
As soon as the top 18 grouping was determined, Ivan removed the four major players from the national football team, led by the ace captain

author:The forefront of Chinese Super League sports

After Ivankovic's group draw for the top 18 of the national football team was determined, he started a new round of preparation non-stop. Although, the national football team was placed in the group of death in the group draw of the top 18. However, coach Ivankovic will not let this shake his determination to use young players. At the same time, some veterans who are overwhelmed, Ivankovic has completely closed the door for them to enter the national football team.

As soon as the top 18 grouping was determined, Ivan removed the four major players from the national football team, led by the ace captain

Among them, there are four veterans, Wu Xi, Zhang Linpeng, Tan Long, and Ackerson, all of whom were once the main force of the national football team. Wu Xi is the meritorious captain of the national football team, and Camacho was already a standing international player when he coached the national football team. Wu Xi belongs to the back row of very capable international players, and the ability is very comprehensive. If Wu Xi hadn't taken the initiative to withdraw from the national football team, Ivankovic would have wanted to use him.

As soon as the top 18 grouping was determined, Ivan removed the four major players from the national football team, led by the ace captain

Because, Ivankovic is very obsessed with the single back tactic. Wu Xi is the only player who can play this position. It's a pity that Wu Xi's reluctance to come made Ivankovic very helpless. Zhang Linpeng has the same reason as Wu Xi, and he already feels powerless in the national football game. Especially in the game where the national football team played Singapore away, when the team was leading by two goals, it could be equalized by the opponent.

As soon as the top 18 grouping was determined, Ivan removed the four major players from the national football team, led by the ace captain

Zhang Linpeng has to take the first responsibility for these two conceded goals, so in this case he withdrew from the national football team. Tan Long is a player born in 88, and he should not be selected for the national football team at his own age. Previously, if it weren't for the national football coach Jankovic who had always had a preference for Tan Long, Tan Long might not have had a chance to be selected for the national football team again. So in this case, Ivankovic is not interested in Tan Long, and he naturally cannot enter the national football team.

As soon as the top 18 grouping was determined, Ivan removed the four major players from the national football team, led by the ace captain

In the end, the reason why Ackerson was removed from the national football coach was that he was too old and had constant injuries. The coach of the national football team, Ivankovic, gave Aikesen a lot of opportunities to be selected for the national football team, but it is a pity that Aikesen himself is not angry, and every time he comes to the national football team, he is recuperating from injury. In this case, it is reasonable that Exxon was directly removed from the top 18 squad by Ivan.