
She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

author:Aquatic smokers


She is a well-known "Merry Queen" in the Hong Kong entertainment industry.

used to seamlessly connect 7 boyfriends a year, changing partners faster than changing clothes, wandering, and enjoying life recklessly.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

Even at the age of 37, she gave birth to a daughter before marriage, but the father of the child was nowhere to be found.

Her name is Xie Tingting, the daughter of the big man Xie Xian, the sister of the "merry talent" Nicholas Tse, who is still alone at the age of 41.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

So, what kind of crazy relationship history makes many men afraid of her? How is Xie Tingting doing now?

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

1. Wandering in a foreign land, lonely childhood

Speaking of which, although Xie Tingting and Nicholas Tse are brother and sister, their life trajectories are very different.

In 1979, Xie Xian, a bigwig in the Hong Kong entertainment industry, tied the knot with Deborah, who was once known as Miss Hong Kong.

Because the two were famous in Hong Kong at that time, the wedding was held very large, and the guests who came to congratulate included both black and white, which was really full of friends.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

With such a pair of parents here, the future of the child can be imagined.

In August 1980, Nicholas Tse caused a huge sensation when he was born, and more than 50 reporters waited outside Xie's mother's delivery room, on standby at any time.

On the second day of his birth, Nicholas Tse, whose eyes had not yet opened, had already been reported by major media and newspapers in Hong Kong. A week after his birth, Nicholas Tse's cover magazine came out.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

As a result, Nicholas Tse became the youngest person to cover a Hong Kong magazine so far.

But do you think that's the end of it? In 1982, Nicholas Tse, who was just two years old, participated in the advertisement and was also invited to the TVB program.

What is born in Rome, what is born at the finish line of life, Nicholas Tse is an example!

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

In contrast, Xie Tingting did not have such good luck.

In 1982, when Nicholas Tse was already a man of the year in Hong Kong, Xie Tingting was born.

It's just that compared to the shock of Quangang when his brother was born, Xie Tingting's arrival was much more low-key.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

As for the reasons, there are many aspects, first of all, Xie Tingting is a girl, and for a big family like the Xie family, a boy who can inherit the family business is naturally more expensive than a girl.

As for the other reason, it is because Xie Xian is a well-known "wanderer".

At that time, although Xie Xian still seemed to be very affectionate with his wife, he already had a new love outside, so naturally he didn't have much time to take care of his daughter.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

It was precisely because Deborah couldn't stand her husband's flowery heart that she was disheartened and separated from Xie Xian in 1985.

Therefore, unlike her brother, who has been pampered since she was a child, Xie Tingting's childhood was actually relatively lonely.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

In addition, in 1988, the mother and daughter went to Canada to settle down.

This made Xie Tingting's father almost completely absent in Xie Tingting's childhood, so that for a long time, Xie Tingting didn't know who her father was.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

2. Rebellious life, singing against his father

In 1993, Deborah took Xie Tingting back to Hong Kong, and Xie Tingting knew what her father looked like at this time.

It's a pity that it's just to know what my father looks like.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

After returning to Hong Kong, Deborah still failed to reunite with Xie Xian, and in 1995, Deborah, who was already desperate for this marriage, chose to divorce Xie Xian.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

Soon after, Deborah and Jiang Yaocheng entered love mode again.

Now Xie Tingting is completely confused, it turns out that she just lacks father's love, but she still has her mother by her side, but now her mother is going to build another family, so what should she do?

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

Fortunately, although Xie Xian is not a competent husband, he can't turn a deaf ear to his biological daughter, so after returning to Hong Kong, at least in terms of material conditions, Xie Xian has not treated Xie Tingting badly.

And Xie Tingting may have inherited the talent of her parents, and her academic performance has always been excellent, and she is very competitive.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

By the time she was in college, Xie Tingting was already quite beautiful, and in addition, she had the resources and connections of her father Xie Xian.

Therefore, before graduating from college, countless people have issued offers to Xie Tingting, but most of these offers are from the entertainment industry.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

In this regard, Xie Xian came forward to refuse for his daughter one by one.

No way, as a famous prodigal son in the entertainment industry, Xie Xian knows too well how dirty the pool of water is, and he doesn't want his daughter to go to this troubled water.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

So, what is the life path that Xie Xian arranged for his daughter?

The answer is to run a clothing store.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

As a bigwig in the Hong Kong entertainment industry, Xie Xian has a lot of property in his name, and there are also many industries suitable for girls to inherit, such as clothing stores.

What Xie Xianxian didn't expect was that Xie Tingting was really born beautiful and difficult to give up, obviously working as a public relations manager in a clothing store, but she accidentally became a well-known model, and also won the title of "Asia's No. 1 Female Model"!

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

Later, Xie Tingting cooperated with Wang Jing, stepped into the showbiz, and became a generation of Jing girls!

