
"Nine Spirit Gate Master" Chapter 361


"Nine Spirit Gate Master" Chapter 361

In less than half an hour, the valley was full of Longqi and their men, nearly two hundred of them, lying on the ground either dead or wounded.

Zhao Liang walked towards Longqi and them: "How are the brothers?" ”

"There were six wounded, and the injuries were not serious." Long Qi said: "Fortunately, there are no deaths. ”

Zhao Liang took out six healing pills: "Take the brothers back." ”

"What to do here?" Long Qi asked.

"There's no need to kill them all, just let them do it." Zhao Liang said: "Looking at these dead and injured people, they are basically people from the Yao family, the Liu family and the Wu League. They are seduced and die for them. ”

"What about the Heavenly Machine Pavilion Master?" Long Qi asked.

"I ran away after being wounded." Zhao Liang said: "He may be the main messenger. ”

"Shall we go first, then?"

Zhao Liang nodded: "Go ahead." ”

Long Qi took people away.

Zhao Liang inspected the battlefield and walked towards several wounded.

A Heaven Realm master looked at Zhao Liang who came over, a little frightened, and said to Zhao Liang who walked in front of him: "Elder Zhao, I'm sorry, we are also difficult to disobey military orders. ”

Zhao Liang nodded, took out a healing pill and handed it to him.

"Thank you, thank you!" The Dharma Protector took the pill and thanked him repeatedly.

Zhao Liang glanced at the situation in the valley again, and neither wanted to kill anyone, nor did he need to save people, so he walked out of the valley.

Suddenly, a flying knife flew towards Zhao Liang with the sound of the wind. Zhao Liang grabbed his back casually, and the flying knife had already reached Zhao Liang's hand.

Zhao Liang didn't even glance at the flying knife, and threw it backwards casually.

Just listen to "Ahh There was a scream, and there was no more life.

Zhao Liang walked out of the valley without hesitation.

When he came to the place of the car, Zhao Liang removed Tang Jing from the storage ring, held it in his arms, and woke her up.

Tang Jing, who was surprised, looked at Zhao Liang: "Brother Liang, what about those people?" ”

"The dragon got up and they came and beat them away."

Tang Jing stood up and looked in front of and behind Zhao Liang.

"What are you doing?" Zhao Liang asked.

"I'll see if you're hurt." Tang Jing said.

Zhao Liang smiled: "You are all intact, how could I be injured?" ”

Get in the car and head to Kyoto.

In a house in Nishiyama, Kyoto, several people are chatting.

"Zhao Liang has more than thirty masters around him for reinforcements, and he is not alone." A bearded middle-aged man said.

"Even if there are more than 30 masters to reinforce, after all, it is a drop in the bucket. Tianji Pavilion plus the hundred masters of several major families are all Heavenly Realm powerhouses. Zhao Liang should be more auspicious and less auspicious. Another old man said.

"Don't ignore Zhao Liang's ability. He went undercover and was able to pull the entire team over, which is not something that ordinary people can do. His helpers are probably also from his team. Another old man said.

Just then, the phone on the desk rang.

The bearded man picked up: "What? More than a hundred people from the Wumeng also entered the valley? This Zhao Liang is really in danger. ”

The bearded man put down the phone and said, "Wumeng is also dispatched, do you want to rescue Zhao Liang?" ”

"It seems to have been agreed, and Wumeng is also here. If Zhao Liang can't stand it, I'm afraid it's too late to rescue now. An old man said with a sigh.

"Blame us for being careless and not being prepared. I didn't expect Wu Meng to also intervene. The bearded man said.

"Hurry up and scout the situation!" An old man said: "It's really not good, let the Shenlong Pavilion dispatch, you must protect Zhao Liang's life." ”

"Yes!" The bearded man walked out.

After a while, the bearded man walked in: "The battle of Yanshan is over, more than a hundred dead and wounded in the valley, Zhao Liang and his men are missing. ”

"Didn't find anyone else?" An old man said in surprise.

"Send someone in to check, has Zhao Liang put the body? Protect up! It was the old man who said.

"Yes!" The bearded man turned away.

is saying that Zhao Liang is rushing to Kyoto with Tang Jing.

Suddenly, Zhao Liang's mobile phone vibrated a little, and Zhao Liang checked it with his hand and was shocked.

It was a message from Hu Li: "Brother Liang, save me!" ”

Zhao Liang drove the car into the woods on the side of the road.

Without waiting for Tang Jing to speak, Zhao Liang clicked Tang Jing's fainting point and moved it into the storage ring. Zhao Liang's figure disappeared.

When Zhao Liang's figure reappeared, it was the boarding gate from Kyoto Airport to Yangcheng.

The reason why Zhao Liang was anxious was not only because Hu Li was the first beautiful woman he knew after returning to China, but also because of the power of the King of South China, Hu Li actually 。。。。。。

After getting off the plane, Zhao Liang walked out with the crowd and then entered the toilet with the crowd. No one will notice that among the people who enter and exit the toilet, Zhao Liang is missing.

Zhao Liang, who was invisible in the immortal aura, quickly sensed Hu Li's breath, and he quickly rushed to a delicate courtyard in the suburbs. In a bedroom upstairs in the villa in the backyard, Hu Li was pointed out and lay on the bed.

Zhao Liang saw that Hu Li was not injured, let alone humiliated, so his heart was relaxed. Without thinking about it, he moved Hu Li into the storage ring and left the courtyard.

When Zhao Liang's figure reappeared, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed Wuji's number.

"Brother Liang? Where are you! Mowgli said in surprise.

"I'm in Yangcheng, is it convenient for you?" Zhao Liang asked.

"Of course it's convenient! I'll send you the location. ”

With a "ding", the voice of a message came.

Zhao Liang smiled, still checked the location, found a hidden place, removed the two women from the storage ring, stopped a taxi and got into the car.

At the edge of a nine-story building, the taxi stopped. Pay to drop off.

Looking at this building, it is more than 10,000 square meters, although it does not look luxurious on the surface, but it also looks solemn and tidy.

Zhao Liang walked towards the gate and was stopped by the security guard standing upright at the door: "Sir, may I ask who you are looking for?" ”

"Oh, I'm looking for Mowgli." Zhao Liang reported the person he was looking for.

"Wait a minute, I'll get in touch with you. What's your last name? ”

"Zhao Liang." Zhao Liang said.

"Mr. Zhao, please wait a moment." The security guard is kind and firm.

"Mr. No, there is a Mr. Zhao Liang to visit."


"Mr. Zhao, Mr. Wu will pick you up in person." The security guard said respectfully.

Wuji hurriedly went downstairs to pick up Zhao Liang, and saw Zhao Liang hurriedly greet Zhao Liang: "Brother Liang, Miss Tang." He asked in amazement, "Who is this。。。。。。?" ”

"Her surname is Hu, and she is the granddaughter of the King of South China."

"Oh, hello Miss Hu." Wuji said hurriedly.

"Let's go, let's have a look." Zhao Liang said.

A few people went upstairs.

In a large living room, Zhao Liang said the purpose of coming to Yangcheng.