
Xu Shiyou hit 15 wild ducks on the farm, and the director came to congratulate him, Xu said angrily: Do you want to do it anymore

author:Historical Expo

In 1980, Xu Shiyou, who retired from the post of commander of the Guangzhou Military Region, politely rejected the suggestion of his superiors to let him go to Beijing to take up a post, and instead went to Nanjing to retire.

Nanjing, the only city named after "Beijing" in New China, has been a strategic place and political center of the country since ancient times. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, it has successively become the garrison of the Nanjing Military Region and the Eastern Theater.

General Xu Shiyou, on the other hand, served as commander of the Nanjing Military Region from 1955 until 1973, when he was transferred to the Guangzhou Military Region as commander. In addition, he also served as the deputy commander of the East China Military Region for three years, and his work place was also in Nanjing.

Xu Shiyou hit 15 wild ducks on the farm, and the director came to congratulate him, Xu said angrily: Do you want to do it anymore

After careful calculation, Xu Shiyou has worked in Nanjing for a total of 21 years. Before that, he had never stayed in any city for such a long time, which is why he chose to come to Nanjing to retire.

Xu Shiyou's residence is No. 8 Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, a small yellow villa during the Republic of China, which once lived in Sun Ke, the president of the Executive Yuan of the National Government, and Sun Ke was the son of Mr. Sun Yat-sen.

The environment here is quiet, located in the west of the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, the east of the Meihua Mountain, and the south of the Ming Filial Piety Mausoleum. Although it occupies a small area, the terrain is flat, and the river is not deep but crystal clear.

There are two large plane trees planted in the precincts, and the precincts are lined with greenery. When Xu Shiyou lived here, he lived a pastoral life, raising chickens and ducks, pigs and sheep outside the courtyard, although the number was not much, but it also had a rural flavor.

Xu Shiyou hit 15 wild ducks on the farm, and the director came to congratulate him, Xu said angrily: Do you want to do it anymore

Not only that, Xu Shiyou also used the mulberry trees outside the hospital to raise silkworms. In addition, he also opened up an acre of land to grow rice and wheat, and the cultivation was also done by himself, and the farm fertilizer was applied.

As for his leisure time, Xu Shiyou also took the guards to hunt in the mountains and go down to the river to fish, and every time he returned with a full load.

It can be said that Comrade Xu Shiyou's retirement life is colorful and his life is boundless!

General Xu Shiyou once went to Shaolin Temple to practice martial arts for eight years, and his face was dark since he was a child, and his mother named him "Three Soldiers".

He has a strong temperament, a straightforward heart, and a good martial arts, plus he has a lot of beards on his face, so his friends in the army gave him the nickname: "Meng Zhang Fei, Live Li Kui." ”

Xu Shiyou hit 15 wild ducks on the farm, and the director came to congratulate him, Xu said angrily: Do you want to do it anymore

At that time, the people of Dabie Mountain would make their own sake for the purpose of entertaining guests on weekdays, or they would also drink a few sips when the farm was busy.

Therefore, Xu Shiyou learned to drink from an early age. When I grew up, I loved to drink alcohol, and I drank a lot. He famously said, "Cold wine hurts the lungs, hot wine hurts the liver, and no wine hurts the heart." You can't skip food, you can't skip drinking! ”

During the Red Army, there was a rule in the army: "Officers and soldiers are not allowed to drink alcohol before the war." But Xu Shiyou is the only one who is not in this rule, he must drink alcohol before every battle, and then he will fight bravely to kill the enemy, and often win in one go!

In this regard, some other generals were unconvinced and asked the head of the Red Fourth Front Army: "Why can Xu Shiyou drink, but we can't?" ”

After hearing this, the chief immediately asked, "Do you have the same amount of alcohol as Xu Shiyou?" ”

Xu Shiyou hit 15 wild ducks on the farm, and the director came to congratulate him, Xu said angrily: Do you want to do it anymore

When the generals heard this, they were speechless, and they never mentioned it again!

Xu Shiyou has served as the captain of the death squad many times, and after drinking the farewell wine, he took the lead in charging with a big knife in his hand, and his bravery was invincible!

Therefore, Xu Shiyou was specially equipped with a porter to carry wine for him during the march.

Even after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Xu Shiyou is still strong and has a lot of alcohol.

According to the recollection of Wang Xuanxuan, secretary of the Party Office of the Nanjing Military Region, Xu Shiyou likes to persuade him to drink when he drinks, and he also has different words.

