
Watching the Sea, Warm Week 95 | Go farther and see the brighter light

author:Guanhai News
Watching the Sea, Warm Week 95 | Go farther and see the brighter light

Today, please watch "Watching the Sea, Warm Week"

Issue 95

Go farther and see the brighter light

It's graduation season again

in a flash

The years have passed quietly through the fingers

The teenagers faced parting with reluctance

Embark on a new journey of your own life

Watching the Sea, Warm Week 95 | Go farther and see the brighter light

At such a special node

Many colleges and universities in Qingdao

An unforgettable graduation ceremony was prepared for the graduates

Put full of true feelings

Reach the tender corners of everyone's heart

Let them experience the warmth of their alma mater

The romance that belongs only to the young adults

Let this graduation ceremony become popular all over the Internet again

Watching the Sea, Warm Week 95 | Go farther and see the brighter light

Early in the morning of June 23rd

The gymnasium of Qingdao University was full

7694 undergraduates

3,676 master's and doctoral students

Graduation was greeted with the blessings of teachers and classmates

Start a new journey in life

One moving song after another

It not only ignited the atmosphere of the scene

It has also caused countless netizens to reminisce about their student days

conveyed the warmth of this farewell to the students of Guangzhou

This is both a farewell to youth

It is also a nostalgia and tribute to this special journey

Watching the Sea, Warm Week 95 | Go farther and see the brighter light

Actually, back in 2019 at the graduation ceremony

Qingdao University is famous for setting up a flash mob performance at the graduation ceremony

It's hot all over the Internet

It was also praised by netizens

"This is the best admissions guide"

Colleges and universities keep pace with the times

Be inclusive and accepting of students' preferences and ideas

This kind of educator sentiment is invaluable

It's a two-way road for the school and the students

June 20th

The graduation ceremony of Ocean University of China was the first to be sung among the colleges and universities in Qingdao

Watching the Sea, Warm Week 95 | Go farther and see the brighter light


Qingdao University, China University of Petroleum (East China) and other universities

The graduates took the stage to sing

Watching the Sea, Warm Week 95 | Go farther and see the brighter light

June 19th

Qingdao University of Technology made a side for the graduates

"Graduation number" high-speed rail ticket, station check-in background wall

Watching the Sea, Warm Week 95 | Go farther and see the brighter light

At the "station" site

School Teachers, Counselors, Canteen Masters,

Dormitory aunt, security guard, etc

Become a "Conductor"

Graduation gifts for graduates

Watching the Sea, Warm Week 95 | Go farther and see the brighter light

Graduated from Qingdao University of Science and Technology

He presented two original MVs to his alma mater

You send your warmest wishes for my departure

I leave you with the most sincere gift for your upbringing

Graduation season

In fact, it is a two-way road between the school and the students

This friendship is precious

It's moving

Watching the Sea, Warm Week 95 | Go farther and see the brighter light

If parting is sad

So this memory

It must be warm

Centennial Zhongshan Road witnesses the "Covenant of Youth"

On the evening of June 26

A graduation song called "To the Appointment of Youth".

Singing gorgeously on the century-old Zhongshan Road

This song party brings together people from

Qingdao University, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao University of Technology, etc

Graduates of several colleges and universities

Watching the Sea, Warm Week 95 | Go farther and see the brighter light

From a solemn and elegant bachelor's uniform

To the gorgeous dress which shows individuality

They interpret the youthful style in their own way

At the singing scene, music and applause were intertwined

Watching the Sea, Warm Week 95 | Go farther and see the brighter light


Tell it in song

The dreams and pursuits of youth

Weaving with melody

Reluctance and blessing of parting

Watching the Sea, Warm Week 95 | Go farther and see the brighter light

This warm graduation party

The city of Qingdao is entrusted

Best wishes to the graduates

Parting is not a dispersion of friendship

It's the expansion of affection

Please keep that love alive

Rush to the next mountain and sea

Blessings to all this summer

Graduates who go to all sides


Column planning: Wei Wei, Zhang Zhaoxin, Sun Fei

Copywriting, material sorting | Cheng Xuehan

Editor-in-Charge | Liu Congcong

Produced by Guanhai News