
Are diabetic episodes related to urination? Doctor emphasized: diabetics, keep in mind the "3 don'ts" when urinating

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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"Your injury, it may be slow to recover." The doctor sighed while treating Uncle Li's wounds. When Uncle Li heard this, his heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked, "Doctor, is this wound a big problem?" ”

Uncle Li, in his early sixties this year, was a primary school physical education teacher before his retirement, and fell in love with cycling after retirement. Today's sudden rainstorm caused him to slip while riding, and he scraped a large piece of skin on his leg. He rushed to the hospital to deal with it, but he didn't expect the doctor to find other problems during the examination.

Are diabetic episodes related to urination? Doctor emphasized: diabetics, keep in mind the "3 don'ts" when urinating

After careful examination, the doctor frowned slightly and continued: "Your physical condition is somewhat abnormal, is there anything uncomfortable about urinating recently?" ”

Uncle Li thought about it, and it was true that there was something wrong with urinating recently, but he thought it was just a small problem and didn't care. Seeing that he hesitated, the doctor continued: "Diabetic patients must pay special attention to urination, and there are three 'don'ts' to keep in mind. ”

When Uncle Li heard this, he immediately became interested, and hurriedly asked, "Doctor, which three 'don't'?" ”

The doctor smiled, put down the medical record folder in his hand, and began to explain: "First of all, diabetics should not hold their urine. Holding urine for long periods of time can lead to an overdistended bladder, increasing the risk of infection. In particular, diabetic patients have relatively low immunity and are more likely to trigger urinary tract infections. ”

Uncle Li nodded while listening, thinking: I have to pay attention in the future, I can't hold my urine anymore.

Are diabetic episodes related to urination? Doctor emphasized: diabetics, keep in mind the "3 don'ts" when urinating

The doctor continued: "Second, diabetics should not use diuretics casually. In order to control blood sugar, some people listen to home remedies and use diuretics at will, which backfires. Diuretics may cause electrolyte imbalances in the body and even worsen diabetes symptoms. ”

Uncle Li was completely attracted at this time, it turned out that the usual small home remedies had such a big risk.

The doctor went on to say, "Third, diabetics should not ignore frequent nocturia. Many people with diabetes have frequent nocturia, but feel that it is only a minor problem. In fact, frequent nocturia may be a sign of poor glycemic control and requires prompt adjustment of treatment. ”

Uncle Li slapped his thigh and praised again and again: "It seems that this urination problem is really knowledgeable!" ”

Seeing that he was so focused, the doctor continued: "Diabetics not only have to control their diet and medications, but they also have to pay attention to the details of their lives, such as urination problems. Ignoring these details can lead to more serious complications. ”

Uncle Li nodded and decided to change his habits from today and adjust according to the doctor's advice. Seeing this, the doctor cited a few specific cases to strengthen Uncle Li's cognition.

"There's a patient who's about your age and who is also diabetic. Because of long-term urine holding, it led to a serious urinary tract infection, and finally had to be hospitalized. The doctor told him that holding urine would allow bacteria to multiply in the bladder, increasing the risk of infection. ”

Are diabetic episodes related to urination? Doctor emphasized: diabetics, keep in mind the "3 don'ts" when urinating

Uncle Li was shocked when he heard this, and quickly wrote down the doctor's advice. Seeing this, the doctor told a more typical case.

"There is also an old lady who has suffered from diabetes for many years and has been using diuretics for a long time after listening to home remedies, which has led to severe electrolyte imbalances and weakness. After the doctor's adjustment and treatment, she gradually recovered. ”

Uncle Li sighed: "It seems that these home remedies really can't be used indiscriminately." ”

The doctor nodded and said, "Yes, especially diabetic patients, it is more important to follow scientific treatment methods and doctors' recommendations." In another example, a patient with frequent nocturia thought it was a minor problem turned out to be caused by poor blood sugar control. Nocturia improved only after the treatment regimen was adjusted. ”

Uncle Li left the hospital gratefully, and immediately after returning home, he began to pay attention to his urination habits according to the doctor's advice. Over time, he found that his physical condition had indeed improved and he no longer felt uncomfortable due to urination problems.

However, the story doesn't end there. Uncle Li was at the community center one day and found that there were many elderly people who had similar diabetes and urination problems. He decided to share his experiences and doctors' recommendations at community events.

Are diabetic episodes related to urination? Doctor emphasized: diabetics, keep in mind the "3 don'ts" when urinating

"Friends, diabetics must pay attention to urination. Don't hold urine, don't use diuretics casually, and don't ignore frequent nocturia. I didn't pay attention to these issues before, and as a result, my physical condition deteriorated. The doctor told me that diabetics must keep these three 'don'ts' in mind. You must pay attention! ”

Old friends in the community listened with relish and said they wanted to go home and tell their children. Uncle Li felt extremely relieved and felt that his experience had not only helped him, but also helped more people.

So, here's a question: what details do diabetics need to pay attention to in their daily lives in addition to urination problems to control their condition?

There are many details that diabetics need to pay attention to in their daily life, including the following aspects in addition to urination problems:

Dietary control: Diabetics should strictly control their diet, avoid high-sugar, high-fat, high-calorie foods, and eat more fiber-rich vegetables and whole grain foods.

Monitor your blood sugar regularly: Monitor your blood sugar levels regularly to understand your blood sugar fluctuations and adjust your diet and medication regimen in a timely manner.

Are diabetic episodes related to urination? Doctor emphasized: diabetics, keep in mind the "3 don'ts" when urinating

Moderate exercise: Moderate exercise can help control blood sugar levels, but avoid excessive exercise to avoid triggering hypoglycemia.

Take your medication on time: Follow your doctor's advice to take your hypoglycemic medication or insulin on time to avoid missing doses or adjusting your dosage.

Maintain a good state of mind: Mental health is equally important, and maintaining a good state of mind can help you better manage your condition.

Prevention of complications: Diabetes mellitus is prone to various complications, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, kidney disease, retinopathy, etc., which need to be checked regularly, detected and treated in time.

Maintain foot hygiene: Diabetics are prone to foot ulcers, so it is necessary to maintain foot hygiene, avoid wearing inappropriate shoes and socks, and have their feet checked regularly.

Through the above methods, combined with paying attention to urination problems, diabetic patients can control their condition more comprehensively and effectively and ensure their health.

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[1] Qi Mengya. Increased exercise in patients with newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus is associated with reduced insulin resistance and cardiovascular risk factors, Basic and Clinical Medicine, 2024-06-28

Are diabetic episodes related to urination? Doctor emphasized: diabetics, keep in mind the "3 don'ts" when urinating