Perhaps in Xie Tingting's heart, embarking on the road of showbiz is not only a pursuit, but also a revenge for her father!

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

However, what is touching is that in addition to embarking on the old road of acting for her father and brother, Xie Tingting also has some similarities with her father in her love life.

It is said that within a year, Xie Tingting once changed seven boyfriends in a row, which made countless scumbags and scumbags ashamed, what is going on?

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

3. Indulge in desires and wander in the wind

Star actors often play more flowery, which can be regarded as everyone's default consensus, but even so, Xie Tingting's emotional history still makes many people dumbfounded.

In 2001, Xie Tingting's first official boyfriend Bai Enrong was launched, and many people felt incredible when they saw the news.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

Because this Bai Enrong is not a good stubble, but a proper violent man.

Therefore, Xie Tingting and Bai Enrong's relationship fell apart not long after, which was normal.

What caught the gossip paparazzi off guard was that a few days after the breakup, Xie Tingting kissed a man on the street again.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

And just as the paparazzi were excited to continue to follow the report, they were surprised to find that within a few days, the man who kissed Xie Tingting on the street never appeared again.

didn't wait for media reporters to hype up the news of the breakup between the two, but found out that Xie Tingting had an affair with Fang Zuming, that is, Jackie Chan's son.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

This melon is indeed big enough, my father is a big man, and if I get married, it can be regarded as a strong alliance.

It's a pity that Fang Zuming didn't tie Xie Tingting's heart, and soon, Xie Tingting waved her hand to end this relationship and start looking for the next target...

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

To be honest, Hong Kong reporters have also seen big scenes, but like Xie Tingting, changing boyfriends is more diligent than changing clothes, and they are also seeing each other for the first time.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

Maybe the family also thinks that Xie Tingting has too many scandals, one after another, so in 2004, Xie Tingting was sent to Vancouver to go to college.

Then Xie Tingting completely let go of herself, in Vancouver, Xie Tingting didn't seem to come to school, but like she changed places to continue to have fun, and went to bars with a group of boys all day long.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

As for the scandals, they are also flying all over the sky, and it is said that there have been several transnational relationships.

Of course, some people may ask Xie Tingting how much fun she has, doesn't the family care?

Xie Xian has something to say about this.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

In fact, Xie Xian has always been more concerned about this daughter, but the problem is that there are some things, and he, as a father, is really difficult to manage.

Especially Xie Xian has always been ashamed of his daughter, which makes him unconsciously choose to condone and dot on his daughter when he talks about his daughter's marriage, hoping that his daughter can make up for the lack of childhood in love and marriage.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

Therefore, even if Xie Tingting has a legitimate boyfriend, she still has to date another actor named An Zhijie, and brought An Zhijie to Xie Xian.

Xie Xian didn't get angry, and had a meal with them calmly, probably hoping that Xie Tingting could find a reliable man to marry and have a peaceful birthday.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

It's a pity that Xie Xian's idea still fell through in the end, although An Zhijie broke the record and maintained the longest relationship with Xie Tingting, but in the end, the two failed to achieve a positive result.

No one knows if Xie Tingting, a wild horse running wild on the prairie of love, will really stay?

But as the old saying goes, if you often walk by the river, you can't get your shoes wet.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

After a period of time, Xie Tingting unexpectedly spread a shocking melon, she was pregnant and gave birth to a daughter!

Unexpectedly, no matter how the family asked, Xie Tingting refused to say who the child's father was.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

It is said that for this matter, Nicholas Tse, who has always doted on this sister, couldn't help but get angry, feeling that his sister's behavior was irresponsible for the child.

But then again, in fact, after Xie Tingting became a mother, she did not have the profligate form she once had.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

In order to be able to take care of her daughter and accompany her healthy growth, "Queen of Gossip" Xie Tingting gradually left the showbiz after announcing her pregnancy, and rarely appeared in public again.

Perhaps for Xie Tingting, who has no sense of security, staying by her daughter's side like this is the best destination.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry


Many people feel embarrassed about the ups and downs of Xie Tingting's life, but most people express their understanding.

After all, for this woman who lacked love in childhood, it is difficult for her to really rely on a stranger.

Fortunately, in addition to love in this world, there is also blood and blood affection, I hope Xie Tingting can be a good mother in her future life.

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry

The source of the information in this article

[1], 2019-06-03, "Xie Tingting's daughter Deborah was promoted to be a grandmother and praised her granddaughter for being chubby".

She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry
[2], 2019-06-03, "Hong Kong media revealed that Xie Tingting's illegitimate daughter had a dispute with Nicholas Tse and had been disconnected for several months".
She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry
[3] iHKTV, 2013-05-25, "An Zhijie announces breakup with Xie Tingting".
She once changed 7 boyfriends a year, and she had a daughter out of wedlock, but now at the age of 41, no one dares to marry