
2024 Military School Admission Score Cutoff List! Attached is the score line of the finalists from all over the country

author:Cheerful pencil Da

The 2024 Military Academy Shortlisted Line has been announced! In Jiangsu, the minimum score is 565 for boys and 585 for girls; In Gansu, the minimum score is 503 for boys and 554 for girls. This article will sort out the enrollment plans of 27 military schools in 2024 and the score lines of previous years.

1. The 2024 military academy shortlisted score line

1. Gansu

Physics: 531 points for boys and 554 points for girls.

History: 503 points for boys, 603 points for girls.

2. Jiangsu

Boys: 565 points in physics, 573 points in history.

Girls: 585 points in Physics, 587 points in History.

3. Guangdong

(1) Military Undergraduate Batch Colleges and Universities (including Air Force, Navy Recruitment, Armed Police Engineering University, Armed Police Officer College, Armed Police Special Police College, and Armed Police Coast Guard College)

General (History): 539 points overall.

General (Physics): 532 points overall.

(2) Military undergraduate batch colleges

Army Engineering University (Civil Air Defense Systems Orientation).

General (Physics): 458 points overall.

4. Hunan

In accordance with the relevant regulations and work requirements for the recruitment of public security students in Hunan in 2024, the interview score line is delineated for the distinction between history and physics, male and female students, and is hereby announced as follows:

(1) Interview score line

History boys: 438 points History girls: 532 points

Physics boys: 458 points Physics girls: 535 points

Xinjiang Police Academy interview score line

Physics boys: 495 points Physics girls: 541 points

5. Hebei

The official website of the Hebei Provincial Education Examination Institute has recently released the minimum score line for candidates enrolled in military colleges and universities in Hebei in 2024 as follows:

Physics: 484 points for boys, 519 points for girls.

History: 553 points for boys and 603 points for girls.

2024 Military School Admission Score Cutoff List! Attached is the score line of the finalists from all over the country

6. Jiangxi

Male Physics Subject: 534 points;

Female students in Physics: 573 points;

Male students in the History subject group: 549 points;

History Girls: 577 points.

7. Tianjin

2024 Military School Admission Score Cutoff List! Attached is the score line of the finalists from all over the country

8. Henan

Science: 511 points for boys and 581 points for girls.

Liberal Arts: 525 points for boys and 577 points for girls.

2024 Military School Admission Score Cutoff List! Attached is the score line of the finalists from all over the country

9, Ying Xia

Science: 432 points for boys and 528 points for girls.

Liberal Arts: 496 points for boys.

2024 Military School Admission Score Cutoff List! Attached is the score line of the finalists from all over the country


Boys: 483 points in Physics, 500 points in History.

Girls: 585 points in Physics, 587 points in History.

2024 Military School Admission Score Cutoff List! Attached is the score line of the finalists from all over the country

You can enter the score at the end of the article to predict the admission probability of being admitted to a military school in 2024!

2. List of military school admission scores in 2024

The 2024 military school admission score is announced after the college entrance examination admission. Therefore, when applying for military schools, you should refer to the admission data of 2023.

1. Guangdong Physics

In 2023, the military schools that will recruit physics students in Guangdong include the Army Armored Forces Academy, the Army Artillery and Air Defense Forces Academy, the National University of Defense Technology, the Naval Engineering University, and the Strategic Support Force Information Engineering University.

Among them, the military school with the lowest score line is the 101 group of the Air Force Aviation University, with a score of 539 points in 2023 and the lowest rank of 88608; The military school with the highest score is Group 102 of the National University of Defense Technology, with a score of 669 points in 2023 and a minimum rank of 1117.

