
Recruit! 10 recruits

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Recruit! 10 recruits

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Jintan District, Changzhou City, 2024

The health system targeted recruitment for rural orders

Targeted Medical Graduate Announcement

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In order to strengthen the construction of the grassroots medical and health talent team in our district, according to the "Measures for Public Recruitment of Personnel in Public Institutions in Jiangsu Province" (Su Banfa [2020] No. 9), the "Notice on Carrying out the Free Training of Rural Order-Oriented Medical Students" (Su Wei Kejiao [2015] No. 21), the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment of Rural Order-Oriented Medical Students in 2019" (Su Wei Kejiao [2019] No. 7) and the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment of Rural Order-oriented Medical Students in 2021" (Su Wei Science and Education [ 2021] No. 5), it was decided to recruit 20 staff of primary medical and health units (10 of which were recruited) for the 2024 rural order-oriented medical graduates with household registration in Jintan District, Changzhou City. The relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

1. Recruitment positions and plans

For details of the recruitment unit, position and plan, please refer to the "2024 Targeted Recruitment Position Brief for Rural Order-oriented Medical Graduates in Jintan District, Changzhou City".

Recruit! 10 recruits

2. Application conditions and recruitment targets

(1) Have the nationality of the People's Republic of China, abide by discipline and law, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system, have good conduct, have no illegal or criminal records, and have the physical conditions necessary for the normal performance of job duties and the specific qualifications provided for in the recruitment position.

(2) According to the spirit of the relevant documents on the free training of rural order-oriented medical students in the province, the 2024 fresh graduates who signed a free training and orientation employment agreement for rural order-oriented medical students with the Health Bureau of Jintan District, Changzhou City in 2019 (undergraduate) and 2021 (junior college).

(3) The following persons are not allowed to apply for the examination:

1. Active-duty soldiers, non-2024 graduates of ordinary colleges and universities;

2. The "Provisions on the Recusal of Personnel Management of Public Institutions" clarifies the personnel who should be recused;

3. Persons lawfully listed as targets of joint disciplinary action for untrustworthiness;

4. Personnel who are not allowed to apply for work in public institutions or related positions according to national and provincial regulations;

5. Rural order oriented medical students who have not fulfilled the provisions of the "Targeted Employment Agreement".

3. Registration

Candidates can check the recruitment positions and specific job conditions and other information through the following websites:

Changzhou Human Resources and Social Security Bureau (

Changzhou Jintan District People's Government Network (

1. Registration time: 9:00-11:00, 14:00-16:00 on July 5, 2024.

2. Registration location: Room 212, 2nd Floor, Building A, Jintan District Civic Center (Organization and Personnel Department, Jintan District Health Bureau, No. 1, Qingfeng Road, Jintan District).

3. Registration review:

(1) Applicants must bring their ID cards, graduate employment recommendation forms or graduation certificates, degree certificates, and the original and photocopies of the agreement signed with the Health Bureau of Jintan District of Changzhou City for the free training of rural order-oriented medical students, as well as 2 recent bareheaded 2-inch color frontal ID photos, for on-site registration, and fill in the "2024 Changzhou Jintan District Rural Order-oriented Medical Graduates Targeted Recruitment Registration Form".

(2) The Health Bureau of Jintan District, Changzhou City, will review the registration materials provided by the applicants.

4. Strictly implement the "Provisions on the Handling of Violations of Discipline and Regulations in Public Recruitment by Public Institutions". Candidates should fill in the registration information truthfully, accurately and completely according to the published application conditions and specific job requirements, submit relevant materials, and if there are doubts about the qualifications for the examination, they should consult and confirm with the recruiting unit before the deadline for registration. Candidates who provide false application materials, or forge or alter relevant certificates, materials, and information to obtain examination qualifications by fraud, will be severely dealt with in accordance with relevant regulations. The qualification review runs through the whole process of recruitment, and if the applicant is not allowed to apply for the examination or does not meet the qualification conditions, once it is verified in any part of the recruitment work, his or her qualification for application or employment will be cancelled immediately.

Fourth, the examination method

This targeted recruitment was carried out by a combination of written examination and interview, and was organized by the Health Bureau of Jintan District, Changzhou City.

(1) Written examination

1. Time and place of written examination: 9:00-11:00 a.m. on July 12, 2024, Jintan District Health Training School (No. 42, Houyang Street, Jincheng Town, Jintan District, South Gate).

