
The 93rd meeting of the Standing Committee of the Third District Party Committee was held

author:Mingshan District Rong Media Center

On June 28, the 93rd meeting of the Standing Committee of the Third District Party Committee was held to convey and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and instructions, and to study the implementation of opinions in Mingshan District; Convey the spirit of the 9th meeting of the Chongqing Sichuan Party and Government Joint Conference on the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin-City Economic Circle, the spirit of the on-site promotion meeting for the in-depth integration and development of provincial and municipal media, and the spirit of the 5th Plenary Session of the 5th Municipal Party Committee, and study the implementation of the opinions in Mingshan District. Yu Yunfeng, secretary of the district party committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

The 93rd meeting of the Standing Committee of the Third District Party Committee was held

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to further study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Award Conference, and the Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, focus on key tasks, identify the force and breakthrough, and constantly optimize various work measures, so as to promote the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions to be effective in famous mountains.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to take the most resolute attitude and the most powerful measures to put the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on flood prevention and drought control and the relevant decisions and arrangements of provinces and municipalities into action and see results. Strictly tighten and consolidate the leadership responsibility, territorial responsibility, departmental responsibility and guarantee responsibility for flood prevention and disaster reduction; Strengthen risk awareness and bottom-line thinking, and go all out to do a good job in flood prevention and drought control.

The meeting emphasized that the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Twin City Economic Circle has entered a new stage of comprehensive acceleration and accumulation, and it is necessary to deepen ideological understanding, build strategic consensus, and help build a new pattern of large-scale protection, large-scale development and high-quality development; Grasp the key points, make precise efforts, take advantage of the situation to enhance the energy level of the advantageous industries of Mingshan, and continuously consolidate the important support for the development of new quality productivity; We should do a good job in implementation, improve practical results, strengthen regional cooperation with neighboring regions, and strive to form a number of landmark cooperation achievements.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to deeply understand the importance of the deep integration and development of the media, firmly establish the idea of "a game of chess", strengthen cooperation, cooperate with each other, and jointly shoulder the political responsibility and historical mission of the deep integration of the media; Vigorously promote the application of the "Tea Source Famous Mountain" APP, give full play to the role of the main propaganda front, tell the story of the famous mountain, and convey the voice of the famous mountain.

The meeting emphasized that the Fifth Plenary Session of the Fifth Municipal Party Committee has a major theme, a matter of overall concern, and far-reaching significance. All towns (streets) and district-level departments must improve their political positions and quickly implement them, convey the spirit of the plenary session in a timely manner, comprehensively set off an upsurge of learning, publicity and implementation, and better serve the overall situation of the city's high-quality development; It is necessary to make arrangements and arrangements for the municipal party committee, earnestly study the region's scientific and technological innovation, new industrialization, industrial transformation and other related matters, and gather wisdom and strength to implement the important spirit of the plenary session.

The meeting also looked at other matters.

The 93rd meeting of the Standing Committee of the Third District Party Committee was held
The 93rd meeting of the Standing Committee of the Third District Party Committee was held

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