Name of institution Professional group fraction Position
National University of Defense Technology 102 669 1117
National University of Defense Technology 101 667 1340
National University of Defense Technology 107 647 4819
National University of Defense Technology 103 635 8347
National University of Defense Technology 104 635 8433
National University of Defense Technology 106 633 9149
Army Medical University 103 630 10132
National University of Defense Technology 105 629 10873
Naval University of Engineering 108 626 12066
Naval University of Engineering 107 624 12915
Air Force Medical University 102 624 13081
Army Medical University 101 620 14995
Strategic Support Forces University of Aerospace Engineering 101 618 15747
Naval University of Engineering 105 614 17913
Army Engineering University 101 609 20945
Dalian Naval Academy 102 609 20943
Rocket Force Engineering University 101 609 20752
Strategic Support Forces Information Engineering University 104 609 20712
Armed Police Engineering University 102 609 20912
Army Military Transportation Academy 104 607 21745
Naval University of Engineering 101 607 22057
Dalian Naval Academy 105 607 21746
Strategic Support Forces Information Engineering University 102 607 22033
Strategic Support Forces Information Engineering University 103 607 22321
Army Engineering University 103 604 24030
Army Special Operations Academy 104 604 24238
Strategic Support Forces University of Aerospace Engineering 102 604 24206
Strategic Support Forces University of Aerospace Engineering 104 604 24418
Strategic Support Forces University of Aerospace Engineering 103 602 25161
Naval University of Engineering 103 600 26559
Air Force Engineering University 103 598 28198
Strategic Support Forces Information Engineering University 101 596 29674
Army Engineering University 102 595 30475
Army Academy of Armored Forces 101 595 30455
Air Force Engineering University 102 594 31019
Army Medical University 102 593 32028
Naval University of Engineering 102 593 32218
Air Force Medical University 101 593 31701
Naval University of Engineering 104 592 32890
Naval University of Engineering 106 592 32497
Air Force Early Warning Academy 102 590 34082
Dalian Naval Academy 104 589 34959
Rocket Force Engineering University 102 589 35172
Strategic Support Forces Information Engineering University 105 589 35291
Air Force Engineering University 101 588 36108
Armed Police Coast Guard Academy 104 588 36020
Dalian Naval Academy 101 587 36618
Army Academy of Armored Forces 102 586 37723
Air Force Early Warning Academy 101 586 37832
Army Military Transportation Academy 103 585 38365
Rocket Force Engineering University 103 585 38822
Dalian Naval Academy 103 583 40668
Air Force Engineering University 104 583 40217
Army Artillery Air Defense Academy 101 582 41431
Army Military Transportation Academy 101 576 46848
Armed Police Engineering University 101 575 47912
Armed Police Engineering University 103 574 48351
Armed Police Coast Guard Academy 102 574 48922
Armed Police Coast Guard Academy 103 574 48464
Armed Police Coast Guard Academy 101 572 50703
Armed Police Police Academy 102 571 51382
Army Special Operations Academy 103 569 53697
Army Military Transportation Academy 102 568 55093
Armed Police Police Academy 103 565 57495
Army Special Operations Academy 102 563 59727
Special Police Academy of the Armed Police 101 563 60021
Army Special Operations Academy 101 562 61461
Naval Aviation University 101 556 67289
Air Force Aviation University 101 539 88608

2. Hebei Physics

Among the military schools for female students, the Air Force Early Warning Academy and the Army Engineering University both have admission scores below 500 points, and the admission scores for 2023 are 498 and 492 points, respectively.

Among the military schools for male students, the five military academies of the Naval Engineering University, the Air Force Early Warning College, the Army Engineering University, the Special Police Academy of the Armed Police, and the Information Engineering University of the Strategic Support Force all have a score of 492 points, which is the easiest military school for male students to get into.

Name of institution remark Minimum Minutes
National University of Defense Technology woman 630
Army Medical University woman 592
Air Force Engineering University woman 591
Naval Medical University woman 585
Rocket Force Engineering University woman 574
Air Force Medical University woman 572
Army Military Transportation Academy woman 572
Armed Police Engineering University woman 571
Army Chemical Defense Academy woman 569
Armed Police Coast Guard Academy woman 563
Dalian Naval Academy woman 559
Army Service College woman 557
Strategic Support Forces Information Engineering University woman 556
Strategic Support Forces University of Aerospace Engineering woman 554
Naval University of Engineering woman 553
Army Military Transportation Academy man 550
Army Artillery Air Defense Academy man 542
Armed Police Police Academy man 537
Rocket Force Engineering University man 534
Army Medical University man 532
Army Special Operations Academy man 524
Armed Police Coast Guard Academy man 519
Armed Police Engineering University man 517
Naval Aviation University man 507
Army Academy of Armored Forces man 503
Army Border and Coastal Defense College man 502
Air Force Medical University man 500
Naval Submarine Academy man 499
Air Force Early Warning Academy woman 498
Army Chemical Defense Academy man 497
Army Infantry Academy man 495
Army Service College man 495
Dalian Naval Academy man 494
Air Force Engineering University man 494
Air Force Aviation University man 494
Strategic Support Forces University of Aerospace Engineering man 494
Naval Medical University man 493
National University of Defense Technology man 492
Naval University of Engineering man 492
Air Force Early Warning Academy man 492
Army Engineering University man 492
Special Police Academy of the Armed Police man 492
Strategic Support Forces Information Engineering University man 492
Army Engineering University woman 492

3. Enrollment plans for 27 military schools in 2024

The following is the enrollment plan of military schools in each province in 2024:

1, Beijing

In 2024, military academies in Beijing plan to recruit 135 ordinary high school graduates (110 boys and 25 girls), all of whom are at the undergraduate level and have military status.

2024 Military School Admission Score Cutoff List! Attached is the score line of the finalists from all over the country

2. Tianjin

In 2024, the plan for recruiting ordinary high school graduates in military academies was announced, and a total of 138 students will be enrolled in Tianjin, including 128 boys and 10 girls.

2024 Military School Admission Score Cutoff List! Attached is the score line of the finalists from all over the country

3. Hebei

In 2024, the plan for recruiting ordinary high school graduates in military academies was released, and 1,134 students will be recruited in Hebei.

2024 Military School Admission Score Cutoff List! Attached is the score line of the finalists from all over the country