
Doctors have repeatedly emphasized that when people are old, they would rather bask in the sun more in summer than do these 4 things

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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"You are injured, it may be slower to recover." The doctor sighed helplessly while treating Uncle Chen's wounds. When Uncle Chen heard this, his heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked, "Doctor, is this wound a big problem?" ”

Uncle Chen, over 60 years old, is a retired postman who fell in love with cycling after retirement. Today's sudden rainstorm caused him to slip while riding, and he scraped a large piece of skin on his leg. He rushed to the hospital to treat the wound, but he did not expect that the doctor found other problems during the examination.

Doctors have repeatedly emphasized that when people are old, they would rather bask in the sun more in summer than do these 4 things

After careful examination, the doctor frowned slightly and continued, "Have you been feeling a little sore in your bones lately?" There is also a decrease in bone density. ”

Uncle Chen was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, he did have some bone soreness recently, but he thought it was because he was old and his bones had degenerated, so he nodded and admitted. Seeing this, the doctor said solemnly: "When people are old, they would rather bask in the sun more in summer than do these four things." ”

When Uncle Chen heard this, he immediately became interested, and hurriedly asked, "Doctor, what four things can't be done?" ”

The doctor put down the medical record folder in his hand and began to explain in detail: "First, don't stay in an air-conditioned room for a long time. Although it is hot in summer, staying in an air-conditioned room for a long time can easily lead to cold joints, poor blood circulation, and cause or aggravate osteoporosis. ”

Uncle Chen nodded while listening, thinking: It seems that you have to pay attention in the future, and you can't stay in the air-conditioned room all the time.

Doctors have repeatedly emphasized that when people are old, they would rather bask in the sun more in summer than do these 4 things

The doctor continued: "Second, don't drink less water just because you're afraid of heat. Sweating a lot in summer causes the body to lose water quickly, and if it is not hydrated in time, it will lead to dehydration of the body, and even trigger hemoconcentration, increasing the risk of blood clots. ”

Uncle Chen was completely attracted now, it turned out that he had such a big risk of drinking less water in summer.

The doctor went on to say, "Third, don't blindly use calcium supplements. Many elderly people frantically supplement calcium when they hear that their bones hurt, but they don't know that blind calcium supplementation may lead to hypercalcemia, which is not good for bone health. ”

Uncle Chen slapped his thigh and praised again and again: "This is really an important reminder, you have to pay attention to it in the future!" ”

Seeing that he was so focused, the doctor continued, "Fourth, don't ignore the importance of sunbathing. Proper exposure to solar energy promotes the synthesis of vitamin D by the body, helps calcium absorption, and prevents osteoporosis. ”

Uncle Chen nodded and decided to adjust his living habits in strict accordance with the doctor's advice from today onwards. Seeing this, the doctor cited a few specific cases to strengthen Uncle Chen's cognition.

Doctors have repeatedly emphasized that when people are old, they would rather bask in the sun more in summer than do these 4 things

"There's a patient who's about your age and who is also osteoporosis. Because I was afraid of heat in summer, I stayed in an air-conditioned room all day long, and as a result, osteoporosis worsened, and finally I had to take medication. ”

Uncle Chen was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly wrote down the doctor's advice. Seeing this, the doctor told a more typical case.

"There is also an old lady who is afraid of heat in summer and does not drink much water, which leads to severe dehydration, blood concentration, and eventually cardiovascular disease. After our emergency treatment, it gradually recovered. ”

Uncle Chen sighed: "It seems that these habits really need to be paid attention to from every detail of life." ”

The doctor nodded and said, "Yes, especially the elderly, they should not only pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling in summer, but also adjust their living habits scientifically and reasonably." For example, in the case of sun exposure, a large number of data show that proper sun exposure can help promote the synthesis of vitamin D, thereby helping calcium absorption and preventing osteoporosis. ”

Uncle Chen felt a lot of emotion, left the hospital grateful, and immediately began to adjust his living habits according to the doctor's advice after returning home. Over time, he found that his physical condition did improve and the symptoms of osteoporosis were significantly reduced.

However, the story doesn't end there. Uncle Chen was at the community center one day and found that there were many elderly people who had similar osteoporosis problems. He decided to share his experiences and doctors' recommendations at community events.

Doctors have repeatedly emphasized that when people are old, they would rather bask in the sun more in summer than do these 4 things

"Dear old friends, although it is hot in summer, there are four things that we elderly must not do: don't stay in an air-conditioned room for a long time, don't drink less water because you're afraid of heat, don't blindly use calcium supplements, and don't ignore the importance of basking in the sun. I didn't pay attention to these problems before, and as a result, osteoporosis worsened. The doctor told me that I would rather spend more time in the sun in the summer than do these four things. You must pay attention! ”

Old friends in the community listened with relish and said they wanted to go home and tell their children. Uncle Chen felt extremely relieved and felt that his experience had not only helped him, but also helped more people.

So, here's a question: In addition to avoiding the above four things, what other ways can older people help prevent and alleviate osteoporosis in their daily lives?

Doctors have repeatedly emphasized that when people are old, they would rather bask in the sun more in summer than do these 4 things

Here are some things older adults can do in their daily lives to help prevent and alleviate osteoporosis:

Eat a balanced diet: Eat more calcium- and vitamin D-rich foods such as milk, soy products, dark green vegetables and fish, and avoid too much salt and fatty foods.

Moderate exercise: Moderate aerobic exercise and resistance training, such as walking, swimming, tai chi, etc., can help strengthen bones and muscles, improve balance and coordination.

Quit smoking and limit alcohol: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can affect calcium absorption and bone health, so try to quit smoking and limit alcohol intake.

Regular physical examination: Perform regular bone density tests to understand your bone health and take appropriate preventive and therapeutic measures in time.

Pay attention to fall prevention: The elderly are prone to falling, and anti-slip measures should be taken at home, such as laying non-slip mats, installing handrails, etc., to avoid fractures.

Through the above methods, combined with the four things reminded by doctors, the elderly can prevent and alleviate osteoporosis more comprehensively and effectively, and improve their quality of life.

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