
The "two chicken legs were given to the daughter" incident was suffocating: anything could be quarreled on the Internet

author:The Secret History of Fukan
The "two chicken legs were given to the daughter" incident was suffocating: anything could be quarreled on the Internet

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources and are repeated at the end of this article

Adults will take the initiative to share the best things with the children every time, leaving other improvisations for themselves, but this kind of behavior is now called "guilty" education, and it also highlights the family throne, children first, mothers second, and fathers at the end.


The daughter eats well, and the parents eat the leftovers

A blogger shared a family's dinner online with the caption: "Are families with 2 babies like this?"

As a result, because of this photo, the blogger was complained by many netizens, saying that she had to engage in guilt-based education if she did something bad.

The top two bowls in the photo contain two large chicken legs, the bowl in the lower left corner contains chicken feet and wings, and the bowl in the lower right corner contains only chicken breasts.

The "two chicken legs were given to the daughter" incident was suffocating: anything could be quarreled on the Internet

Many netizens looked confused after reading it, and they didn't know what the blogger was doing here, such a big chicken leg could be eaten by Cheche's family of four, and no one had to be polite, so why bother to take it out alone to deliberately show their love for their daughters.

Besides, if you want to eat whole, you can buy four chicken legs directly, and the chicken legs are not expensive, and in case the two daughters don't like to eat chicken legs and like to eat something else, such as chicken wings, chicken wings, chicken neck, etc.

Where do children understand the difference between chicken thighs and other meat, adults have been instilling chicken thighs are the best, and then when eating, adults have a reason to say: Look, parents are reluctant to eat, give you the best food, children eat meat and are happy, but adults define which part of the meat is expensive.

The "two chicken legs were given to the daughter" incident was suffocating: anything could be quarreled on the Internet
The "two chicken legs were given to the daughter" incident was suffocating: anything could be quarreled on the Internet

Some people think it's just a photo, netizens don't need to be so careful, people eat what they like, maybe parents just want to give their daughters something good, children are not very old, and there are not as many good things as adults, so what about letting children do more.

If you don't give the chicken leg to your daughter to eat, some people will definitely say that the blogger doesn't love his daughter and is selfish and keeps the best for himself, but everyone doesn't pay attention to the most fun point: by default, Dad eats the worst, if there is a dog at home, then Dad doesn't even have meat in the bowl, only chicken skin.

In fact, the best solution is to distribute food according to personal wishes, and it is not reasonable to leave the good ones to the children, so you can't have a baby after getting married, you have to make self-sacrifice, and satisfy others by reducing your own quality of life.

The "two chicken legs were given to the daughter" incident was suffocating: anything could be quarreled on the Internet

It is not difficult for us to find a phenomenon in the middle, the blogger just shared a photo of a family's dinner, but so many netizens added fuel and vinegar, and even the blogger's accompanying text was just one sentence, which became the fuse for netizens to form antagonism.


You can scold anything

There is a very popular topic, called "If you don't understand, ask why netizens are so angry now", which means why no matter what news is on the Internet now, everyone can quarrel, the bad news is also noisy, and the good ones are even more noisy.

Jiang Ping, who made a fuss a few days ago, is a good girl, a 17-year-old secondary school mathematics genius, this is obviously a thing that can glorify the ancestors, but some netizens think that people are cheating, so they think that ordinary people can't have genius brains at all, and there are even news reports investigating whether Jiang Ping is imprisoned?

The "two chicken legs were given to the daughter" incident was suffocating: anything could be quarreled on the Internet

To be honest, Jiang Ping got the world's best results, I really don't know where the point of dispute is, bullying her at a young age and being at the mercy of others? Or bullied her for having no backer in poor family conditions?

Including the authenticity of Li Xueqin's national second-level athlete certificate, Li Xueqin is an influential public figure, but recently someone picked up her early interviews that did not match the description of her actual skills certificate, so Li Xueqin's achievements were suspected.

Everyone is unwilling to admit that a genius from a poor background, so the genius of Peking University is willing to spend 5 million cash to bet on Jiang Ping to cheat;

Li Xueqin's college entrance examination results are all in front of everyone, and no one thinks that she should not be recognized.

The "two chicken legs were given to the daughter" incident was suffocating: anything could be quarreled on the Internet

Two years ago, Yang Qian, the post-00 Olympic shooting champion, was hacked by the whole network, but she did nothing wrong, and the official big V came out to accuse Yang Qian of falling the worst if she floated too high.

