
Plucked chicken feathers



Plucked chicken feathers

St. Philip was a beloved Roman priest in the 16th century, followed by rich and poor, nobles and commoners alike, all because of his empathy.

Plucked chicken feathers
Plucked chicken feathers

St. Philip said, "You have completed the first part of the atonement, and now you are going to move on to the second part." You have to get back to the way you came and pick up all the chicken feathers. ”

The girl was embarrassed and said, "How is this possible? By this time, the wind had blown them everywhere. Maybe I can pick some back, but I can't pick up all the chicken feathers. ”

"That's right, my child. Isn't it the same with those stupid words you blurt out? Don't you often spit out stupid rumors from your mouth? And then aren't they also scattered along the road, word of mouth everywhere? Is it possible for you to follow them and take them back when you want to? ”

The girl said, "No, priest. ”

"Then, when you want to gossip about other people, please keep your mouth shut, and don't let these evil feathers scatter on the side of the road."

Plucked chicken feathers

: This is the reason why it is difficult to recover when covered with water. In life, don't comment on other people's strengths and weaknesses casually, in the work, you should do more things and talk less, the words you say are like spilled water that can't be recovered, hurt others and distress yourself, why bother?