
The heart is settled, and life has a bright direction (II)

author:Love and happiness

Continued from Part I: The Soul Is Settled, Life Has a Bright Direction (Part I)

The heart is settled, and life has a bright direction (II)

Text: Dongguan Special Training Practice Class Peng Xianhe (Dongguan)

In Dongguan on March 5, the kapok was as red as a flame, and the yellow-flowered bell tree was brilliant and dazzling. In the classroom of Teacher Zheng Wei's special study and practice class, I have been teary-eyed, the gratitude that was led, the fog that was removed, the baptism that was seen, and the happiness of coming to learn all turned into tears, flowing arbitrarily and quietly.

I have been studying love and happiness for nearly four years, and I think that there is no big problem with the family, the family ethics are normal, the relationship between husband and wife is becoming more and more harmonious, and everything is getting better and better.

But when you face yourself alone, there will always be a kind of confusion:

  • Am I living like this for the rest of my life?
  • Where is the state of spiritual freedom that I yearn for?
  • Where does my path lead?

Maintaining the status quo, unwilling and unsatisfactory, trapped in the so-called comfort zone, but unable to find the direction to break through. I also have habits that I know I have many hateful habits but I don't know how to get rid of them:

  • can't stand a little grievance,
  • Very ego,
  • Serious obsession,
  • More theories, less action, and so on.

Just when my heart was struggling, like divine help, Mr. Zheng Wei could always appear in time at such a moment to redeem my sad soul.

This course is a continuation of the last special study, it is a one-day "practice class", a one-day course, Mr. Zheng from the source of all human suffering-

  • The lack of security and eternity talks about why Westerners believe in religion.
  • From how we are influenced by Western culture to achieve the combination of Chinese and Western, to how we can improve the pattern and feelings under the current prosperous monarch,
  • How to cultivate oneself from the perspective of one's family, country and the world, and then how to be a qualified citizen who knows how to be grateful and dedicated in a down-to-earth manner, can not only assume one's own responsibilities, but also make oneself bright.

As if I had been empowered, I finally knew my confusion: the longing for eternity in my bones would always jump out, never break everything that exists, if everything was better, and at the same time remind me that the current situation is not what I want, and I also have many hidden fears and desires in my heart, but I just dare not touch them.

Every word of Mr. Zheng is impacting and inspiring me, many times, I only focus on myself, and I have been asking my lover for spiritual nourishment, but I have never understood his hard work.

The heart is settled, and life has a bright direction (II)

My lover has told me many times that every time he works the night shift, he is extremely tired, I don't believe it at all, and I think he is very hypocritical, what's wrong with a big man on a night shift?

Until one night before the Chinese New Year, I took my father to my lover's hospital for a CT scan, and while waiting for the results, an inpatient also came for an examination, it was a thin old man, as if he had no mobility, and his family and nurses could not put him on the examination table smoothly.

As a doctor, my lover had to help lift up and down. It's really not easy to see that he has to use not only mental power, but also physical strength when working. I went to take his place, but he stopped me. At that moment, I felt very sorry for him and decided that I must be good to him. He has always worked hard for this family, I don't understand him yet, but he silently tolerates all my willfulness.

When I began to feel sorry for my lover little by little after the workshop, his changes were beyond my imagination, whether it was for my father who came to Dongguan for the New Year, or for me, for the children, he did far beyond my expectations, it was impeccable.

I was amazed at how quickly and so quickly my lover changed, but I didn't understand the real reason. In fact, isn't this what Mr. Zheng said today, "Spiritual things, what you give, what you want"? This class is amazing!

Teacher Zheng said that we should take 100% responsibility for what we encounter. All our negative energy is garbage from our own hearts.

  • The first thing to do is to clean up the garbage in your heart, clean it up again and again, and see it again and again, so that you can wash your soul again and again.
  • When we clean up the garbage in our hearts, we are surrounded by good people.
  • We can turn ourselves from a garbage can into a thermos flask, delivering warmth and positive energy to others.

These wise and unique insights hit the hearts of the people and once again struck me.

From the pride of singing "My Motherland and Me" in unison, to the tears of distressing Mr. He, from seeing the purity and beauty in Xia Lin's heart, to the understanding after hearing the life story of Yuping, to the mutual gratitude of everyone, to the warmth and enjoyment of dancing the sign language dance "We Are Family" together, Mr. Zheng shared the essence of Chinese culture and philosophy with us without reservation, and led us to grow ourselves.

I have always felt that the time is too short, the emotions are too deep, I don't want to separate, I don't want to say goodbye. And I, when I play back the drawings in class frame by frame, I feel how happy and lucky I am!

All knowledge and truth, if you don't do it, it's just paper, only when it is implemented into action, can a qualitative change occur, thank you Teacher Zheng for giving us a "job", according to the moral standards to demand yourself, according to the law to do things, to be a down-to-earth, not humble and not arrogant person, happy gratitude, joy to dedicate, every day to clean up the inner garbage, so that more and more courage to face themselves, more and more powerful, more and more peaceful.

That's exactly what I want to be.

At this time, I suddenly felt that my soul had a place to rest, and my life had a lighter and brighter direction, and I was willing to work hard for it.

I must insist on being obedient and doing what I say, transform myself steadfastly, bathe in every ray of sunshine, and welcome every morning glow!

The heart is settled, and life has a bright direction (II)

(End of full text)

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