2. Written test content: The written test content is the professional and technical knowledge required for the recruitment position. The full score of the written test is 100 points, and the written test does not specify the review syllabus and materials.

3. Written test score passing line: The passing line of the written test score is 50 points.

(2) Interview

Focusing on the post, the professional ability and comprehensive quality of the candidates are tested. The full score of the interview is 100 points, and the passing line of the interview is 60 points.

The time and place of the interview will be notified separately.

(3) The method of calculating comprehensive scores

Candidates' scores are calculated on a 100-point scale, with two decimal places (the third decimal place is rounded). The comprehensive score is calculated according to the proportion of 50% of the written test score and 50% of the interview score.

(4) The results of the written test and the comprehensive results will be published on the website of the People's Government of Jintan District, Changzhou City.

5. Physical examination and inspection

All candidates who take the exam will participate in physical examinations and inspections. The physical examination standards shall be implemented with reference to the general physical examination standards for civil servants. The specific time and place of the physical examination will be notified separately, and the cost of the physical examination shall be borne by the physical examination candidate.

The recruiting unit shall formulate an inspection work plan in accordance with the regulations, clarify the content and methods of the inspection, and organize an inspection of the personnel who have passed the physical examination, and the Health Bureau of Jintan District, Changzhou City shall be responsible for supervision.

Sixth, the selection of posts

According to the ratio of 1:1 of the number of recruitment plans in the physical examination of qualified candidates, according to the comprehensive score, from the high score to the low score in order to select the position, if the comprehensive score is the same, according to the interview score from high score to low score in order to select the position. The selected position is determined on the spot and cannot be changed. The specific time and address of the post selection will be notified separately.

7. Publicity

The list of personnel to be hired will be published on the website for 7 working days. At the end of the publicity period, if the employment conditions are met, the employment procedures shall be handled. Those who report serious problems and have solid evidence and do not meet the employment requirements will not be hired.

8. Employment

The recruiting unit shall sign a contract with the hired personnel in accordance with the provisions and go through the relevant employment procedures. The hired personnel must have worked in the primary medical and health institutions in our district for not less than six years.

Those who do not participate in this targeted recruitment examination and fail to go through the employment procedures in accordance with the regulations due to their own reasons will be deemed to have given up automatically.

9. Consultation and supervision

The whole process of this recruitment is open to the public and subject to supervision.

Policy consultation telephone: 0519-82822053

Supervision telephone: 0519-82821601

10. This announcement shall be interpreted by the Health Bureau of Jintan District, Changzhou City.

Health Bureau of Jintan District, Changzhou City

June 26, 2024

Changzhou City in 2024

Changkai Human Resources Services Co., Ltd

Open recruitment of socialized workers

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Due to the needs of work, after research, it was decided to openly recruit staff from the public. The relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

1. Recruitment positions and numbers

(1) Recruitment position: Changzhou National High-tech Zone (Xinbei District) Government Affairs Service Center Tax Window Tax Service Position. Number of recruits: 5.

Recruit! 10 recruits

(2) Work location: Changzhou National High-tech Zone (Xinbei District) Government Affairs Service Center (No. 69, Yunhe Road, Xinbei District).

2. Recruitment conditions

(1) Support the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, abide by discipline and law, have good conduct, have a decent style, and have the physical conditions to perform their duties normally.

(2) Have a household registration in Changzhou City (the household registration is subject to the location of the household registration on July 2, 2024).

(3) Applicants with a bachelor's degree, and the date for graduates to obtain academic certificates in 2024 can be relaxed to August 31, 2024; Overseas students must complete the academic certification of the Service Center for Scholarly Study of the Ministry of Education before applying.

(4) Under the age of 35 (born after July 1, 1988).

(5) Specific conditions: see the job profile table (annex) for details.

(6) Persons who are not allowed to apply for the examination:

1. Personnel who do not meet the requirements of the recruitment position;

2. Active-duty military personnel;

3. Personnel who have been identified by the government human resources and social security department as having disciplinary violations in the examination and are within the suspension period;

4. Persons who have previously received criminal punishment for crimes, persons who have been dismissed from public office, persons who have not yet completed the period for receiving Party or government disciplinary sanctions, or persons who are under disciplinary review, persons who are in the period of criminal punishment or who are undergoing judicial investigation and have not yet reached a conclusion;

5. Persons who are not allowed to participate in the examination under other circumstances as prescribed by law.

3. Recruitment procedures and methods

According to the principle of "voluntary registration, fair competition, and merit-based hiring", this recruitment is carried out in accordance with the procedures of announcement, registration, written examination, interview, physical examination, political review, and publicity.

