
Xu Zhe's family is poor, I bought him a luxury car and let him live in my villa, but he is still high

author:Little Plum pushes the book

Xu Zhe's family is cold, the flower of kaolin.

I bought him a luxury car, let him live in my villa, and arranged high-paying jobs for his family.

He took the money and was still high.

"You don't want to trample on the dignity of me and my family with money."

After he stepped on me to become a tech upstart, he beat me to death with a shovel and buried me deep underground.

turned around and held the wedding of the century and married Bai Yueguang.

His sister coveted my family's property, forced my dad to marry her, and framed my dad for violating her.

My dad was so angry that he was dying.

When I opened my eyes again, Xu Zhe brought my classmates to my villa and forced me to give up the room to Bai Yueguang.

Once again, I'm going to leave his family dead without a place to bury.

Xu Zhe's family is poor, I bought him a luxury car and let him live in my villa, but he is still high


"It turns out that Xu Zhe is really the young master of the Xu family, I really envy you that you were born to live in such a big villa, you are handsome and generous."

"That's right, he can tolerate a money-worshipping girl like Jiang Jiujiu, not only let her live in the villa, but also sponsor her to go to school."

"It's just that this wealthy lady is destined to be Fang Yun, not the toad."

When I woke up, I was sitting on the couch in my villa.

In front of him, the classmates sat around Xu Zhe and kept patting Xu Zhe's ass.

Xu Zhe was very useful for these boasts.

The red wine in his hand swayed, and the other hand half-hugged Fang Yun's waist.

The two are like a newlywed couple.

The pain in the back of my head that gradually dissipated reminded me that I had been born again.

was reborn on the day when Xu Zhe borrowed my villa to confirm his identity as the young master of the Xu family.

Fang Yun snuggled in Xu Zhe's arms, pretending to be angry and patting Xu Zhe's chest.

"Oh, don't say that, September has no other bad intentions except for wanting to cling to the Xu family."

As soon as these words came out, Xu Zhe's eyes became more and more gentle when he looked at Fang Yun.

"You, you always think of people as beautiful."

Fang Yun looked at me defiantly.

"What do you say, Jiang Jiu."

I hate my teeth itching.

In my previous life, I was simply blind, so I fell in love with Xu Zhe, a poor student sponsored by my father.

For the convenience of my schooling, my dad paid for this big villa for me near the school.

I felt sorry for Xu Zhe, so I also wanted him to live in.

He couldn't wait to pack his bags while taunting me disdainfully.

"Rich and great, I won't accept your handouts unless you take my whole family in."

In order to justify the name, I hired his mother Wang Lijuan to be a nanny, and I didn't work 50,000 yuan a month every day.

Let his sister Xu Lili be my father's personal assistant, buying coffee for 50,000 yuan a month.

Countless amounts of money fell on Xu Zhe, smashing him from a shabby boy to a kaolin flower.

Since I was a child, my mother's surname was Jiang, and Xu Zhe happened to have the same surname as my father.

Relying on my dad to do business outside all the year round and not seeing anyone, Xu Zhezhen regarded himself as the young master of the Xu family.

I take care of his face, and I have never debunked it before.

Their whole family sucked blood on me, and accused me of insulting their dignity with money.

On the day Xu Zhe buried me alive, it was pouring rain.

He stood by the pit, his eyes grim.

"Without your support, I would still be able to rise to prominence, but your money has defiled my pure white soul, overwhelmed me, and made uninformed people question my abilities, which is all due to you."

When I think of this, I want to strangle my original self.

Now just because Fang Yun was not used to living in the school dormitory, Xu Zhe took Fang Yun to the villa to choose a room.

I even brought my classmates to visit the villa.

In order to create a rich and young character for her son, Wang Lijuan shouted one young master after another.

If it weren't for my mother's early death, I'm afraid she would have to call herself Mrs. Xu.

The gazes that came at me were full of sarcasm, as if they were waiting for me to be deflated.

Xu Zhe lay down on the sofa with a lofty posture, confident that I would not refute his face.

I smiled coldly.

"Xu Zhe is worthy of being a scholar, you are considered to be integrated with the dove occupying the magpie's nest, you have no home by yourself? Still don't have a mother?"


As soon as the words fell, everyone was stunned.

Xu Zhe's body stiffened, and he looked back at me in disbelief.

I turned my head to look at Wang Lijuan.

"What do you say?"