Every time he ate, Xu Shiyou first drank a full glass of wine by himself, and then began to persuade his comrades to drink.

Xu Shiyou hit 15 wild ducks on the farm, and the director came to congratulate him, Xu said angrily: Do you want to do it anymore

If a comrade-in-arms says, "I don't know how to drink." Xu Shiyou smiled back: "Are you afraid of your wife? ”

If a comrade-in-arms says, "If you are not in good health, the doctor will not let you drink it." Xu Shiyou asked seriously: "Are you afraid of death?" ”

In such a situation, most of the comrades-in-arms had to drink. Seeing this, Xu Shiyou smiled and said: "I can drink wine, but I cheated and fined three glasses of wine!" ”

When Xu Shiyou entertains guests, most of them use dishes prepared by himself. The vegetables are grown by themselves, which are pure natural and pollution-free. As for meat dishes, they are usually the prey he hunts and then handed over to the chef to cook.

After a meal, it is often the pleasure of the guests and the hosts.

Xu Shiyou hit 15 wild ducks on the farm, and the director came to congratulate him, Xu said angrily: Do you want to do it anymore

In the summer of 1962, Xu Shiyou came to Nanjing Road to inspect the "Good Eighth Company".

At lunchtime, he visited the canteen and found that the soldiers were eating pumpkin porridge, so he asked, "Have you eaten enough?" ”

Xu Jinlong, the leader of the first class, replied loudly: "Eat enough!" ”

When Xu Shiyou heard this, he stepped forward and grabbed the spatula and stirred it in the pot a few times, and immediately said angrily: "You lie to people." ”

Then he called the company commander and instructor to criticize: "Why do you let the soldiers eat porridge at noon?" ”

Xu Shiyou hit 15 wild ducks on the farm, and the director came to congratulate him, Xu said angrily: Do you want to do it anymore

The company commander replied: "Report to the chief, you can sleep for three hours with porridge at noon." When you stand guard at night, you have to eat dry food! ”

Xu Shiyou suddenly understood, and advised: "No matter what, we must ensure that the soldiers are well fed." Otherwise, you can't afford to stand guard! ”

In the winter of 1964, Xu Shiyou visited Albania with a delegation, and when he returned to China, he accidentally felt a cold, and happened to pass through Shanghai, so he simply stayed in East China Hospital to see a doctor.

The doctor first examined Xu Shiyou's mouth, asked him to open his mouth, and then gently inserted the tongue depressor into it. Xu Shiyou was suddenly startled, immediately pushed away the doctor's hand, and left angrily.

Xu Shiyou hit 15 wild ducks on the farm, and the director came to congratulate him, Xu said angrily: Do you want to do it anymore

The doctor was also a little confused, he didn't understand the situation for a while, and he was panicking. Soon, Xu Shiyou's secretary deliberately ran back and comforted the doctor: "It's okay, Commander Xu just thought that the tongue depressor was a murder weapon, so he got up and left!" ”

It was only at this time that it dawned on the doctor that his hanging heart had finally settled down.

Xu Shiyou loves to take photos, and every time he goes to the army for inspection, he will take a photojournalist with him. After the work was finished, he beckoned everyone to come together and take pictures. Whether it is a cadre, a soldier, or a soldier's family, as long as you want to take a photo with him.

Therefore, many of Xu Shiyou's subordinates have photos with Xu Shiyou.

On the wall of Xu Shiyou's home, except for a "Galloping Horse" issued by the General Political Department, the rest are photos of him in various periods. In addition, there are some group photos with teachers, Mr. Zhu, Comrade Shaoqi and others.

Xu Shiyou hit 15 wild ducks on the farm, and the director came to congratulate him, Xu said angrily: Do you want to do it anymore

After visiting his bedroom, one guest couldn't help but exclaim, "It's like walking into a small photography exhibition!" ”

Xu Shiyou was born in Dabie Mountain, and since he was a child, he chased pheasants and hares all over the mountains, and after he caught them, he took them home and gave them to his mother to stew and eat, so as to improve his life.

After joining the army, Xu Shiyou loved hunting and maintained this habit until his old age.

One year, a cadre was accidentally injured while hunting and died. For this reason, the headquarters specially issued a circular stipulating that cadres above the deputy division level are not allowed to hunt.

After the notice arrived at this level of the Guangzhou Military Region, Xu Shiyou specially instructed: "You can't hunt, you can't hunt birds!" "That is, you can't go up to the mountains to hunt, but you can hunt birds on the roadside.