(1) Recruitment brochure inquiry

The recruitment brochure is available on the New Taipei District Government Portal (

(2) Registration and preliminary examination of qualifications

This recruitment adopts the online registration method. Registration, photo uploading, preliminary qualification review and payment are all carried out online. Registration website:

1. Time for registration, photo uploading, and preliminary examination of qualifications

July 1, 2024, 9:00 a.m.–July 2, 2024, 4:00 p.m.

Reminder: The uploaded photo is a recent bareheaded frontal 2-inch (35×45mm) ID photo, jpg format, less than 20Kb.

2. Payment confirmation time

July 1, 2024, 9:00 a.m.—July 3, 2024, 3:00 p.m.

3. When registering, candidates should carefully read the online registration integrity agreement, and submit the application materials truthfully, accurately, completely and effectively according to the job requirements and online prompts, and accept the preliminary examination of qualifications. If the applicant provides false application materials, once verified, the qualification for the examination will be cancelled.

4. The ratio of this open recruitment position is 1:3. After the registration is completed, the position recruitment plan will be reduced and announced on the brochure publication website for positions that do not reach the opening ratio.

5. The information after passing the preliminary examination shall not be changed. Candidates must use the second-generation resident ID card within the validity period to register, and the ID card used for registration and examination must be the same.

6. After submitting the registration information online, the applicant should go to the registration website in time to check whether he has passed the preliminary examination of the unit's qualifications and confirm the online payment. This open recruitment charges a written test fee of 100 yuan. Those who fail to confirm the registration qualifications, upload photos, and pay the registration written test fee on time will be deemed invalid.

Special reminder: It is recommended that candidates register as soon as possible and check the review results in time. If the registration and payment are not successful due to missing the registration deadline, the applicant shall be responsible for the consequences.

(3) Print the admission ticket online

Candidates should log in to the following website: from 10:00 on July 11, 2024 to download and print the admission ticket by themselves.

Fourth, the examination method

This open recruitment examination adopts a combination of written examination and interview.

(1) Written examination

1. Written test time: July 13, 2024, please refer to the admission ticket for the specific time and place. Candidates must take the written test at the time and place specified on the admission ticket with the admission ticket and the valid ID card (one of the two certificates is indispensable).

2. The content of the written test is comprehensive knowledge and ability, and the closed-book method is adopted. There is no syllabus for the exam, and no institution is authorized to organize pre-exam training.

3. The total score of the written test is 100 points, and the passing line is 50 points. Candidates can check their results on the website published by the brochure with their ID number.

(2) Qualification review

1. In the written examination of qualified personnel according to the number of job recruitment and the number of applicants 1:5 ratio from high score to low score to determine the interview candidates, if the number of qualified candidates in the written examination is less than 1:5, according to the actual number of candidates to determine the interview.

2. Qualification review will be conducted before the interview, and matters related to qualification review will be announced on the brochure publication website. The list of eligibility reviewers will be published on the above website. If the qualification review is unqualified, the interview qualification will be cancelled. Candidates who fail to participate in the qualification review on time will be deemed to have automatically given up their interview qualifications. If there is a vacancy in the interview candidates due to the review, it will be filled in order according to the written test results from the highest score to the lowest score.

(3) Interview

1. Interview method: structured interview, full score of 100 points, passing line of 60 points.

2. The time and place of the interview will be notified separately. Within the specified period, candidates who do not attend the interview will be deemed to have automatically given up their interview qualifications.

(4) Calculation method of comprehensive scores

All grades are calculated on a 100-point scale, with two decimal places (the third decimal place is rounded). The comprehensive score is calculated according to the proportion of 40% of the written test score and 60% of the interview score. If the overall score is the same, the ranking will be determined according to the interview score from the highest score to the lowest score.

5. Physical examination

1. Among the qualified personnel in the interview, according to the comprehensive results of the candidates, the candidates for physical examination will be determined from high to low scores according to the ratio of 1:1 of the number of recruited positions. The physical examination standards shall be implemented with reference to the general standards for physical examinations for civil servants, and the expenses shall be borne by themselves.