Wang Lijuan's face was embarrassed, and her hands kept rubbing on her apron.

"Don't talk about it, the bird's nest is cooked, I'll serve it."

When Wang Lijuan came out, she naturally put the bird's nest in front of Xu Zhe.

took another small bowl and gave Fang Yun a small bowl.

Ignored me the whole time.

As soon as Xu Zhe's spoon touched his lips, I slapped the table.

"Can't you tell who is the master and who is the servant?"

Everyone was startled by my voice.

Wang Lijuan squinted her eyes and muttered in her mouth.

"Why are you so greedy, if you eat one less bowl, you will die."

Xu Zhe's forehead was bruised, and the spoon slammed down on the table.

"Jiang Jiujiu, I've put up with you for a long time."

"How do you speak? Who's going to pose like a lady?"

It's because I've been used to them for too long, and they can't figure out how to behave under the fence.

This bird's nest is 100,000 yuan, and my father bought it for me.

What's more, not only bird's nest, but also any precious ingredients at home, Wang Lijuan eats them first with Xu Zhe and Xu Lili.

If you can't finish eating, you will steal it and send it to your relatives in the countryside to save face.

When it was my turn to eat, Wang Lijuan spread her hands and said no.

"We're also good for you, no one wants girls to eat fat."

I didn't lack that bite to eat, so I never bothered with them.

When I am willing, even a thousand gold can give in.

And now, when they eat more than one grain of rice from me, I will flip the table.

Xu Zhe rolled his eyes and glared at me, making the posture of a high-ranking person.

"Yunyun is weak and needs bird's nest to make up for it, and it is a waste for you to eat bird's nest with five big and three coarse."

Fang Yun waved his hand, his voice sweet and greasy.

"It's okay~"

She pushed the bird's nest bowl towards me, looking uncaring and generous.

"I don't think you've ever eaten anything so good, it's okay, you smell it."

After saying that, he quickly pulled back.

The students were amused by this scene.

"You just spoil her, when the time comes, you will have to eat bird's nest every day, how can you afford to raise this poor ghost."

"Poor and crazy, fighting for the master's things, like a dog."

I snatched the bowl in front of the two of them and whispered to the golden retriever who was sleeping on his stomach in the corner.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, the bird's nest was slowly poured into the dog bowl.

Xu Zhe's eyes widened, as if he didn't know me.

Yes, in the past, whenever there was something delicious, I would stick to him first.

Xu Zhe obviously gobbled it up, and he still had to pretend to be high.

"Don't think these worthless things can impress me, lowly."

Well, I'd like him to see what he is.


The golden retriever licked his lips after eating.

I shouted. "Call!"

The golden retriever let out a loud snort.

With a smile on the corner of my mouth, my eyes slowly moved to Xu Zhe's mother and son.

"See, dogs know barking when they feed dogs, and some dogs want to bite their owners when they are full."

In my last life, I tried my best to make Xu Zhe a technology upstart in the capital.

Xu Zhe, who has reached the pinnacle of wealth, feels that all this is because of his extraordinary talent, and he should be rich in his fate.

His reward for me was a heavy shovel and buried me alive.

In order to find my traces, my father didn't even care about the company.

When he dug me out of the dirt with his own hands, the man who had always been calm cried uncontrollably.

To live again, I want to let the entire Xu family die without a place to be buried.

Xu Zhe was still at a loss, but he soon regained his self-confidence.

"New tricks? I won't bother with you this time, and if you mess around, I'll make you never see me again."

Laughing to death, he actually thought that this could threaten me.

Suddenly I was looking forward to it.

Hold him high, will the flesh and blood blur if he falls.

Seeing that I didn't speak, Xu Zhe became more determined.

He pointed to the second floor. "Yunyun, you can live directly in the room you like."

A group of people followed upstairs, and the exclamations were endless.

"Wow, it's so big and luxurious, I envy Xu Zhe."

"Fang Yun has a good boyfriend, and he is going to live a good life."

Fang Yun walked around upstairs and finally stopped at the door of my room.

The oversized cloakroom in the room, the rows of designer bags on the cabinets, almost made her unable to take her eyes off.

She lowered her head and shyly stirred the corners of her skirt.

"Actually, I'm not greedy at all, I just live in a small room."

Soon, however, the conversation changed.

"But the sun is really good in this room, I really envy September to be able to live in such a dreamy room."

