
With the resumption of war in northern Myanmar, China will not sit idly by, and has the ability to mediate.

author:Lu Zhe has something to say
With the resumption of war in northern Myanmar, China will not sit idly by, and has the ability to mediate.

According to the latest information, the fighting in northern Myanmar has not only not stopped, but has even tended to intensify. The De'ang National Liberation Army not only launched an attack on the military, but even achieved considerable success. So far, the military has "lost" more than 20 camp strongholds.

To be honest, this level is placed in northern Myanmar, which is actually a play family. But war has always been cruel, and it is also war, which is the most likely breed evil and chaos. What needs to be known is that since the October 27 incident last year, the mainland has been actively mediating to promote a ceasefire between the two sides. In January this year, with the mediation of the mainland, the two sides did shake hands and make peace, and the ceasefire lasted for more than five months.

With the resumption of war in northern Myanmar, China will not sit idly by, and has the ability to mediate.

The fact that the war is now reigniting in northern Myanmar does not mean that the mainland's mediation in northern Myanmar has failed. You must know that the situation in northern Myanmar is complicated, and the forces of all parties are mixed. In such a context, we need to be more patient, and this kind of repetition will be the norm.

For us in China, the war in northern Myanmar is certainly not a good thing, because the war will be a breeding ground for all kinds of criminal acts, and we will not sit idly by as a responsible major country. Some time ago, we spent a lot of effort to clean up the wire fraud syndicate in northern Myanmar, and we have achieved phased results, but we still have to be vigilant at all times to prevent the emergence of new criminal models, and also to prevent the resurgence of traditional criminal models such as wire fraud. It was a long, long and arduous struggle. But the mainland has confidence in this and has the ability to promote a ceasefire in northern Myanmar and return to peace.

Let's not mention the Saudi-Iranian rapprochement last year. Compared with northern Myanmar, the contradictions between Iran and Saudi Arabia are deeper and more wide-ranging. But China has succeeded in mediation. We can also see the outcome of the so-called Saudi-Israeli reconciliation caused by the United States trying to follow our example.

To put it mildly, if the United States doesn't have diamonds, don't do that porcelain job. We have been able to mediate between Saudi Arabia and Iran not only because China's influence in the Middle East has surpassed that of the United States. More importantly, the relations between the two sides and the mainland are good, and the mainland's performance in the international community has also made these countries willing to trust China. In addition, there is China's strength. We can provide the Middle East with opportunities for security and development and provide a basis for cooperation between the two sides. All of these are indispensable.

Now the same is true in northern Myanmar, first of all, northern Myanmar is on the edge of the mainland, China's influence can easily radiate to northern Myanmar, and mediation is also twice the result with half the effort. Whether it is the Mindiwu or the Burmese army, we can speak and have the ability to endorse each other. In addition, the mainland can also provide a platform for dialogue and coordination between the Burmese military and civilian forces. The last round of ceasefire was the mainland's move, and this round, we are also familiar with the road.

With the resumption of war in northern Myanmar, China will not sit idly by, and has the ability to mediate.

Of course, a temporary ceasefire is only a palliative treatment, and the most important thing we need to do is to solve the problem at the source. In northern Myanmar, it is to solve economic and development problems. After all, it is better to make money openly than to engage in some crooked ways. I think the model that the mainland is doing in the Golden Triangle region is very good. The geographical location of northern Myanmar is also good, which is suitable for rice cultivation. Now, it's really the right time, the right place. China has intentions, and northern Myanmar has intentions. With such a big market here, northern Myanmar is still afraid that rice will not be sold?

Now that China has given it a chance, it depends on which of the Burmese army or the civilian armed forces can react first and send a certificate of surrender to China.

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