
These 6 variety shows are dying and struggling, and I can't watch any of them, and I'm still doing them cheekily

author:Assi watching the movie
These 6 variety shows are dying and struggling, and I can't watch any of them, and I'm still doing them cheekily

Variety show scuffle: From brilliant to "tasteless", who can have the last laugh?

Back then, variety shows were prosperous.

Those programs are like the various schools in the rivers and lakes, each with its own unique learning and characteristics.

"Longing for Life" is set in pastoral life and shows the real and warm rural life; "Chinese Restaurant" makes us feel the breadth and profundity of Chinese cuisine.

These 6 variety shows are dying and struggling, and I can't watch any of them, and I'm still doing them cheekily

These programs, like peerless masters in the rivers and lakes, each have unique martial arts secrets, which have attracted the attention of countless audiences.

Not only do they allow us to find a moment of peace and laughter in our busy lives, but they also allow us to see the beautiful side of human nature.

From peak to "tasteless"

As time went on, these shows seem to have lost their former glory.

They begin to become patterned, commercialized, and sometimes even embarrassing and speechless to the audience.

Take "Longing for Life" as an example, this show has attracted countless viewers with its authentic and warm characteristics.

These 6 variety shows are dying and struggling, and I can't watch any of them, and I'm still doing them cheekily

But what about later? The atmosphere of commercialization is getting stronger and stronger, and the guests seem to be doing tasks for the sake of completing tasks, and the feeling of "home" is gone.

Netizens complained: "Is this still the "Longing for Life" we once liked? ”

Another example is "Chinese Restaurant", which was originally intended to show the charm of Chinese food, and the first three seasons did it.

But at the beginning of the fourth season, the style of painting changed abruptly, the topic was constantly hyped, and food became a supporting role. The audience couldn't help but ask: "Is this still the "Chinese Restaurant" we were chasing?" ”

The two "sister" programs "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" and "Brother Overcoming Thorns" have also experienced a similar fate.

These 6 variety shows are dying and struggling, and I can't watch any of them, and I'm still doing them cheekily

The sisters once set off a "girl group fever", but in the fifth season, it became a "sister war" and lost its original purity.

The brothers have never been able to reach the heights of their sisters, and the following seasons are even more difficult. Netizens ridiculed: "Should the brothers be renamed "The 'Younger Brother' Who Overcomes Difficulties"? ”

and "I Am a Singer", this music program was a hot mess back then.

But since the fifth season, the audience has discovered that "catty", powerful singers have been eliminated, and traffic stars have been frequently promoted.

In the first half of 2024, there will be a lot of jokes, which will surprise the audience. Someone joked, "What kind of music competition is this?" It's a 'traffic war'! ”

These 6 variety shows are dying and struggling, and I can't watch any of them, and I'm still doing them cheekily

"Extreme Challenge" and "Running Man", two old reality shows, have not been spared.

The former lost audiences due to personnel changes and lack of program innovation; The latter was complained about because the content of the program was too simple and the guests were not properly selected.

Fortunately, "Running Man" and "saviors" like Yu Yang appeared, which brought a hint of change to the show. But this also made netizens sigh: "The current variety shows are really getting more and more ugly!" ”

The reason for the "taste" of variety shows is revealed

So, why do these variety shows "turn sour"? In fact, there are many reasons for this.

These 6 variety shows are dying and struggling, and I can't watch any of them, and I'm still doing them cheekily

It's a lack of innovation. Many variety shows began to decline after achieving a certain success, because they fell into the dilemma of patterning and couldn't extricate themselves.

These shows lack novelty in both content and form, leaving viewers as tedious and bored.

The second is the excessive pursuit of topics and traffic.

Today's variety shows pay more and more attention to topic hype and traffic attraction, while ignoring the quality and value of the show itself.

Although this practice can increase the exposure and ratings of the program in the short term, it will damage the reputation and image of the program in the long run.

These 6 variety shows are dying and struggling, and I can't watch any of them, and I'm still doing them cheekily

The second is the improper selection of guests. Many variety shows only pay attention to their traffic and topicality when selecting guests, but ignore their adaptability and expressiveness to the show.

This practice will not only make viewers feel embarrassed and speechless, but it will also affect the overall quality and look and feel of the show.

In the end, it is to forget the original intention of the show. Many variety shows have gradually forgotten the original intention and core value of the show in the process of pursuing commercial interests and topic hype.

This practice will not only make the audience feel disappointed and dissatisfied, but also make the show lose its original charm and appeal.

These 6 variety shows are dying and struggling, and I can't watch any of them, and I'm still doing them cheekily

The "new fashion" of variety shows

In this era of rapid change, variety shows also need to keep up with the trend and show a new look.

We can see that more and more variety shows have begun to pay attention to social responsibility and public welfare value.

They convey positive energy through various ways, guide the audience to pay attention to social issues, and participate in public welfare activities.

For example, "Let's Run" has organized celebrities to participate in public welfare activities such as environmental protection and student assistance many times, so that the audience can feel the power of public welfare in laughter.

Secondly, some variety shows have begun to try cross-border cooperation and introduce new elements and gameplay.

These 6 variety shows are dying and struggling, and I can't watch any of them, and I'm still doing them cheekily

For example, "The King of Crossover Singers" combines music with film and television, sports and other fields, allowing stars in different fields to compete together and show different charms.

This kind of cross-border cooperation not only allows the audience to see the new look of the stars, but also makes the show more colorful.

In addition, there are some variety shows that have begun to focus on cultural inheritance and historical inheritance.

They tell historical stories and display traditional culture, so that the audience can feel the charm and heritage of culture in entertainment.

For example, "National Treasure" shows cultural relics and historical stories from all over the world, allowing the audience to gain an in-depth understanding of the breadth and profundity of Chinese culture.

These 6 variety shows are dying and struggling, and I can't watch any of them, and I'm still doing them cheekily

The "Future Prospects" of Variety Shows

With the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous change of audience needs, the future of variety shows will also be full of infinite possibilities.

What we can foresee is that variety shows will pay more attention to interactivity and participation.

Future variety shows may introduce more interactive links and social elements, so that the audience can participate in the show more deeply.

For example, through virtual reality technology, the audience can immerse themselves in the scenes and plots in the show; Let viewers interact with celebrities in real-time through social media platforms, and more.

These 6 variety shows are dying and struggling, and I can't watch any of them, and I'm still doing them cheekily

Variety shows will also pay more attention to personalization and customization.

Future variety shows may make personalized recommendations and customized services based on the interests and needs of the audience.

For example, recommending different types of programs according to the audience's preferences; Customize exclusive program content and links according to the needs of the audience, etc.

Variety shows will also pay more attention to quality and connotation.

These 6 variety shows are dying and struggling, and I can't watch any of them, and I'm still doing them cheekily

In the future, variety shows will pay more attention to the quality and value pursuit of the program, and guide the audience to think and feel by deeply excavating and showing the beauty and kindness in human nature.

It will also pay more attention to the cultural connotation and historical inheritance of the program, so that the audience can feel the charm and heritage of culture in entertainment.


The phenomenon of "changing taste" in variety shows is a problem worth pondering.

These 6 variety shows are dying and struggling, and I can't watch any of them, and I'm still doing them cheekily

We should start from multiple ways to save these shows and give them new life and vitality.

We should also see that the future of variety shows is full of infinite possibilities, as long as we continue to innovate and forge ahead, we can create more excellent variety shows. Let's look forward to the bright future of variety shows!

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