qin Zhenzhen was not

Very favored by the prince

But it can be said that Pei Wenxuan

He sent the prince to her with his own hands

The disputes between the family and the imperial power in "Du Hua Nian", and Li Rong's marriage tragedy, are all involuntarily

The two are also getting sweeter and sweeter

Because of this

After Qin Zhenzhen died

Li Chuan will be like crazy

At that time, the concubine Shangguan Ya

also accepted Qin Zhenzhen

Buried with the rites of the Queen

The disputes between the family and the imperial power in "Du Hua Nian", and Li Rong's marriage tragedy, are all involuntarily

Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan chatted

talked about Pei Wenxuan's empathy and farewell

The front foot promised Qin Zhenzhen

Take good care of her

The back foot likes Li Rong

But Li Rong is thin-skinned

Pei Wenxuan felt it again

admits that I like Li Rong

He bowed his head to Huangquan

So the mouth is also very hard

The disputes between the family and the imperial power in "Du Hua Nian", and Li Rong's marriage tragedy, are all involuntarily

Li Chuan followed Li Rong's request

Refused to go to the Northwest to supervise the army

Of course, the end result remains the same

The main hit is to welcome and refuse

Before leaving

Qin Zhenzhen gave him a handful

A sword named Zhilan

Li Chuan sent it back

Make your own firefly lamp

This feeling warmed up

The disputes between the family and the imperial power in "Du Hua Nian", and Li Rong's marriage tragedy, are all involuntarily

This time the prince went to the northwest

There is a risk of not being able to go back

But as in previous lives

The crown prince still took the soldiers with him

Stabilized the front line

It's a big win

also caught the Yang family

A person who sells weapons privately

By the way, ask Your Majesty for a reward

The disputes between the family and the imperial power in "Du Hua Nian", and Li Rong's marriage tragedy, are all involuntarily


Mr. Letter of Complaint

Two people in prison

Naturally, homeopathy came out

The timing is there

Li Rong is in control

Su Rongqing also brought attendants

Serve Li Rong

It's very intimate

The disputes between the family and the imperial power in "Du Hua Nian", and Li Rong's marriage tragedy, are all involuntarily

Pei Wenxuan felt him

has ulterior motives for Li Rong

But Li Rong felt it

People like Su Rongqing

All his life he has been learning restraint

There won't be those emotions

Pei Wenxuan said that she was weird and cute

The disputes between the family and the imperial power in "Du Hua Nian", and Li Rong's marriage tragedy, are all involuntarily

In the identification of the Tuoba Swallow

And the ledger in hand

It can be proved that the Yang family collaborated with the enemy

Naturally, there is nothing to say

The family is in the eyes of the emperor

It's just a tool, indeed

When needed they are the Yang family

Guarding the border and fighting horses for a lifetime

Now I don't need it anymore and I throw it away

The disputes between the family and the imperial power in "Du Hua Nian", and Li Rong's marriage tragedy, are all involuntarily

Concubine Ning Yang Wan was anxious

He yelled at the emperor

In the end, he had to kill Li Rong

Killed by the sword-wielding guards in front of him

Li Rong put clothes on her

And begged the emperor

To be able to leave her a decent place

In Li Rong's eyes

She didn't know

The emperor wanted to depose the crown prince Li Chuan

I don't know

own marriage

With how much political factor

The disputes between the family and the imperial power in "Du Hua Nian", and Li Rong's marriage tragedy, are all involuntarily

General Yang pleaded guilty

He told Pei Wenxuan

One person can't get out of the quagmire

Although Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong

It's been forty years old

But Pei Wenxuan also knows it

People like Li Rong and Su Rongqing

Say it's all for yourself

There are no personal feelings

But what Li Rong did

It's really kind

The disputes between the family and the imperial power in "Du Hua Nian", and Li Rong's marriage tragedy, are all involuntarily

Dig to the bottom and dig it up

Here's the hard work

A small film and television hoe that even dares to hoe himself

The round hoe will take you to chase hot dramas

Like and follow, don't get lost after chasing dramas

We'll see you next time