Xu Zhe turned his head and waved his hand impatiently at me, as if I was the one under the fence.

"Don't clean it up quickly, this will be Yunyun's room from now on."

In my previous life, I listened to Xu Zhe's lie that he made a good impression in front of his classmates, and I obediently went to the guest room.

This time, I just laughed out loud.

"Are you mistaken, this is my house, why should I give it to someone else?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Yun's best friend was angry.

"Before I married into the Xu family, I regarded myself as a hostess, not cheap!"


Xu Zhe probably felt that the scene was about to be uncontrollable, and he hurriedly greeted his classmates for fear of revealing his stuffing.

"It's time for dinner, you go to the nearby Tianlan Hotel to eat first, order whatever you want, and I'll pay for it later."

The reason why Xu Zhe is so generous is because he thinks I will wipe his ass like before.

As soon as they heard that it was the Tianlan Hotel with 10,000 per capita in the city, this group of people geared up and ran downstairs one after another.

Seeing everyone leaving, Xu Zhe immediately pulled my shoulders in an almost threatening tone.

"I don't know what you're trying to do to get my attention, but I advise you to give up quickly, no matter what tricks you play, I won't like you."

I don't care what he calls the dog, I just care how he pays for it.

Sell kidneys?

As soon as I walked downstairs, Wang Lijuan pushed the bowl in my direction with a cold face.

"Go wash the dishes, my back hurts, I have to sleep."

Accustomed to my former respectful appearance, she thought she could do it.

I stood there, smiling rather than smiling.

"The dog has seen too many people, and he feels that he is also a human, and I am here to ask you for 50,000 yuan a month?"

Wang Lijuan twisted her eyebrows and crossed her waist, looking like a shrew quarreling.

"Eh, why are you so ignorant, if you marry into our family in the future, you will have to get up at four o'clock in the morning every day to serve our family, I am kind enough to let you adapt in advance, and you have set up a score."

Speaking of this Wang Lijuan, it is also a strange one.

When I lived in the countryside, I didn't even have a washing machine at home, so I had to do all the dirty work of feeding the chickens and pigs.

Instead, she came to my house and became a delicate lady.

Let her do some small work, one will say that her waist is not good, and the other will say that she can't do housework.

She saw that I had a deep affection for Xu Zhe, so she pinched me to death.

In the end, he was so rampant that he brought his relatives from the countryside to live at home for a month.

During this period, I was asked to serve tea and pour water, and before leaving, he coaxed me to give each of them 100,000 yuan for the journey.

Thinking of this, I grabbed the bowl in front of me and threw it at Wang Lijuan.

The bowl slammed into Wang Lijuan's arm in an arc, falling to pieces on the ground.


She simply lay on the ground, screaming that she was paralyzed by me.

Xu Zheteng came downstairs and yelled at me.

"Jiang Jiujiu, you're against the sky, who will wash the dishes if you don't wash them? What kind of prestige are you playing in front of my mother?"

A sonorous male voice came from behind.

"Who the hell is against the sky and dares to discipline my daughter."

When he turned around, Dad stood in the middle of the living room, full of fierce momentum.


Seeing my father, Xu Zhe was shocked at first, and then resignedly.

"Mr. Xu, it's not what you think."

"What's that? If your mother can't do it, get out of here, I didn't invite her to be my daughter's ancestor!"

Xu Zhe tilted his head and gave me a frenzied look.

How could I have let him suffer such a grievance before.

As soon as he frowned, I had to rush out and speak for him.

This time, however, he turned his eyebrows in a circle, and I didn't move.

Wang Lijuan was in a hurry, like a medical miracle, and a carp stood up.

"No, I can't live without this job!"

Yes, in the past, she worked hard to sell vegetables for a thousand yuan a month, but now she gets 50,000 yuan a month for eating, drinking and having fun.

How she is not in a hurry.

Xu Zhe self-righteously pulled me aside.

"In September, you played too much, my mother was already guilty of you, and you were still not grateful."

"Now give you a chance to make up for your mistakes, you'd better kneel down and apologize to my mother in person, saying that it's all your fault, and I can give you a chance to please me again."

I threw him away with an elbow.

"If you are sick, go to the doctor, I am a young lady to please you, a soft rice and a letter man, you don't have a mirror, you always have urine."

Xu Zhe was so ashamed of these words that his face turned red, and he bit his lip and pointed at my nose.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come and beg me."

