
Want to vomit while eating, just indigestion? No! There are also these 3 reasons, which must be paid attention to

author:Dr. Liang popularized science
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"Dear listeners and friends, welcome to today's health talk. Many people think that vomiting during meals is just indigestion, but in fact, there may be other reasons......"

In a small apartment in Shanghai, Mr. Chen wields a broom and waves it to dust the floor while listening to a doctor's health message on the radio. He is a bank clerk with a busy day-to-day job, but he has always believed that health knowledge is very important, after all, the health of himself and his family is the most important thing.

Want to vomit while eating, just indigestion? No! There are also these 3 reasons, which must be paid attention to

"It's true that indigestion is a common cause of vomiting while eating, but it's important to know that there are several other important causes that can cause this symptom." The doctor's voice on the radio was calm and authoritative, attracting Chen's attention.

Chen Xiaodong paused the sweeping action in his hand and listened carefully.

"The first possible cause is gastroesophageal reflux disease (GE RD)." The doctor went on to explain, "This condition is due to the reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus, which irritates the esophageal mucosa, causing symptoms such as heartburn and vomiting. Data shows that more than 20% of the world's population is affected by GERD. ”

Hearing this, Chen Xiaodong couldn't help but think of an experience he had last month. At that time, he went to a newly opened Sichuan restaurant with his colleagues, and when he returned home in the evening, his stomach was burning and painful, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Chen Xiaodong always thought that he had eaten too much spicy food, but now when he heard the doctor say this, he began to wonder if he had gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Want to vomit while eating, just indigestion? No! There are also these 3 reasons, which must be paid attention to

"GERD is not just for people with indigestion or excess stomach acid," the doctor continues, "and lifestyle habits such as drinking, smoking, irregular eating, overeating, etc., can also increase the risk of the disease. To deal with GERD, the first step is to make lifestyle changes, avoid excessive spicy and greasy foods, and try to eat small, frequent meals. In addition, raising the height of the pillow during sleep to reduce pressure on the esophagus is also an effective method. ”

Chen Xiaodong nodded, and decided to pay attention to his eating habits and lifestyle when he went back.

"The second reason could be Helicobacter pylori infection." The doctor's words were tinged with vigilance, "Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that can survive in an acidic stomach environment, and it is one of the main factors that cause stomach ulcers and stomach cancer. Data shows that more than 50% of the world's population carries H. pylori, and in developing countries, the proportion is as high as 80%. ”

Want to vomit while eating, just indigestion? No! There are also these 3 reasons, which must be paid attention to

"Helicobacter pylori can be spread through unclean food and water, and even between family members. After being infected with this bacteria, patients may experience symptoms such as acid reflux, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, etc. The doctor went on to explain, "If left untreated for a long time, H. pylori infection can also lead to more serious stomach problems." ”

At this time, Chen Xiaodong remembered his mother. She often complains of stomach upset, but always thinks it's just a minor problem and doesn't pay enough attention to it. Chen Xiaodong decided that he must take his mother for a Helicobacter pylori test to detect the problem early and treat it in time.

"The third cause is gastrointestinal motility disorders." The doctor's voice remained steady, "This is a disease in which food stays in the gastrointestinal tract for too long due to weakened or disordered peristalsis in the gastrointestinal tract, causing symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. ”

Want to vomit while eating, just indigestion? No! There are also these 3 reasons, which must be paid attention to

"Gastrointestinal motility disorders can be caused by a variety of factors, including neurological disorders, diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, medication side effects, and more." The doctor went on to explain, "Treatment for this condition mainly includes improving the diet, increasing fiber intake, exercising moderately, and if necessary, using drugs that promote gastrointestinal motility. ”

Chen Xiaodong thought that he had been under a lot of pressure at work recently, often working overtime and staying up late, and eating irregularly, no wonder he sometimes felt sick to his stomach. He decided to adjust his pace of life from today, arrange his work and rest time reasonably, and pay attention to a healthy diet.

After explaining these three reasons, the doctor concluded: "When you encounter a situation where you want to vomit while eating, you must not take it lightly, seek medical attention in time, find out the real cause, and carry out targeted treatment." ”

Chen Xiaodong turned off the radio and felt that he had gained a lot today.

Want to vomit while eating, just indigestion? No! There are also these 3 reasons, which must be paid attention to

He decided to go back and share this knowledge with his family, especially in the case of his mother, which had to be taken seriously.

A few days later, Chen Xiaodong took his mother to the hospital, and after a series of examinations, it was found that his mother had a Helicobacter pylori infection. The doctor prescribed antibiotics and acid-suppressing drugs and advised the mother to change her eating habits and pay attention to personal hygiene. After a period of treatment, the mother's symptoms improved significantly, the stomach pain was no longer frequent, and the body gradually returned to health.

Chen Xiaodong was full of emotion, this radio program not only allowed him to understand more health knowledge, but also helped his family solve health problems for many years. Health is really no trivial matter, and it is really not wrong to pay more attention and suffer less sin.

At a family gathering, Mr. Chen talked to relatives about the incident and stressed the importance of health literacy. He said: "Everyone must learn more about health, and don't wait until you are sick to regret it." ”

Want to vomit while eating, just indigestion? No! There are also these 3 reasons, which must be paid attention to

At this time, a distant relative suddenly asked: "Xiaodong, what you said is quite reasonable, but I have a question." Why do some people vomit when they eat it, but they can't detect any disease, what is the matter? ”

Chen Xiaodong thought for a while and replied with a smile: "This question is actually not complicated. Sometimes, a person's appetite can be affected by psychological factors such as nervousness, anxiety, excessive stress, etc. There is a medical term called 'nervous vomiting', which is the symptoms of vomiting caused by mental stress. ”

He goes on to explain: "Patients with neuropathic vomiting will vomit during or after eating without any organic disease. This condition is common in people who have a stressful job and a fast pace of life. To solve this problem, the main thing is to relax the mind, reduce stress, and seek help from a psychologist if necessary. ”

Want to vomit while eating, just indigestion? No! There are also these 3 reasons, which must be paid attention to

The relatives nodded their heads again and again, indicating that they had benefited a lot. Chen Xiaodong feels very gratified, and it is really satisfying to be able to share the knowledge he has learned with everyone and help more people pay attention to and value health.

Health problems are not only physical, but can also involve many aspects such as psychology and lifestyle habits. I hope that you will pay more attention in your daily life, maintain a healthy lifestyle, stay away from diseases, and enjoy a happy life.

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[1] Li Biao. Effect and adverse reaction analysis of mosapride combined with magnesium aluminum carbonate on nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and abdominal distension symptom points in bile reflux gastritis, Northern Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2021-02-01

Want to vomit while eating, just indigestion? No! There are also these 3 reasons, which must be paid attention to