Xu Shiyou hit 15 wild ducks on the farm, and the director came to congratulate him, Xu said angrily: Do you want to do it anymore

Once, Xu Shiyou went to inspect the work of Jiahe Farm under the jurisdiction of the Guangzhou Military Region, and when he saw that there were many wild ducks, he could not help but be interested in hunting.

In the end, Xu Shiyou's marksmanship was not bad, and he shot a total of 15 wild ducks. The farm manager stepped forward to congratulate: "Commander Xu has good marksmanship, admire and admire!" ”

Hearing these praises, Xu Shiyou didn't get up happily, he asked the field manager with a straight face: "Are you planting rice or weeds here?" There are so many wild ducks here, I don't think you want to do it! ”

It can be seen that Xu Shiyou's observation ability and ability to think about problems are indeed very strong. When entertaining and relaxing, I still don't forget to pay attention to the work of my subordinates, which is admirable!

Xu Shiyou hit 15 wild ducks on the farm, and the director came to congratulate him, Xu said angrily: Do you want to do it anymore

It is said that Xu Shiyou is a martial artist, but in fact, he is coarse and detailed, his mind is very delicate, and he can sing a few words of drama!

At a celebration banquet for Army Day, when he was drunk, Xu Shiyou sang a few lines of Peking Opera "Lao Huang Zhong" in public, and won full applause!

Among the generals, the experiences of the founding lieutenant generals Qian Jun and Xu Shiyou are the most similar.

Qian Jun's hometown is also located at the foot of Dabie Mountain, at the junction of Henan and Hubei, and Xu Shiyou's hometown belongs to the next county.

Xu Shiyou hit 15 wild ducks on the farm, and the director came to congratulate him, Xu said angrily: Do you want to do it anymore

Moreover, Qian Jun also learned martial arts in Shaolin Temple, he entered Shaolin at the age of 13, and went down the mountain at the age of 18, and stayed in Shaolin Temple for a total of 5 years, while Xu Shiyou stayed for 8 years.

Later, Qian Jun joined the Red Fourth Front Army, and successively served as the head of the cavalry regiment of the Red Fourth Front Army, the commander of the Jiaodong Military Region, and the deputy commander of the Nanjing Military Region.

Coincidentally, Xu Shiyou also served as the head of the cavalry regiment of the Red Fourth Front Army and the commander of the Jiaodong Military Region, but before Qian Jun.

Later, Xu Shiyou served as the commander of the Nanjing Military Region for a long time, and he and Deputy Commander Qian Jun are good partners in work and good friends in life!

Because of this, the relationship between the two in private is particularly good.

Xu Shiyou hit 15 wild ducks on the farm, and the director came to congratulate him, Xu said angrily: Do you want to do it anymore

After Xu Shiyou retired, he often went to chat with Qian Jun. Both of them have some ears behind their ears, often shouting at the top of their voices for a long time, and they can't hear what the other party is talking about, but the two are still chatting with relish!

Once, Xu Shiyou chatted with Qian Jun for more than an hour before leaving. On the way back, Xu Shiyou asked the secretary: "What did Commander Qian say just now?" ”

After Xu Shiyou suffered from liver cancer, he was reluctant to go to the hospital for treatment, but hung a broom upside down on the wall.

Xu Shiyou hit 15 wild ducks on the farm, and the director came to congratulate him, Xu said angrily: Do you want to do it anymore

Why, he was asked? Xu Shiyou replied: "There is a custom in my hometown that hanging a broom upside down can ward off evil spirits and keep you safe, and then you will not get sick!" ”

In October 1979, Xu Shiyou wrote a letter to his eldest son Xu Guang in his hometown, and included 50 yuan with the letter. The letter reads:

"Hei Yan, I mailed you 50 yuan. The 50 yuan is reserved for me to do future business, and you use it to make me a coffin. When I die, don't be cremated, but buried in my hometown. Live to serve the motherland, and honor your parents after death! ”
Xu Shiyou hit 15 wild ducks on the farm, and the director came to congratulate him, Xu said angrily: Do you want to do it anymore

In 1985, after Xu Shiyou died, with the special approval of his superiors, he was buried next to his mother's grave in Dabie Mountain.

Here, Xu Shiyou quietly guarded his mother and fulfilled his promise of filial piety after his death!

A generation of famous generals Xu Shiyou, the legendary story will be passed on forever!