As soon as Xu Zhe left, a crisp man's laughter resounded in the living room.

"Hahahaha, you look at men in September, you really have a bad eye!"

The gaze is fixed on the source of the laughter.

He Junlin was lazily reclining on the sofa, obviously smiling, but it made people feel a lot of meaning.

He Junlin and I were childhood sweethearts, and we fought from childhood to adulthood.

When I was a child, we could barely maintain superficial harmony, until one time I took off He Junlin's pants in public.

A one-finger Zen made He Junlin's Niu Niu swollen, and since then he has avoided me when he sees me.

Later, he warned me more than once that Xu Zhe was not a good bird.

I was like lard at that time, not listening, not asking, not looking.

But when I disappeared, He Junlin accompanied my father to find me for three days without eating or drinking.

When I was found by search and rescue dogs, he and my dad dug me out with their bare hands.

He cried and hugged my dirt-covered corpse.

"Why don't you ever look at me, why?"

I realized that he had always liked me.

He Junlin opened his mouth and wanted to tease me.

I quickly stepped forward and hugged him.

I could clearly feel He Junlin's body tremble, and then his arms tightened.

His voice trembled.

"Yes, if you want to gag me, you don't have to do this."


Two hours later, Xu Zhe's phone began a series of bombardments.

Presumably, it was only after eating it that I found that I was shy.

When it came to the fifty-ninth call, I finally picked it up.

He is domineering.

"What medicine did you take wrong? Who told you to stop the secondary card? How do I pay?"

"Now hurry up and transfer the money to me, 100,000, the waiter is waiting."

It's the first time I've seen a meal and I'm so hard.

I didn't speak, and his tone was visibly starting to get anxious.

"Okay, your trick won, I won't worry about your mother's affairs today, take the money, while I'm not angry now."

"But you have to give me 200,000, and I'll take Yunyun to the next one later."

I opened my mouth quietly.

"Xu Zhe, don't eat other people's white food if you pretend to be high, you make me feel disgusting."

There was silence for a long time, and a sneer came.

"Jiang Jiujiu, don't underestimate me, I know maybe you don't believe me, but when I become a future technology upstart, you will regret it."

This sentence made my blood chill.

It turned out that he was also born again.

But it seems to get a lot more interesting.

Soberly watching yourself struggling in the mire, never to turn over.

Wouldn't it be even more torture for Xu Zhe.

I didn't have the patience to listen to him continue daydreaming, so I hung up.

No matter how much he fights after that, I won't answer.

The next day, Xu Zhe was late.

His eyes were black, and he hadn't had time to shave his stubble.

Presumably because I ran out of the loans on the whole platform last night.

As soon as he took his seat, he sat up straight, as if waiting for something, and his eyes glanced at me from time to time.

I know what he's waiting for.

In the past, whenever I saw him sit down, without him talking, I would always put the prepared drink and fruit in front of him.

As soon as the meal arrives, I will give him a good takeout in advance.

He likes to eat Japanese food outside the school the most, which is far away and difficult to order.

So I added money every time to let the errand runner send it.

My classmates only looked down on me even more because of my dog-licking behavior in order to marry into a wealthy family.

Xu Zhe has long been accustomed to serving me before and after the saddle, and he will definitely not be able to change it for a while.

This arrogant demeanor waiting for people to feed until the meal finally showed its feet.

This time he offered to message me.

"You really can, in order to force me to take the initiative to find you, you can use any trick, and I don't care about you generously."

"Yunyun wants to eat that Japanese food, you let the errand runners hurry up, every minute you exceed, you have to pay me 10,000 yuan."

I didn't reply, but stood up and shouted at Xu Zhe.

"Eh, Xu Zhe, I've never seen you ask for food like this, you want to treat your sister to buy it yourself."

"Oh, you should have spent all your loans, so be hungry."

The eyes of all the classmates instantly became weird, and they circled back and forth between me and Xu Zhe.

Xu Zhe's face turned blue and red for a while, and together with Fang Yun, he didn't dare to raise his head in embarrassment.

It was at this time that the door of the class was pushed open.

A tall woman dressed in professional attire walked towards the middle of the class with a lunch box in hand.

It is Xu Zhe's sister Xu Lili.


Suddenly, I remembered the message my father had sent me.

"Dad finally came home once, cooked for you himself, and I'll ask the assistant to deliver it later."

Someone recognized her.

