
The 3 types of vegetarian dishes with the most fierce meat, if you don't want fatty liver to come to your door, I advise you to stop chopsticks quickly!

author:Hepatologist He Bin

With the improvement of people's living standards, three meals a day also appear more abundant and delicious, in the past, there was no oil and water in stir-frying, but now it is too much oil and water, although the food is fragrant, but it has brought a great burden to the body. Therefore, a large number of people have begun to pursue a healthy diet with less oil, less salt, and less oil.

In everyone's eyes, vegetarian dishes are very nutritious, and the fat content is low, not easy to cause fat accumulation and other problems, but although vegetarian dishes are nutritious, but the cooking method is very critical, just like the following 3 kinds of dishes, all of which are comparable to drinking oil.

The 3 types of vegetarian dishes with the most fierce meat, if you don't want fatty liver to come to your door, I advise you to stop chopsticks quickly!

The 3 types of vegetarian dishes with the most strong meat

1. Some soy products

Yuba: The fat content of yuba is as high as 21.7 grams per 100 grams, and the fried yuba commonly found in the market adds to the fat burden.

Tofu puff: Deep-fried tofu puff not only has a high oil content, but its porous structure also absorbs soup (including oil), making fat intake inadvertently increase.

Improvement method: For this kind of soy products, try to choose low-oil cooking methods, such as stewing and cold dressing, reduce frying processing, and pay attention to controlling the frequency of eating.

The 3 types of vegetarian dishes with the most fierce meat, if you don't want fatty liver to come to your door, I advise you to stop chopsticks quickly!

2. Scrambled eggs with tomatoes

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes can be said to be a national home-cooked dish, however, few people think that this dish may also be a hidden oily and sugary product. Anyone with cooking experience knows that if you want to make tomato scrambled eggs delicious, you must first add more oil, scramble the eggs until fluffy and fragrant, and then re-fry the tomatoes, which often consumes a lot of oil.

At this time, someone is about to ask, the tomato scrambled eggs I eat don't look oily at all, in fact, the tomato scrambled eggs are not oily, mainly because eggs contain a lot of lecithin, which can play a role in emulsifying fat, so that this dish will not appear on the plate with oil.

Improvement method: Add a tablespoon of water and a teaspoon of cooking wine to the egg mixture, so that the scrambled eggs can not only reduce oil, but also make the eggs more tender and delicious. When beating eggs, add water and eggs together, beat well, put it in a pot and fry it slowly over low heat, generally scramble 1 egg, add about 10 grams of water, and about 5 grams of cooking wine.

The 3 types of vegetarian dishes with the most fierce meat, if you don't want fatty liver to come to your door, I advise you to stop chopsticks quickly!

3. Dry pot series dishes

The common dishes of the dry pot series are: dry pot cauliflower, dry pot potato chips, dry pot cabbage, etc. The method of dry pot dishes is to soak the cooked ingredients in a lot of oil, and then use an alcohol lamp to continuously heat them underneath, and the vegetables continue to absorb oil. In addition, dry pot dishes are usually made into a spicy taste, super rice, the calories eaten are really difficult to estimate, and in the process of slow burning, benzopyrene may also be produced, which is not only easy to gain weight, but also harmful to health.

Improvement suggestion: It is best not to cook the dry pot for more than 15 minutes, otherwise it will not only make the dish too oily, but also produce harmful substances such as benzopyrene (class 1 carcinogen).

The 3 types of vegetarian dishes with the most fierce meat, if you don't want fatty liver to come to your door, I advise you to stop chopsticks quickly!

Doctor reminds

The appearance of fatty liver has a lot to do with improper diet, so we must pay attention to the conditioning of diet after the appearance of fatty liver. Most of the ingredients we eat in daily life are relatively healthy, but our cooking methods are unhealthy, in daily life, no matter when we must keep in mind "less oil, less salt, less sugar", more steamed, boiled, cold cooking, which can effectively avoid fatty liver!