
Party building empowers the high-quality development of listed companies | The Party Committee of Caesars Tourism was established

author:Qingdao North Rong Media

On June 27, the first party meeting of Caesar Tongsheng Development Co., Ltd. (Caesar Tourism) was successfully held, and the first party committee members of Caesar Tourism were elected, and the party committee of Caesar Tourism was formally established, creating a new chapter in the healthy development of listed companies led by party building.

Party building empowers the high-quality development of listed companies | The Party Committee of Caesars Tourism was established

The establishment of the Party Committee of Caesar Tourism marks a new level of party building and ideological and political work of the company, and at the same time brings new opportunities for the company to turn around losses and get out of difficulties and revitalize development. In the future, with the goal of building the best tourism group company in China and even the world, Caesars Tourism will continue to strengthen the leadership of the Party, give full play to the role of the Party organization as the political core and the role of the fighting fortress, further strengthen the centripetal force, cohesion and combat effectiveness of the Party organization, and lead and promote the healthy and high-quality development of the company with the Party building work.

Party building empowers the high-quality development of listed companies | The Party Committee of Caesars Tourism was established

Chi Yongjie, Secretary of the Party Committee of Caesar Tourism, led all party members to review the oath of joining the party.

Founded in 1993 and listed on the A-share market of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2010, Caesars Tourism has implemented the development strategy of "tourism + food", and has gradually become a comprehensive service provider and leading enterprise of the whole tourism industry chain integrating exhibition tourism, tourism e-commerce, aviation and railway catering, and project investment management. In December 2023, after equity reorganization, the controlling shareholder of Caesars Tourism was changed to Qingdao Huanwan Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Huanhai Bay Group. In March 2024, based on Qingdao's tourism resource endowment, Caesar Tourism will prepare to establish a destination tourism business segment, and actively participate in the coastal tourism development of Shibei District and cruise port area.

Party building empowers the high-quality development of listed companies | The Party Committee of Caesars Tourism was established

On the same day, Caesars Tourism held a housewarming ceremony for its Beijing headquarters and officially settled in Beijing Lecheng Center. So far, the new office areas of Caesar Tourism in Haikou, Beijing and Qingdao have all been settled, and the three places have started a new journey together.

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(Source: Shibei District Rong Media Center)

Party building empowers the high-quality development of listed companies | The Party Committee of Caesars Tourism was established

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Party building empowers the high-quality development of listed companies | The Party Committee of Caesars Tourism was established
Party building empowers the high-quality development of listed companies | The Party Committee of Caesars Tourism was established

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Party building empowers the high-quality development of listed companies | The Party Committee of Caesars Tourism was established

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Party building empowers the high-quality development of listed companies | The Party Committee of Caesars Tourism was established

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Party building empowers the high-quality development of listed companies | The Party Committee of Caesars Tourism was established
Party building empowers the high-quality development of listed companies | The Party Committee of Caesars Tourism was established