"Isn't this the personal assistant to the chairman of the Hui Group, I've seen it in the news."

Xu Lili smiled back with a gentle smile.

"Yes, this is made by the chairman himself, let me send it over."

I've reached out to take it.

However, Xu Lili ignored me directly and walked straight to Xu Zhe.

"Young Master Xu, do you taste it?"

With a sentence of Young Master Xu, Xu Zhe's spine that had just collapsed was standing tall at this moment.

He coughed lightly and handed the lunch box to Fang Yun.

When the lunch box is opened, the ruddy braised pork swayed, and the oily pigeon soup was steaming.

Fang Yun closed his eyes and sniffed deeply, as if he was intoxicated.

Then he looked at me defiantly.

"It's so fragrant, what's so delicious about Japanese food, and the food cooked by my father-in-law in the future is fragrant!"

The students saw this scene in their eyes, and snickering broke out.

"Jiang Jiujiu is so funny, I thought I would give it to her."

Over there, Xu Lili had already mingled with her classmates.

Everyone gathered around and asked her if she was very majestic as General Assistant Xu.

She covered her mouth and smiled.

"Actually, I'm not an assistant, and being able to deliver food to the young master can be regarded as familiarizing myself with what a mother should do in advance."

Immediately someone shouted.

"Oh, then you're going to marry Mr. Xu, congratulations!"

Xu Lili was immersed in this compliment, and her eyes narrowed with a smile.

It's as if she is already Mrs. Xu Jiaxin.

Xu Lili has been washing her hair in the hair salon before graduating from junior high school, and now she is raised by me to be a famous brand.

dressed like a celebrity, she really thought she was a celebrity.

My dad was only polite to her for the sake of my face, and she was sure that my dad was interested in her.

Dressed up all day long, he bent over in front of his father in a short skirt with hips.

Dad reminded her to dress appropriately, and she showed it off everywhere.

"The chairman doesn't want others to look at me, he cares about me so much, I cry to death."

She was confident that she would one day become my little mother, and she was also a commander to me.

Xu Lili seemed to notice my gaze and picked up Fang Yun's half-eaten lunch box.

He walked up to me in small steps and slammed the lunch box on my desk.

"What are you staring at, you want to eat and say, but are you worthy?"

She leaned down close to my ear.

"I heard that you have been embarrassing my brother recently, let me tell you, I advise you to recognize the facts and find your position as soon as possible."

"After all, I gave birth to a son for your father in the future, and the family's property belongs to my brother and my son, and it has nothing to do with you."


In her previous life, in order to encroach on my family's property, Xu Lili held up her pregnant belly in public and said that the child belonged to my father.

Father loves his daughter like life, and since his mother died, he has devoted himself to public welfare and has never remarried.

Not even a bit of lace news.

Such a good person was finally forced to die of a cerebral hemorrhage by cyberbullying.

Thinking of this, I grabbed the lunch box and put it on her head, and elbowed her several times in the back of the head.

She staggered back, soup running down her neck.

She clutched her head in disbelief. "You dare to hit me?"

Xu Zhe rushed over to help Xu Lili and glared at me viciously.

"Jiang Jiujiu, are you crazy?"

The surrounding classmates gasped.

"Is this a rush to see that you can't marry into a wealthy family?"

"Offended Young Master Xu, and offended Mr. Xu's sweetheart, Jiang Jiujiu is miserable."

The counsellor arrived at the scene very quickly.

I was going to tell her what was going on, but she scolded me without saying anything.

"Jiang Jiujiu, you don't look at your identity, you dare to mess with anyone."

"Mr. Xu is planning to donate a building to our school recently, if you delay this matter, you should get out of here."

Outside the door, a teacher panicked and shouted at the class.

"Teacher Li, Mr. Xu and others are coming to the school, saying that they want to see their children, and by the way, let's talk about donating the building."

Xu Zhe and Xu Lili, who were originally domineering, looked panicked instantly.

In the principal's office.

The principal drank his tea and looked impatiently at me, who was dressed plainly.

"Mr. Xu can't be offended, this matter can only be the fault of this girl."

The counselor shoved me.

"Before Mr. Xu came, you quickly knelt down and apologized, and this matter was resolved."

Xu Zhe obviously shrank his head, and he didn't even dare to look at me.

I slowly looked at everyone.

"I'm afraid that when Mr. Xu comes, I will solve you."