
Zhang Xuefeng's eyes are the TOP3 of the professional 'blacklist'

author:Cheerful pencil Da

Zhang Xuefeng, as a well-known critic in the field of education, put forward his own unique views on the choice of majors for college students. In particular, he pointed out three majors that he thought needed to be chosen carefully: Media Studies, Tourism Management, and Art and Design.

1. The three majors that Zhang Xuefeng does not recommend

Zhang Xuefeng believes that although the media industry plays a pivotal role in today's society, the competition for media majors is fierce and the employment field is relatively narrow. He advises students to consider this major carefully unless they have a strong interest in the media industry and have excellent communication skills and innovative thinking.

The tourism management major is also not recommended by Zhang Xuefeng. He noted that while the tourism industry is booming globally, the employment prospects for tourism management majors are not promising. This is mainly due to the fact that the employment fields of this profession are mainly concentrated in service industries such as travel agencies and hotels, which are very competitive and have relatively low salaries.

Zhang Xuefeng's eyes are the TOP3 of the professional 'blacklist'

The art and design major was also included in the list of not recommended by Zhang Xuefeng. He believes that although art and design majors can cultivate students' aesthetic ability and innovative thinking, the employment prospects of this major are uncertain. On the one hand, the competition in the art and design industry is becoming increasingly fierce, and on the other hand, the industry has higher and higher requirements for talents, who need to have deep artistic skills and rich practical experience.

When choosing a major, Zhang Xuefeng emphasized that this is a very important decision, which needs to take into account the individual's interests, abilities and employment prospects. He suggested that students should fully understand their interests and strengths, combine their career planning, and choose a major that suits them. At the same time, it is also important to pay attention to the development trends and employment prospects of the industry and make informed decisions.

Second, the most discouraged professional ranking


Anthropology, a mystical discipline that sounds like it, is actually a science that delves into the cultural, social, and biological evolution of human beings. It requires students to have keen observation and in-depth analytical skills in order to be able to gain insight into various phenomena of human society and understand patterns of behavior in different cultural contexts. However, despite the rich and varied research in anthropology, the employment prospects are relatively limited.

In today's society, despite the growing understanding and respect for multiculturalism, anthropology graduates often find it difficult to find themselves in the job market. Many companies and organizations tend to prefer to recruit people with clear career skills and practical experience, while anthropology graduates often struggle to find jobs related to their majors because they lack these advantages.

Zhang Xuefeng's eyes are the TOP3 of the professional 'blacklist'

As a result, anthropology graduates often face significant challenges when it comes to employment. Not only do they need to have solid professional knowledge, but they also need to constantly broaden their horizons and enhance their practical skills in order to stand out in the fierce competition for employment. At the same time, they also need to be mentally prepared to face possible employment difficulties and career development problems.

Dance Major

Dance, an art form full of charm and passion, has attracted countless young people who love dance. However, the employment prospects for dance majors are not as rosy as one might think.

The dance industry is highly competitive and employment opportunities are limited. Many dance graduates find it difficult to find a stable dance job after graduation. They often need to make ends meet by participating in various competitions, gigs, and part-time jobs. Even some dancers with high visibility and artistic achievements may face the problem of unstable income and limited career development.

Zhang Xuefeng's eyes are the TOP3 of the professional 'blacklist'

In addition, the learning process of dance majors is also very difficult. Students need to put in a lot of time and effort to practice their dance skills and improve their performance skills. However, in the job market, these efforts are often not rewarded as they deserve. As a result, many dance graduates have to choose to change careers or pursue jobs that are not related to dance when they are under pressure to find employment.


Ethnomusicology, an interdisciplinary discipline that integrates musicology, ethnology and culture, opens a window for us to understand the musical culture of various ethnic groups. However, the employment prospects for this major are not promising.

The research content of ethnomusicology is extensive and in-depth, which requires students to have high musical literacy and research ability. However, in the job market, it is often difficult to fully exploit these abilities. Many ethnomusicology graduates find it difficult to find a job related to their major when they are looking for a job. They often need to find employment opportunities in areas such as music education, music therapy, music industry, etc., but these fields are not exactly the right for ethnomusicology graduates.

Zhang Xuefeng's eyes are the TOP3 of the professional 'blacklist'

In addition, the learning process of ethnomusicology also requires a lot of time and effort from students. They need to study the musical culture, historical background and social environment of various ethnic groups in depth in order to be able to accurately grasp and understand various musical phenomena. However, in the job market, these efforts are often not rewarded as they deserve. As a result, many ethnomusicology graduates also have to choose to change careers or pursue jobs unrelated to music when faced with employment pressure.

Choosing a major is undoubtedly an important fork in the road that everyone has to face, because it is directly related to our future career path and life trajectory. In making this decision, we have to be thoughtful and consider multiple aspects.

First of all, interest is the core driving force behind our choice of major. Only with a strong interest and passion for a certain field can we continue to invest time and energy to learn and explore. Therefore, when choosing a major, we should first understand our interests and hobbies and see which majors can match them.

Secondly, ability is also an important factor that we need to consider when choosing a major. Everyone has their own strengths and specialties, and choosing a major that matches their abilities can make us more comfortable in our studies and work. At the same time, we should also recognize our own shortcomings and shortcomings, choose those majors that can make up for our shortcomings, and help us achieve all-round development.

Zhang Xuefeng's eyes are the TOP3 of the professional 'blacklist'

In addition to interests and abilities, employment prospects are also an aspect that cannot be ignored when choosing a major. When choosing a major, we need to understand the employment prospects and market demand of the major, and see if there is a broad space for development in the future. This requires us to pay attention to information on industry dynamics, policy guidance, and market demand in order to make more informed decisions.

Among the many majors, each has its own unique charm and challenges. Some majors may look glamorous, but it takes a lot of effort and time to actually put them into practice; And some majors, although they seem ordinary, can allow us to find extraordinary value in the ordinary. Therefore, when choosing a major, we should not blindly follow the trend or listen to the advice of others, but should make decisions based on our own actual situation and market demand.

Zhang Xuefeng's eyes are the TOP3 of the professional 'blacklist'

At the same time, we also need to be mentally prepared to face possible employment difficulties and career development problems. After all, choosing a major is only a starting point on our life path, and we still need to walk the road in the future. We need to maintain a positive attitude and firm beliefs, bravely face challenges and difficulties, and continue to learn and improve our abilities in order to realize our career dreams and life values.

In short, choosing a major is an important decision related to one's future development. We need to comprehensively consider our own interests, abilities and employment prospects and other aspects, and make decisions based on our actual situation and market demand. Only in this way can we choose the most suitable major for ourselves and lay a solid foundation for our future career path.