2. If the candidate fails to pass the physical examination, he or she will be compensated according to the comprehensive score from high to low.

6. Investigation (political review) and publicity

1. For those who have passed the physical examination, organize a political review of them in accordance with relevant regulations, focusing on their positions on major political issues, their moral conduct in real life, and their professional ability and work performance related to the position they are applying for. If there is a vacancy due to unqualified inspection, it can be filled in order from high to low among the qualified personnel in the interview according to the comprehensive score.

2. According to the results of the investigation (political review), the candidates to be hired shall be submitted to the Government Affairs Service Center of Changzhou National High-tech Zone (Xinbei District) for research and decision, and shall be publicized on the brochure publication website for 5 working days.

3. If there is no objection to the publicity result and the employment conditions are met, the employment procedures shall be handled. The personnel to be hired should report to the recruitment unit within the specified time and obey the dispatch. Failure to do so will be deemed to be a voluntary waiver of employment qualifications.

7. Management methods and treatment

Once hired, the personnel signed a labor contract with Changzhou Changkai Human Resources Service Co., Ltd., handled five insurances and one housing fund, and were dispatched to the government affairs service center of Changzhou National High-tech Zone (Xinbei District). All hired personnel shall be subject to the management methods of contract management, market-oriented wages and enterprise insurance. Where the hired person signs a labor (employment) contract or agreement with the original unit, he or she and the original unit shall negotiate and handle it on their own in accordance with relevant provisions.

This recruitment establishes a personnel reserve system. The candidates who entered the interview for this recruitment but were not hired formed a reserve pool according to their positions and sorted according to their comprehensive results. The reserve is valid for 6 months from the date of the first announcement of the personnel to be hired in this recruitment.

In any of the following circumstances, the recruiting unit may use the reserve personnel: (1) without a legitimate reason for failing to report within the time limit or being found to be disqualified from employment qualifications and conditions; (2) After the recruitment announcement, I declare that I will give up the position and provide a written commitment; (3) The resignation of the person in the position during the validity period; (4) The employee is dismissed by the employer within the validity period.

8. Recruitment consultation and supervision

Policy consultation telephone: 0519-83508225;

Supervision and reporting telephone: 0519-85175325.

Changzhou Changkai Human Resources Service Co., Ltd

June 24, 2024

Wujin District, Changzhou City

Jiaze Central Primary School Recruitment Announcement

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Jiaze Central Primary School was founded in 1913 and has a history of 110 years. At present, there are 18 teaching classes, more than 800 students, and more than 40 teachers, including 18 fifth-level teachers. In 2023, a new high-quality school in Changzhou will be successfully established, the school-running hardware will continue to improve, the school's curriculum construction and school-running philosophy will continue to improve, and the quality of education and teaching will be further improved.

1. Recruitment conditions

1. Hard-working, studious, dedicated, with high political and ideological quality, physically and mentally healthy, law-abiding, strong sense of responsibility, willing to accept the school work arrangement.

2. Bachelor's degree, with a teaching qualification certificate in the corresponding discipline (major).

3. Relevant work experience is preferred.

4. Party members and student cadres are preferred.

5. Priority is given to those with household registration in Wujin District.

Second, the recruitment position

There are several teachers of Chinese, mathematics and English in primary schools.

3. Recruitment Procedures

1. Online Registration:

(1) Compress the electronic version of the ID card, teacher qualification certificate, and academic degree certificate and send it to the registration [email protected] mailbox with the name + discipline + mobile phone number and the file name.

(2) Registration time: from now until July 15.

2. Preliminary examination of the school:

The school will conduct a preliminary review of the materials provided by the applicants, and those who meet the conditions will be notified by email or phone to participate in the interview.

3. Organize interviews

(1) Curriculum Center

Material review: ID card, teacher qualification certificate, academic degree certificate

Requirements: Originals

(2) Judging panel

Interview (10-minute mock class, judging exchange)

Fourth, the consultation telephone

13775193272 Mr. Gao

Jiaze Central Primary School, Wujin District, Changzhou City

June 22, 2024

Source: Changzhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Changzhou National High-tech Zone Management Committee official website, Jiaze Central Primary School

Produced by the Propaganda Department of the Wujin District Committee of the Communist Party of China

Wujin District Rong Media Center Operation Editor has been sleepless for 72 hours in a row, staring at the latest news with wide eyes, begging relatives

Recruit! 10 recruits
Recruit! 10 recruits