At the moment when Yang Qian won the championship, everyone was saying that this post-00s ghost horse girl was beautiful and professional, and it was great to win glory for the country with her beauty, and Yang Qian was a Tsinghua scholar, and her family conditions were good, so she was simply a cool heroine.

It didn't take long for netizens to take a turn in their evaluation of Yang Qian, just because Yang Qian posted a few photos of herself and her friends going to Disney on social media, but she was said to be too high-profile.

The "two chicken legs were given to the daughter" incident was suffocating: anything could be quarreled on the Internet

said that Yang Qian put all her mind on dressing up, but she didn't do her job, and then someone found out the photos taken by Yang Qian during the competition, and it was found that Yang Qian not only wore bells and whistles hairpins during the competition, but even she did nail art.

This face is faster than turning a book, it is a netizen who praises Yang Qian, and it is still a netizen who kills her, and the person concerned just released two photos of tourists dressed exquisitely, what did she do wrong?

What makes people think about it is extremely scary that if Yang Qian did not win the championship at that time, then netizens would definitely seize the point of her dress to launch online violence.

The "two chicken legs were given to the daughter" incident was suffocating: anything could be quarreled on the Internet

What's even more outrageous is the "coffee sugar incident", saying that a netizen went to buy coffee, and when he ordered, he didn't see it clearly, and ordered a sugaring option, after the coffee was delivered, the netizen felt like she was about to vomit after taking a sip, and then she went directly to the store: Can the option of coffee sugar be rolled out of the coffee world.

This question is very incredible, coffee with sugar or not, isn't it completely up to personal taste, you can order whatever you like, you yourself order the wrong one but blame why someone drinks coffee with sugar?

This may be the perspective of finding a party who has nothing to do, there are many such people, of course, they can quarrel about anything, and the coffee sugar did not force her to drink, she was good, she felt that the sweetened coffee was not worthy of staying in the coffee world, and even had to expel other people's coffee members.

The "two chicken legs were given to the daughter" incident was suffocating: anything could be quarreled on the Internet

Netizens shared that her husband couldn't recognize the difference between pineapple and pineapple, so she posted a post on the Internet to laugh at him, but she didn't expect it, so she posted a picture of pineapple and pineapple, and she was inexplicably cyberbullied.

The "two chicken legs were given to the daughter" incident was suffocating: anything could be quarreled on the Internet

Some netizens relied on a post to say that the relationship between the blogger and her husband is not good, and if the relationship is good, she will not even be able to recognize pineapple and pineapple, the more noisy the comments are, the more intense they are, and some people have risen to the problem of opposition between men and women, saying that boys don't care about girls at all, because if they only care, they will definitely remember whether girls like to eat pineapples or pineapples.


Bar fine

The bar essence on the Internet is divided into several categories, among which the most empathetic is the "human type".

This kind of person can step on a foot no matter what the landlord sends, for example, the landlord posted a beautiful sky photo on a whim, and this kind of person will comment: The air in the country is still not good enough, and the sky I saw in the last year is the best.

The "two chicken legs were given to the daughter" incident was suffocating: anything could be quarreled on the Internet

The other is the yin and yang weird type, empty mouths and rumors all rely on one mouth, this kind of thing is still quite common, they don't care about what the landlord publishes, they will only make up and distort the facts according to their own ideas, because in the eyes of these people, other people's good lives are not real at all.

There is also something that involves the family's bar, the landlord sent a very delicate selfie, and some people said: You dress yourself up so exquisitely, your parents raise you so big, do you repay your parents...

In short, these people can always accurately find the point of provoking confrontation, which is really inexplicable, including a smoky miasma at the bottom of many comment areas, and a post with a higher popularity, almost scolding everything.

Surfing the Internet is a relaxing way, everyone wants to share and record their good life, as a netizen, you don't like it, just don't spray, there is really no need to argue about something that has nothing to do with you.

Information sources:

[1] Xiaohongshu: Feixiang 911: Are there 2 babies in the family divided like this 2024.6.25

[2] Today's headlines: Jiupai Express: Was Jiang Ping illegally detained? Official reply: Under investigation on June 28, 2024

[3] The Paper: A 21-year-old Olympic champion was scolded for "getting out of China"? 2021.7.28